Record scratch

>record scratch
>freeze frame

"Hey folks, Robert here. We apologize for the interruption, but it has come to our attention that one or more kino-goers have violated our no singles policy. Unfortunately, our Kinoplex, like many others, strictly prohibits the viewing of kino by unaccompanied beta males. In order to resume the film, please check to your left and right to verify that your row has an even number of viewers, thank you!"

B-but Robert, I'm taking up two seats!!

I'm here with my wife and our bull actually

Robert wouldn't say that, Robert is based
We love you, Robert

Robert would never do this! This is fake news.

>tfw the theater wrangler escorts you out the fire exit
every time

how do they know?

Cuck night is thursday

That's not a theatre wrangler, that's your Key Worker (tard wrangler) and they've had enough of your screaming

Hey Robert, I am a fellow brown man who identifies as a rich White male. Kinos for this feel?


Robert is dead. Long live Robert.

What happens if I'm just going as the third wheel? Technically I'm not a singles Robert you faggot

Shin Robert activate

>no singles policy
What the fuck is this?

H-He's fast!


>heh don't worry, i'm just letting this black guy fuck my gf


I've got my partner right here- oh, oh my god, that's a feral manlet! How'd he get in here? Someone get me the prodding stick

"Sir, it's been over 5 minutes since the single scum was located in TheatrePlex 227, but the viewers have yet to find him"

"Fine, this is good, looks like we've got a chance to use the new prototype."

>from the shadows casted by the popcorn pillars slowly emerges the kinoplex's new creation, RobertBot 2000

"Sir, this might not be a good idea, we haven't even tested it yet!"

"...You're right."

>as the automaton's eye's begin to glow, the low ranking officer feels warm.
>his eye's rapidly dash between his superior and the machine as the reality of this cruel world dawns upon him

>by the time the Theatre Pygmies arrive to dispose of the charred flesh, Robert has already begun his descent to TheatrePlex 227

Wait Robert you forgot my large popcorn

I'm sorry I forgot to bring you the popcorn while you were at the kinoplex user so I got you this!


Psst, hey betas. There's a new app to match you up with others who want to see some kino but can't past the no-singles policy. First there was Tinder, then there was Grinder, well now for all your kino needs there is Kinder.

>Robert? I haven't heard that name in a long time...


I love Cracker Jack, thanks Robert

a Meme/Myth

>not Sneeder

Quads never lie, now I can go watch Strong Black Man in theaters without a care!

Before I die I want to know that Robert found out he was a meme and that the most racist website on the internet loved him

Robert confirmed for 1984.

>Hey user, I hope you brought the crab legs