I thought we were getting more degenerate, not less. This movie is basically essential post modernism.
Holy Mountain
Other urls found in this thread:
at least there was effort put into this
>movie made by an atheist jewish spic
What did you expect?
What does degenerate mean?
this movie is, without doubt, the biggest steaming pile of pretentious shit I've ever since
what a waste of fucking time
Why does that furry faggot Adam love it so much?
>atheist jewish
What the fuck does this mean? Soyboy? You don't believe in God but you still pay respect to the Jews? You don't believe in God but you still practice everything the Jews practice?
>atheist jewish spic
pick one you Sup Forumstarded faggot lol
How clueless/new are you? Judaism is an ethnicity as well as a religion.
Judaism is as much culture/family/heritage as religion, man. It's hardly an oxymoron.
Anyway that should be atheist jew polack spic
Not true; it's about the Alchemical path to incarnating the deity in flesh that comes from following the transformative path of the Tarot. Read J's book on the subject.
means does not generate, does not produce, makes nothing, not even worhtvwhile poo poo or pee pee
but he made mobi
haha fucking this
First, he's not an atheist. At the time when he made this movie he was following Sabeans / Johannine beliefs, mingled with a bit of Hollywood Luciferianism.
Basically Jodorowsky's character is supposed to represent John the Baptist, and the The Thief character, played by his son, is supposed to be Jesus.
Sabeans believe that John the Baptist was the "true christ" and that Jesus stole the title from him. John Lennon, who convinced his close friend to produce this movie, also privately subscribed to this belief. Jodorowsky and Lennon both had an intense hatred for Jesus.
If you want to hear Jodorowsky spell this shit out in his own words just read his incredibly stupid comic book called "Madwoman of the Sacred Heart." There's a scene in that book where a character representing Jodorowsky gets sodomized while helping to produce the re-incarnation of John the Baptist.
I used to be into this man's work until I learned his personal beliefs and the symbology found in his work. He's basically an insane, mentally ill hack.
I'm starting to think you fucking faggots have NO IDEA what qualifies as post-modern.
>reddit spacing
For clarity. Deal with it.
>I used to be into this man's work, until I learned his personal beliefs
To be fair, this is true of most great directors. Lynch is one of the worst, running a Scientology sequence /esque cult for profit. But others, like PTA, Malick, and Scorsese, are clearly as depraved as it gets, filling their movies with Luciferian themes and symbols.
Part of what I like about Jordorowsky's work is that it is so blatantly influenced by Satanism, and helps draw attention to the issue pervading film.
At the same time, I thing he's a rapist. So fuck him.
>But others, like PTA, Malick, and Scorsese, are clearly as depraved as it gets, filling their movies with Luciferian themes and symbols.
Post some examples and make this topic more interesting.
>He's a rapist
Yes he is.
For fuck's sake, stop being such a soullet and read this book
TM isn't really scientology bro
During his many, many down years after all of his films flopped Jodorosky cooked up a new scam as a spiritual advisor and tarot reader. Even if I believed in such things I wouldn't turn to him for tarot related advice.
you know paragraphs are meant to have gaps between them
>post modernism
No one who uses that term ever knows what it means.
>make film
>end film by saying stop watching films
It means a socially constructed reality and a deconstruction of traditional meaning. Now go fuck yourself.
No-one should consult a single book on so broad a subject, but as this is Sup Forums it provides insight into the Tarot symbolism of his films
>What the fuck does this mean?
Don't believe in anything, have jewish heritage. As a result, have no qualms with shouting "oy vey it''s the second holocaust" whenever anyone, anywhere does something that goes against your interests.
those who attempt to derail threads like this with such a post usually seem to be in defense of the entity being called post modern
Do you want to read a block of text without spaces?
Why are you describing that movie as such if it doesn't fit your definition then? The symbolism and recurring motifs are more in line with modern surrealism, as in T.S. Eliot and James Joyce modern.
There is such a thing as reddit spacing, but look more closely. This is a legit post with more breaks than usual, but a legit post nontheless. Check yourself for autism because you don't seem to be able to recognize finesse.
You forgot the second maneuver:
>oy vey it’s anudda shoah
You know, I'm actually convinced you're being sincere. Imagine being so pozzed you can't detect post-modern deconstruction because your brain is just that much fried by soy.
He draws on a number of occult themes in his films, and it's all part of a larger con game to make you think his stuff is deep and meaningful.
Well, Malick is the most obvious. His fascination with animal symbols is one way, the opening of Thin Red Line with the alligator (Amit the eater of souls) or the cloud shaped like an owl in the final shot of Tree of Life, or the balloon in Badlands, symbolizing Moloch. And in general, his fascination with the sun and fire, other obvious light bringing symbols. And of course his obsession with childhood and loss of innocence m, which I also find quite suspicious, especially that clown scene in Tree of Life.
Scorsese also put Moloch in his film Casino (during the "pink veal" scene, hmm), as well as depicting bizzare child abuse like a girl being tied to her bed. His films are insanely violent, and also depict pedophilia, like Taxi Driver, or implied in the opening sequence of Mean Streets, and the suicide of Groppi (Grope-i?).
PTA also frequently uses child abuse as a theme, Boogie Nights and Magnolia make it explicit. TWBB it's more implicit, but watch that scene where Daniel is "comforting" HW as a baby, by "bouncing" him, and he only cries harder. Yeah. And it's not even really his kid. And the Master, basically that whole movie is about being unable to mature because of childhood abuse.
I find it interesting PTA claims Magnolia is about his father, when every father in that movie is abusive, neglectful, or a literal pedophile. Oh and all the Freemason shit.
>as well as depicting bizzare child abuse like a girl being tied to her bed
That actually happened in real life. It was in the book upon which the movie is based.
The deconstruction of the Christian symbolism takes place within the narrative, though, and isn't imposed from without, not to mention that it's in keeping with Christian ideas of transcendence. The narrative itself is internally consistent and doesn't actually deconstruct as much as you're saying. You're confusing the manner in which something is presented with what is actually presented. You probably just want to talk about post-modernism because you have some unhealthy mental illness around talking about Jordan Peterson on every board.
>Jordan Peterson
lol you just have to project that kike on everyone you don't agree with
Whats modern is the meaning, not the vehicle through which it's delivered.
But he chooses what to put in and what to leave out, no? And what about that weird shit with the daughter and Sharon Stone and the necklace, doing the one-eyed symbolism? Or the fact that the entire film revolves around a woman who is unstable because of her childhood sexual abuse? Or the really rapey vibe of the scene with DeNiro on top of a crying Stone on the bed?
Actions, mindframes and traditions I disagree with
>TWBB it's more implicit, but watch that scene where Daniel is "comforting" HW as a baby, by "bouncing" him, and he only cries harder. Yeah. And it's not even really his kid.
You've completely lost your marbles. Time to go outside and get some fresh air.
You're confused, young man. Jodorowsky is steeped in tradition of all kinds, and the messages as they come from the film have more in common with the premodernist Nietzsche than anything from the 1960s on
Nobody knows
Dude, there's some weird shit in that movie. Like the scene on the train with the kid grabbing at his dick. The whole movie is about jizzing oil out of the ground, the "baptism" scene is basically BDSM humiliation. His most recent movie ends with a metaphor for eating shit.
Woah---some of us ain't seen Phantom Thread yet. Spoilers, son.
Well then fuck you for not supporting the last truly great American director.
>I shit on the US
Jodo is all right in my book
>he doesn't know what a mutt is
Shut up ya dumb fuckin mutt