If you could erase one movie from your memory and experience it again for the first time...

If you could erase one movie from your memory and experience it again for the first time, what one would you choose and why?

James Cameron's Avatar in 3D

Chinatown or Pulp Fiction

The thing

Beyond the Black Rainbow

lord of the rings trilogy

This, not knowing who's infected would be kino

The Naked Gun. Because I never laughed harder at a movie in my whole life.


and i would have brought my grandma to watch it too




Should I spend time watching this? I've only heard polarizing opinions of it and apparently it vaguely resembles enter the void which I liked.

Jurassic World or maybe the Red Dawn reboot.

JUMANJI so I could experience the RAUNCHY fun that made me PISS myself the first time I saw it.

I did this and forgot what I was supposed to watch


I would chose judgement night. Not a great movie therefore it was only good the first time because you just went along. You don't wanna pick a bad movie because why the fuck having to watch it again, and a great movie is great because it allows you to rewatch and still enjoy it and most of the time you remember the experience or it was in a cinema etc. Lovely memories.

No, you want a good but not great movie that you remember was fun first time watching. For me that is judgement night, some of the new mission impossible movies would qualify and classic descent movies like in the line of fire or original star wars.

Schindlers List. I first ezperuenced it as a fiction movie but know I know it's a documentary biopic.

Which version, the original cut or the extended cut

>judgement night
Not a bad pick, not bad at all.