Who would win?

Who would win?


Me, 'cause my dick would slide down each of their throats.

Orphpto seems to have the nostrils of victory

Damn this is the toughest one yet.

the sharp chin gives her an advantage

I hate to say it, but I really miss these posts. Also, Nathan has the stamina of a cheetah so, I’ll bet on that alone.

Now what?

nagan. He's wide like Kylo.


LooL Has a bigger penis and doesn't have to pee

Nagan must come from the NAGAVERSE

nagan, kike always win


Lool is incontinent, so probably negan

LoooL has longer claws

such kino


Okay a serious one. Who's the more dangerous crime lord?

The ehT GodfofboD has more brainpower, strong hands, and double mouth, nose and eyes, so he would probably win even though rehtather looks more sinister.

rehtather is being controlled by The ehT Godfofbog

rehtrather is The ehT GodfofboD strongman because of his broad shoulders.

The cyclops. He has mind contol power evidenced by puppet strings.

But he's the one being puppeteered

Look at his tiny little skull, he's the brute, not the mastermind.

But which makes a more heartwarming classic?

E3 was an inside job

Loool is a thin, wiry elderly man with a huge cranium wearing two belts. Although well endowed, I doubt that he has what it takes to win this. Nagan looks a lot more powerful, a henchman for the mob, what he misses out on in skipping leg day he sure makes up for in upper body strength with his giant frame

TT because it's not gay

That's not his dong, he's shitting himself.

what if millie was in the reboot?

In a world of love and hate, who has what it takes to become the Pirate King!?

Who would win?

Lord o Drol has a much broader and masculine face than Raw fof War, I have to imagine he would win.

Shed still be ugly


Como ama ses is Mexican. He would definitely lose to Emedide

Raw of War has a crown, suggesting that he's a king.
He'll win through clever tactics and using his wisdom from ruling for years.


Who is bigger guy?

Woah. This one is art....

>flying saucer
>4 bodyguards
>ovipositor penis
isn't it obvious?


Holly fuck...



left is auto homo.
right is a mechanical Cronenbergian nightmare.
...I guess RoboCoaoCoboR wins just on the basis of being scary as fuck.

What could a faggy robot like "."s function possibly be?
Pretty even battle i would think
Based vader is always the same

This meme is so fucking bad.

eons better than literal garbage like "cuck" and "soyboy".

Who would win?

Dead and reborn

I'd rather take jolly fat cyclops over pedo pimp

also checked

Especially the menacingly floating cheese

The cyclops wins, his singular focus means he cannot be deterred

cooc. double the Cosby double the rape

We should try and get some Sup Forumsfag to code up a little github script for us that makes these real fast. I've been creating them with a semi-automated photoshop macro i made, but it doesn't always work.

and double the cooc

>The virgin robot
>The chad automation