Absolutely based

Absolutely based,


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ought to be force-fed lard





There is literally nothing wrong with being vegan though

As long as you're not telling everyone about how vegan you are or whatever then it's a good thing

I guess this is considered high comedy by UK standards.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being vegan though

Based Lloyd

What's wrong with being vegan?


Vegans are the trannies of the food industry. Blithering fucking retards that have mental issues

>found the below average iq american.

That doesn't answer the question

Just because you hate soyboys, and rightfully so, doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with not killing and eating animals

You probably don't even kill the animals you eat though.


>It all started when Twitter user "Ray" @thiccqueer posted a photo of a dish and asked Ramsay: "How does my vegan lasagna look?"
>"Ray" @thiccqueer

There's a fuckload wrong with it if you're in an actual civilised country with a welfare state. Vegans cost %150 more to public health.

That's not even to mention the absolute environmental destruction and total obliteration of biodiversity the vegan end-game is.

Conversely, last I heard cattle farming could actually unfuck global warming.


Not raising and slaughtering billions of animals is bad for the environment? How stupid are you?

You can have that opinion if you want, but fuck PETA. You don't need to support PETA just because you're a vegan.

Nothing really, but dont think you will change industry by doing so if you feel good doing it great, but thats it

why would you deprive yourself of a huge component of a culinary experience. it doesn't make sense

>he has never killed something to eat it after
The absolute state of this generation of men

You'd think they've at least gone fishing

It's objectively unsuitable for developing children.

Fishing is the easiest way to get meat and I instantly lose respect for any man who can't fish.

I also deprive myself of a huge array of human meats and organ dishes and culinary experiences for the same reason. Maybe you don't.

*knorrs your path*

>Vegans cost %150 more to public health.

I agree with this opinion

It's a lost art, the death of the father figure killed it

I have you fucktard

If you're going to eat meat, that's how it should be done. Not by locking up and force feeding millions of chemical-pumped pigs in cramped cages in their own shit until they gas them

It's much easier for you to just shitpost and order another big mac for your fat ass though.

>you can only eat meat if you've killed it yourself
Do you only use electricity you generated yourself as well? What about internet, how'd you generate that? Or posting on Sup Forums, unless you're mootykins I doubt you created this Taiwanese smoke signal board.

>that wall of responses by @PETA which he completely ignored

holy shit u can tell the soyboy who runs their social media was SEETHING especially since he never deleted it and literally DROPPED an amazon/google endorsement just after with zero fucks given an no backlash from the endorsement about it

Do living beings have to die to make electricity and the internet run?

I'm struggling to bring up the article, but it was about a hungarian study into different demographics and how much they cost the health system. the big one was vegans, that very specifically had huge mental health problems.

I did however find this article: qz.com/1131428/if-the-entire-us-went-vegan-itd-be-a-public-health-disaster/

The things is, Vegans just presume they have the ethical high ground, when in fact the environmental effect of thousands of miles of soy beans and canola as opposed to the significantly more diverse grazing grounds of properly managed cattle isn't something they're willing to get their heads around.

Why yes, actually.

Of course.

Vegetarians at least aren't crazy enough to ditch milk and eggs. Explain not taking advantage of those vegan cucks.

i haven't heard the word vegetarian in years...

>I'm struggling to bring up the article

Surprise, surprise

>so here's this blog site


>soy and canola

You know there are a million things besides animals you can eat that aren't soybeans, right?

This board is full of braindead cucks I swear

They're not as loud and obnoxious as the vegan cucks. They also have a much easier time achieving a balanced diet.

All the article says is that a vegan diet would require more planning to get a couple nutrients present in meat and that on population scale Americans are too dumb to do that.
>when in fact the environmental effect of thousands of miles of soy beans and canola as opposed to the significantly more diverse grazing grounds of properly managed cattle isn't something they're willing to get their heads around.
Plants are better than meat for enviroment even your article says it...

>tfw comfily fishing tons of fresh colorful fucks on the north mexican coasts with my dad and bro are one of the most kino memories i have
Sorry i didnt apprecciated then pops
Let me guess you think that your muslim beard and beer gut automatically makes you manly


You know, I do think there is a lot of inhumane and unethical shit that goes on in the meat industry, but PETA are a bunch of faggots.

Your very existence is judgemental. You must see us meat eaters as evil on some level because you obviously don't eat animal products for moral reasons, so why wouldn't you judge the rest of us?

>I choose not to have sex with children because I think it's harmful and immoral, but I have no problem with anyone else besides me being a pedophile!

Completely logically and morally inconsistent. You obviously don't think this way. We hate you because you hate us by default.

Humans are omnivores by nature, we are designed to have both meat and plants. Militant vegans will say otherwise, but they are fucking morons that rely on pseudo-science like anti-vaxers. I totally agree that shady and inhumane shit happens in the meat industry, but being a giant faggot abstaining from meat literally does not do anything to effect the industry, and on top of that, you look like a pushy faggot to people.

The only way shit will change is through education and action (and I don't mean some skinny faggot telling his mom he doesn't eat eggs anymore).

>by @thickqueer
Fuck this world

>theres nothing wrong with being a vegan if you dont talk about it all the time
>being vegan is a good thing
You can't even help yourself can you?



>vegans are the pedos of the food industry
That actually makes perfect sense

I eat meat. I have no delusions that I'm not making the world a worse place. The macro meat industry is a literal living nightmare and unimaginably wasteful. But I can't help it, I don't feel full if I don't have meat.

It's funny how thought out responses never get replies, but shitty memes and shitposts constantly do.

Sup Forums, the place of intellectual retardation.

>mentions thought out responses not getting replies
>doesnt even give them (you)s himself
If you noticed any how about you show us?
Or are you scared that we'll laugh at what you consider 'thought out'?
All I've seen is a load of drivel.

Show me your effortpost sweetie and I'll tell you why no one gave a shit.


go to bed vegan gains

If you can't see where, you're obviously all brainlets. Delete yourselves immediately.


>not having an anthropocentric worldview
Literally no point to the Earth and its resources if not to be used for our benefit

Miss, you're being hysterical.

It's not just a matter of non-human living resources, it's energy, it's fuel, it's feed, it's agriculture. All of it is too much. It should have fallen apart decades ago but it hasn't because we need chicken for $1.40 a pound and not a cent more. We can't afford to be this wasteful forever.

Sucks being intellectually superior to you brainlets.

This honestly.
I would never go vegan just because tastes so fucking good.
Food is one of the greatest pleasures of life, I can't understand anyone's abstinence from one of the world's most pleasurable things.

They should.
We could fuel the internet with niggers, use them as coal.


>guy makes a lame joke about how he eats animals
Whoa what a savage. Jesus, that was the tamest shit ever.

what's the point of going vegan if that combined with wastefulness has practically zero financial impact on the meat industry, is it just for good boy points on social media?
i'd be bummed out if i knew i was getting killed for my meat and i just went into the trash or no one would eat me because it's morally wrong

Vegans think that by eating only plant based foods they are saving the planet when in reality, they are not.

Reminds me of:
>I turn my lights off when I leave the room to save the planet
>china exists


only sub humans eat meat
also animals are not tasty, the additives are

look at these vegan shills lmao

lmao what the fuck meat have you been eating, soyboi

virtue signaling and feel good points

>also animals are not tasty, the additives are

Congratulations, this is the dumbest thing I've read so far this year

not eating meat =/= vegan, and meat _is_ disgusting, from obtaining, production, preparing, the whole process is poison

>t. subhuman

prove me wrong
>oh wait
you can't


This is the kind of shit that comes to haunt you 20 years later, when leftists will make animal murder a capital offense.

>prove me wrong

well you're just shitposting retarded bait but for one thing, pasture-raised organic poultry and beef are fucking incredible. unfortunately you will never experience these because of your unfounded scruples

you seriously have no clue about meat, do you?

I can understand being vegetarian, but vegans are all limp-wristed faggots who turned their diet into a political statement.

they still have to be killed and processed don't they


Try eating meat boiled. Any meat. Not fried, not spiced, not barbecued, just cooked enough to make it edible. You'll be surprised how bland everything is.

>he doesn't add tasty additives to the fish he catches from the ocean
wew what a pleb

i honestly believe it's coming, i mean they already normalized buggery and trannies, pedophilia is next in cca 10 years and in 15 we won't be able to farm and eat meat

Congratulations, you know nothing about both animals and cooking.


cutting the animal up? how else would you eat it

>just cooked enough to make it edible

name one thing that boiling makes better. you can eat meat raw too, fagboy, try that one

>the big one was vegans, that very specifically had huge mental health problems.
>poor mental health is because of diet
Do you even know how causation and correlation work?

I have yet to meet a vegan who isn’t constantly bringing it up at every opportunity.

having a meat preference speaks of lack of clarity of mind as it is one of the things it does
so actually i do


>having a meat preference speaks of lack of clarity of mind as it is one of the things it does


I think it's the /ck/ version of tipping a fedora

no wonder they all look like shit

and live an average of 30-40 years longer than the WESTERN MEAT EATER PROVIDER HUNTER KILLER (wal mart budget meat buyer)


i don't know what that is

it's just how things are. the fact you don't understand does not surprise me