*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

what do you call that hairline

virgin hairline


chad widowpeak

what's the point of him flicking his arms out like that? wouldn't he dislocate something by doing that?

Loosening up

is this a serious question?

take it easy man

You dont lock n load your fists before a fight? What kind of soyboy are you?

Cavill blows every subhuman """male""" in Hollywood, including all the Chrises, and even our beloved Goose, out of the water.

i want him to beat the everloving shit out of me

Toupet or not toupet

a cute

Yeah he's literally perfect

>when you realize Sup Forums in 2018 is composed horny preteen girls and gay men

First film I've been excited about without any cynicism in about 3 years. I really hope it's good.

its like 99.9% gay men

mm they should post lewd pics of themselves!

So many cuts
Literally marvel


I always see those but where's the proof?

Sup Forums has always had homoerotic threads or threads which descend into that. You'd know this if you weren't a disgusting newfag.

t.never been in a fight

The Pelado

>not gone well

what does that even mean? also jeremy renner isnt in this movie so screw this movie

Jeremy Renner is just a shit and uglier version of Daniel Craig.

There's none, usually. Some have explicitly turned out to be true (like reading it in the news a week later) but a lot of it is so minor to the point that it can never be verified.

Jeremy Renner is a black hole of charisma.

I will say, Henry Cavill can throw a sexy looking punch. He needs his own action flick.

he was being built up as the successor to hunt and to just not have him in this movie is pathetic. and he was great in the past 2 MI movies.

The fight choreographer did a great job making Supes look like a real power house, hell he looks stronger than he ever did as Superman, because of the realistic but excessive reaction to his hits the Asian dude does.

>He needs his own action flick.

You could say that he needs his own franchise.

He's too good looking for James. James is supposed to be a charming as fuck 8/10 not a full on 10.

I want him to block my path alright

How the fuck are going to explain tom "the manlet" cruise beating the shit outta cavill? I mean, not only cruise is old as fuck he's a fucking midget. Those manlet fantasies are getting out of hand.

Looks like this Chinese gentleman is giving them a hard time.

They usually have Ethan outsmart the villain at least to gain an upper hand or tactical advantage, if not outright beating them because of an unexpected move.

He could've been omni-man if he wasn't in that train wreck of a movie.

Kek (*¯艸¯)

>used to play WoW

Superman is based

Am I the only one who thinks that Cavill looks badass?


No. He looks like a very credible threat.

yes mate out of every human in the world who has the chance to see this trailer, you're literally the only person who has an original thought. don't take it for granted

I kinda have his hairline, what type.od haircut is this?

Is it assumed that Cavill will end up joining the team? Possibly having him do what Renner was planned to do

Looks like a slicked back side fringe