Takes a hot redhead and turns her into a black, teen, problematic-glasses wearing...

>Takes a hot redhead and turns her into a black, teen, problematic-glasses wearing, flat chested prodigy who has been certified for having the highest IQ in all of New York

Best of all, now that she is black, turning her back into white will be impossible without being called a black-hating racist!

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april did need to be changed though. Journalism is totally irrelevant today.

Magical baseball bat wielders are totally relevant by contrast.

Did April always walk around with her tits hanging out like that?

I agree with you, but the awful art style is worse than any other problem the show will have. Christ.

Comic April was initially a black science student/intern working for Baxter Stockman.

Yeah I don't remember that from the original show.

Also, oooga boooga oooga boooga

It's shooped. She has big titties but she keeps them covered up.

>take a possible mixed black/white or possible Puerto Rican into a white girl with red hair

fucking racists

No she wasn't, Shareblue


Damn I could still jack my dick to that

Just look at naked photos of Tessa Fowler and fantasize she is April

You see that its an edit by the line thickness difference comparison between her cleavage, clavicle and arm/hand.

Also, who gives a fuck about new NMNT. The original cartoon adaptation still exists and will always be better. People who care about cartoons will be able see the difference too. This new adaptation will be forgotten after he first viewing by most people.

Elisa > April anyways so who cares

the last couple of iterations flopped. I guess don't care about ninja turtles anymore.
hell I don't even think kids watch cartoons anymore, they're too busy taking pictures of their butts for instagram pedos.

Those are still some big bazongers.

No she wasn't. Her heritage was never decided between the creators but she is clearly either white or at the most, mixed. She was never full blown black. Also,
And before you post the pic where she shows off her perm, plenty of white women in the 80s had that hairstyle. Stop excusing this fucking blackwashing trash. The new design has horned glasses for fuck's sake. If you think this was anything other than modern day pandering yoy're crazy. The designers probably haven't even seen any tmnt outside of the 2012 show and the Bay films.

Case and point. The whole concept of the show was a real 80s thing too anyway. It will be generic af in a post millennial setting.

that's just some dumbass that thinks it's all about the hair

Gargoyles>TMNT entirely, tbqh famalam.

Good job, you clearly did not even read it


literally none of the highest IQ individuals are or will ever be women. they max out at like 170 and even at that point there's like 30 men to every woman


What's you're point? I don't see him with O'neil on his jersey. That clearly says O'neal.

My niggers.
I wonder if Gargoyles aged well.
I'd imagine based Frakes keeps shit interesting.

Oh man, I fuckinglove it when lies like this gets BTFO

there faggot

>that tiny package
I thought niggers were supposed to be big guys.

But where's his jersey? Why can't he have one?

Then make her a lab assistant like in the comics.

Never heard of this reboot until I saw this post so I read up on it, why the fuck are they switching Leo and Ralphs characters? Whats the point?

I think the new show should be set back in the 80's like the original cartoon and comics, but it does not need to be a carbon copy of either

For you.


Holy shit, that dumbass blogster sure is going out of his way to convince himself he hasn't been fapping to a black woman for 30 years.

O'Niel was black in one of the older TMNT issues they did which became a, and remained as a comic series. However this thing looks fucking disgusting, and very WUZ.

Looks bad. I feel fucking awful for kids today Toons suck ass.

Are you just trying to guess what it says without reading it?

She was black in a non-canon comic made by a guest writer.

The person with the highest ever recorded IQ is a woman.

Exactly I knew it wasn't apart of the mainline series, but I knew it was made. Still this show looks like trash.

So are we angry that she's black, or that she's being desexualized?
If it's the latter than perhaps we all ought to commit to only pulling our peepees to 3D.
At least for a week or two.

>raph has tonfas
>mikie has a kasuri-gama
What the fuck?!

Stop saying 'we', you fag.

>that entire image


What is she a buzzfeed writer now?

A really ugly woman too

jesus dude what have they done to donatello..


are you 10 years old m8

we appreciate the response

So is she going to ride him like that throughout the entire show?
Does only he have an April pad, or do they all have little April scooter back shells they can switch to, and they take turns to freeload her lazy ass through the city?

You bet your god damn ass they are.

Here's your tl;dr
>Created as an Asian character in his mind first, named after his mixed girlfriend that might as well have been Latina with how light she was, made to be white.


looks like shit lad

>I gotta keep pretending she is black otherwise Soros won't send me my check!

Flawed test, but she still holds the record desu.

Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles

I might be misremembering but I'm pretty sure his baseball bat isn't actually magic.
It's just some really tough material, and he works off of Hulk logic, where if he gets pissed enough he can swing so hard he flattens sky scrappers.
Mumen Rider is still best boy though.
>ywn read a chapter where Mumen Rider gives a bicycle ride to Metal Bat's little sister away from danger and Metal Bat needs to figure out how to pull the bat out of his ass over not being there in time, and thank this righteous dude for helping his sister.
I just want heroes other than Genos and Saitama to respect best boy god damn it.

I literally said, "oh no!" before reading what you typed. The image just reeks of numale tumblrite bullshit. Gas the kikes. God damn this is horrible.

>Sidis is measured between 50-100 points higher than Einstein.
>Einstein was 183
>Savant was 186-228 depending on the test.
>Even at the lowest measurement Sidis is higher.
>Guinness retired the "Highest IQ" category in 1990 after concluding IQ tests were too unreliable to designate a single record holder.
Wow way to be wrong, bucko.

They turned Michelangelo from a bro into a little hiplster faggot from seatle. FUCK THESE PEOPLE

Why are the glases problematic? Wheres the problem?

>April canonically black
>Possessor of the world's highest IQ a woman
Could Sup Forums be anymore ass-ravaged?

Is Leo a girl?


Why does she have triggered glasses. The stupid cunt.

>glowing weapons
For what purpose?

>mfw he is going to be a 'dudebro' like Mikey

ywn fertilize a clutch of reverse trap Leo's eggs.

>not elementally enchanting your weapons

Literally fire yoyo blade thing
Lightning fire sword
uhhh heart tonfas?
Earth fire baseball bat
hidden fifth element staff that will only reveal itself at the proper time

t. tumblr whale

I only care about the turtles. And the fact they role reversed Raph and Leo annoyed me more than some secondary character.

>certified for having the highest IQ in all of New York

why add this

why can't she stay a normal person

>no live action Gargoyles movie

Seriously Disney. Get on it. Shit would be cash.


Literally hunchback of notre dame


Every thread someone says this, and every thread they get btfo.

End this fucking planet before we infect the rest of the universe with our ceaseless faggotry...

April O'Neill was partly responsible for my sexual awakening.

Boys today are getting fucking ripped off.

>If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it

He accidentally tweeted his tiny peepee and claimed his account was hacked.

I have a weird feeling that the show will actually be good despite the art designs. But probably not.

>those glasses

We could have gotten something really special m8

Reminder that Leo sticks his fucking sword through Shredders in the first issue.

Now I wish I did not know about that, I am depressed

forgot pic

but his shadow never goes away afterward. they have all that shit with Karai that stretches into her 90's in that christmas special issue.

isn't that raph?

It did, there’s some comics that Weisman did as a ‘season 3’ but they’re only so-so and ends without any true resolution.

No, it's not. Raph doesn't have katanas.

>The new TMNT is ____, but that's okay!


so this is where that donny reaction image i saw the other day came from. i thought he was a robot

IQ power level ranking

>Nerd tier

>high tier

>mid tier
college educated black women

>please take care of me im useless tier
poor black women
white women
americlap women in general

So whats the deal with hollywood replacing redheads with blacks? Its rather obvious at this point. Maybe Hollywood should replace MLK jr with a redhead. See what happens.

>Maybe Hollywood should replace MLK jr with a redhead. See what happens.
I know just the right person for the job.