
>Isn't it the worst when you know someone's said something crappy about you in a language you don't understand? Also hey! It's that waterwoman from earlier. Guess she's been tailing SS Uaid... Next page on Friday!

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What's with all the Plats?


Holy shit, I don't think I could have imagined such a simple page where nothing happens as being so heartbreaking prior to this

So are we getting more Duane and Quigley interactions Friday?

>Settes new da is totally lame

haha i love you Sup Forums

Dat booty is back!

Jivi is a shit

Dubs for worst boy

Oh, so I guess the blue girl is sticking around.
I mean, I knew she was going to be a major character and all, but I thought she wasn't going to have any more screen time till the next book.

Duane you dumb fuck, why'd you have to say the worst possible thing.

Anyone know what a jewel block is?

I knew he was either gonna make things worse or make things better right off.

dubs of truth

So is fish girl going to be Sette's new friend?


Perhaps, but I imagine it'll make for a rocky start. Water women killed her ma. Or so she thinks.

>duane and quig clucking like old housewives
They aren't supposed to be this cute.

Do we have a translation for what quigs and duane are saying here? It's not super important, as the idea gets across either way, but i would love to know all the same.

from her patreon
>I'm disinclined to translate the Tainish, since Sette doesn't know it and I want you to feel as alienated and put off by it as she does. She just wants to go home :/
so, no

haven't read this since that one serial killer/womanizer ghost man was introduced.

How far has the plot gotten since then?

I wonder if we really are eventually going to see Duane kill Nary like he said he would. He did threaten precisely that if Stockyard was pulling a con on him--which, of course, Stockyard was.

Very Very far

>>It's that waterwoman from earlier

The comic desperately needs more fish tits, I hope she sticks around.

I didn't think so before but now I'm starting to think he will. Sette's opinions of Nary are changing and he's seems deeply involved in a lot of this very bad stuff.
I want someone to read those letters Sette took already, there's gotta be juicy stuff in them.

Nah, Sette said Duane would have to kill her if he wants to do that and regardless of how deep he in the shit she means that.

Wow Duane, that's a douchey thing to say.

Sette is gonna run away with Minnow isn't she.

Man, Jivi just gets more and more unlikable over time.

Because he tries to not be the badass swashbuckling pirate he is deep inside and chooses to be a commie.

Though Matty is getting more adorable with every panel so its a decent tradeoff

i think "douchiness" depends on intent

duane meant no harm. he did DO some harm. jesus

Jivi is justified, most he's seen of her is her wrecking things, being annoying and being a Sharte, and he hasn't got the best impressions of Shartes from Starfish

>talks like a pirate when angry
Has he done that besides now and when he drove Uaid? Also speaking of which I get the feeling he picked up good stuff while pirating but is too ashamed to admit it.

What's with everyone saying Duane is a douch here, what he said is entirely fine, he knows she's a prickly little cunt who doesn't get along. I mean he's not wrong is he? She's not been trying, she's been actively doing the opposite.

>She's not been trying
She's been trying to the best of her ability.

Problem is, she has a very maladjusted view of how to make friends.

>She's not been trying
Bullshit. Shen absolutely tried, and Jivi threw it right back into her face

it's a douchey thing to say regardless. if your kid comes to you and says "I don't like these other kids" you respect that. you might ask them why and try to fix the problem, but he's putting the blame on her without even listening to what she's got to say.

but it's hard to tell exactly what he means by it with the language barrier and all.

...why is minnow following them anyway? i thought she would've been put off by the violence and insults earlier.

Stop posting, Jivi

So I'm looking for a post on Ashley's tumblr, I think, that I can't find. It basically insinuated that there was something more to the Juste thing than we know. Something about the birds watching? and Delicieu's laboratory. Can't find it. Does anybody have a clue what I'm talking about?

Also, more info about the agib in Juste and Ballanstern's shoulderbird. I know it's out there somewhere, but I'm starting to suspect Ashley's trying to hide the breadcrumbs.

Pirate Jivi is fucking hilarious.

>trying to find something
>on tumblr
There is your first problem, that site is a clusterfuck.

Wouldn't doubt Cope might be cutting loose corners as the story starts getting tighter though she seems to be someone who has a good mind of what to reveal and what not to.

Well, it was on her tumblr specifically. And it has a search function. Can't find it in spite of this. It wasn't even that long ago, around the time Bastion got cut.

It's not an inherently douchebag thing to say. When you hear what Sette's saying it comes off as her being impatient, due to how she downplays her feelings regarding the matter.

It's really a typical thing to happen while parenting.

One of the first times he ever even saw her, it was to help him. In fact, she's done more to help Jivi than she's done anything negative to him. Most of his attitude towards her stems from ingrained bigotry that he's completely unwilling to self-examine.