Will we ever see the return of foreign kino films?
Will we ever see the return of foreign kino films?
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what bloodborne dlc is this
How come every French movie is kino?
>jeremie renier
Is this Jeremy Renner's French stage name?
Based Mark Dacascos kicking ass as a native American in France. Saw it in theaters when it came out. Loved it.
I watch this movie at least a couple times every year, there is no comfier movie
Grant us eyes, grant us eyes
did they make a dubbed version?
is this eldritchian or atleast Lovecraftian?
Kos, or some say Kosm
Ah Kos, or some say Kosm
Do you hear our prayers?
No! We shall not abandon the dream.
No one can catch us..
No one can stop us now!
>prime Belucci
This. Thanks for the teen boners, you beautiful fox
Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly.
Only an honest death will cure you now.
Liberate you, from your wild curiosity.
kill yourself faggot
Three third cords
Master Willem, I've come to bid you farewell.
Oh I know I know. You think now to betray me.
No. But you will never listen. I tell you, I will not forget our adage.
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes have yet to open..
Fear the Old Blood.
I must take my leave..
By the Gods.. fear it Laurence..
So THIS is where Miyazaki got the idea for the main costume styles in Bloodborne. He mixed French cinema with Lovecraft's world and action rpg gameplay. What a madman.
Sup Forums faggotry never fucking changes
Such a fantastic movie.
That's what I thought, but people told me that this was actual fashion in either France or Britain, can't remember.
I lold annnd saved
>Brotherhood of the Wolf
>vidya tier action scenes
>dumb as fuck Shyamalan tier plottwist
>Snyder tier style over substance
Yeah, kino as fuck.
people often argue that either Gehrman or Ludwig have the best OST but they're both WRONG.
What's that smell?
it's shit unironically.
Laurence is my favourite as well. Have you seen translated lyrics?
Seriously, his theme is gorgeous.
Wasn't True lies written by a couple of French dudes?
Laurence is certainly up there but Ludwig's theme will always be 10/10 for me. That chorus is so fucking beautiful and it fills me with so much adrenaline whenever I do that fight.
>that 3:03 to 3:42 bit
chills every fucking time
The actual best theme is Living Failures.
1:50 onwards gives me goosebumps every time.
I love me some Living Failures but Laurence has an organ so it wins.
1. Gehrman
2. Laurence
3. Ludwig
4. Gascoigne
5. Kos
I mean this is a Sup Forums board but is Bloodborne a must play?
If you have a PS4, absolutely. Its a hoot single player, the community is still active so coop is prevalent if you have PS+, and the DLC is spectacular.
Absolutely yes
Ah a hunter is a hunter even in a dream
Dont let veddit fool you. Game has 0 replayability
1 runs fine but the next run on a new character plays exactly the same theres no variety
Veddit defends it to the death because its ps4 exclusive and used for shitposting
You're fucking nuts if you think something like bloodtinge plays anything like arcane. But I'd expect nothing less from a contrarian who shits on BB because of "veddit".
I downloaded this a while back, I'm excited to watch it. It's one of those movies my parents didn't let me watch growing up, probably because it has tits in it or something.
Were the early 2000's the age of comfy French Gothic Kino?
>tfw you were too late to stop your old partner from killing your daughter\his wife and dooming your granddaughters
Henryk had a rough life