This is what fear of persecution looks like.
This is what fear of persecution looks like
(and that's a good thing)
I thought that was just what a standard disney marketing push looked like
Do normies even care about capeshit anymore? Like, are the theaters packed at launch-day?
>the same marvel movie again
>kangz edition
>le 100%..kino...'a gift'..thrilling new heights.
i'm sure it's fine, but this liberal nigger worship has got to fucking stop.
Sadly, yes.
Oh. That's unfortunate for us who don't then.
Honestly, I get that they're fun movies, and I've seen maybe four or five of them over the years with friends, but I'm surprised the public at large hasn't just gotten tired of them after 15 years
How am I supposed to take this seriously?
My god.. this is the best film ever made...
The public at large are domesticated pets that flood to the trough when their masters put food out. Society has no future.
>taking reviewers seriously
They just want to show the Mouse that they're good goym and get some of that sweet currency.
How many oscars will it win
She's right you know.
Truly, our time is over and we must accept that with dignity and grace. Thank you based critics for making me reflect on this matter.
Have you pre ordered your bull for your gfs vday gift yet?
Yes, we all need to make sure Wakanda becomes a reality in the USA, that is going to take a lot of work.
To learn who rules over you, Simply ask who wuz kangz, n sheeit.
Can this movie boost the comic sales to a new higth?
Armond White review when?
>yfw white people ruin Black Panther for black people
only he can save us from capeshit
Did you get bored of spamming star wars threads, swedepajeet?
All of these threads were made in the last half hour. Very interesting stuff.
While virgin white bois will spend their entire days wasting their time lowering the score for black panther on IMDB and RT, posting screencaps from twitter on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, black men will be busy fucking their women.
Because, you know, somebody has to do the white man's job.
>there is no fence
There is obviously a fence, it's pretty visible.
We've been saying shit like this for 3000 years.
>walls themselves off from rest of the world and gives zero fucks about anyone but themselves
Is she retarded? Wakanda is literally Trump: We Wuz Kangz edition.
uh, uh haaa, yeah. yeall ready? uh hu..
3000 years ago there wasn't mass media bombarding you with race mixing propaganda and telling you that nothing you do is based on merit, but by the color of your skin and that if you don't accept invaders into your country you're a racist that deserves to have your life ruined. I envy those who lived in the Dark Ages. That shit was paradise compared to the current political climate in the West.
Because he's the hero cinema deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.
>marvel movie
>getting bad reviews
niggas you really thought it was going to get a bad review?
So if i watch this and i don't like it it means i am a racist, right?
the most baffling thing about this movie is how black people are treating it like its the fucking citizen cane of black movies when in reality its yet another movie about a guy in a goofy costume punching people in the face
some people are so far removed from reality its scary, and seriously, did black people forget that the fucking BLADE MOVIES exist? and blade was actually great
i honestly expected higher and keep in mind this is inflated from all the blacks and sjws wanting to be "woke"
literally standard marvel trash with some we wuz thrown in
actually they've just grown more and more enchanted with capeshit as on average capeshit grosses more then it did 15 years ago.
to even ask that question is racist. How dare you.
ever think maybe its mostly marketing and no one really gives a shit?
You aren't allowed to watch it unless you're a proud xe/xhe of color you bigot.
its not just marketing, every black person in america is chimping out about how revolutionary this movie is because it has several black people in it, its so fucking bizzarre
Jokes on you i don't have a woman!
It's like they forgot Training Day exists.
>a fantasy movie about an ethno-nationalist state is what we need to base our ideals on
>elevates the superhero cinema to thrilling new heights
Guess (((who))) is behind all those 10/10s?
We need to make America more diverse and less racist before we can close the borders and make it like Wakanda though
dude it has black people!
the paradise dreamed about by leftists
>grow up a liberal tree hugger
>now realise the left is fucking crazy
>no medicine or indoor plumbing is better than having to see a black person sometimes
Was there also a conspiracy for Paddington, or do you faggots just ignore stuff that contradicts your victim narrative?
wow, another victory for the white race there sherlock.
Really activates my almonds
How is that guy not productive? Looks like every software engineer I work with
he posted real people with real quotes
you posted a cartoon with a fake quote
whats the point of that jewish IQ image you keep spamming if you get played like this so easily
What if it's actually just good?
Here's a real person with a real quote I'm sure you've heard many times
Oy vey!