ITT post in universe bullshit that doesn't make sense

ITT post in universe bullshit that doesn't make sense

From the thumbnail I thought that was Nightwing and The Joker.

>Why do people fear us

I wish they wouldn't make my waifu say stupid shit

That actually makes sense though? Most mutants have shitty or no powers and risk getting lynched anytime they draw attention to themselves. I'm sure 99/100 mutants just try to keep a low profile; the 1% who can actually kick ass either join the X-Men or the Brotherhood or whatever.

She has a point in that most muties probably never do shit. And they're already a ridiculously low population.

What is stupid is her comparing them to Celebrities.

And really just asking stupid questions in the first place.
She's ignoring that those outliers of evil mutants are ridiculously public and are the ones who announced Mutants to the world.
Also most mutant hategroups are usually kind enough to explain their logic.

Holy shit, I thought that too

That is one hell of a punch from the punch dimension.

I thought the thread was about a magically indestructible Beamer.

>99% of the time someone messes with time it's always undone and everything is back to normal
>beast goes back in time and messes things up so badly the universe had to recreate the o5 to stop the originals dying and ending all of existence

Muties manage to fuck things up in ways that nobody else can even hope to reach.

Beast did the stupidest thing possible and used a Doom Time Platform to do it. The only form of time-travel that doesn't cause a split timeline thus creating the paradox that almost caused the timeline to shit itself and thus have to re-add the O5 to fix the paradox.

You're talking about how that car broke through brick and steel without so much as a flat tire, right? BMW product placement/10.

Me third

>implying that car doesnt have mutant powers

Someone needs to redraw this as carl yelling to get of his fricken lawn and then layering master shake

Page 1: three guys with guns pointed at the Joker, who has one gun.

Page 2: The Joker, with his one gun, still alive and well. Three dead goons on the floor.


look like 3d modules.


Because Joker wank. There was once a time where the Joker wasn't that skilled at any sort of combat, but was a master at devising schemes which'd nearly ensure his victory. At some point, the writers decided that the Joker needs to be pretty much as skilled as Batman at combat and fighting.

So is this the same Joker that was hidden in the Batcave for Metal? Is this possibly when the Three Jokers story starts making sense? Or will it turn out that Joker at the end of this arc gets put down in the Batcave?

The art for this arc is pretty interesting.

tips for playing a Thief?

He didn't fall in the cave until Death of the Family, and he's been down there since apparently. Whether the other Jokers started existing before or after that is the question. His new nth metal abilities and his hints of having lived this story several times before may be indicators that the other Jokers are offshoots of whatever he has going on in Metal.

I liked it better when he was just a clown themed bank robber and not a mass murdering psycho

Sup, /TG/

Oh lord, did they shove Warpath into another stupid murder squad?

Post Best Fan Teams. I'll start:

>1. Cyclops was right
>2. Emma Frost
>3. Magneto
>4. Fantomex
>5. Doctor Nemesis
>6. Magik
>7. Rogue

Come up with a better team. Pro Tip: You can't.

It's Domino's mutant power. It's statistically unlikely that the car would be able to break through the gate at just the right angle that it wouldn't get a scratch

Oh shit, wrong thread. My bad, carry on.

At this point the X-men needs to be written as a gun rights allegory over a civil rights one

>talks about how unlikely it is that mutants go crazy
>as she rams through a gate
Hehe, that's kinda clever.


You know, if the X-gene manifested itself in the DCU, mutant kind would be embraced with open arms.

Hell, Bruce or Ollie would probably build them a damn school and Clark would constantly pay them visits to talk about being good people and doing the right thing and shit.

Someone post that page about Hulk Maths.


Matt's a good lawyer.

>At this point the X-men needs to be written as a gun rights allegory over a civil rights one

I mean that's kind of what it's become

>Wah I want super powers
>You can't have super powers

What the fuck is this?

hello, summerchild.


I just don't read comics

It's a parody webcomic. The author is covering Civil War II right now, but they've done parodies about KSD's Captain Marvel run, Spider-Woman, and most notably Time Runs Out and Secret Wars.

Logan you fucking pedo

>preptime not working/being used on joker

didn't magneto kill like a million people , and sink a nuclear sub, not to mention Apocalypses want to kill all those he deems unworthy. whenever there is a new mutant prof x or magneto try to recruit them in to a army

That wasn't Magneto, that was Xorn

i am talking about magneto in the ultimate universe

he's the god of chaos or disorder or randumb or something

the page posted is from war of jokes and riddles which is allegedly from batman's earlier years

And forth.

The time Domino gave Logan roadhead.

Then you may be on the wrong board tumblrite.

>mutants are statistically less likely to commit a crime
Get out of here with that bullshit

That is honestly the most logical way to view it. I know this gets back into the whole "mutant/powered registry" debacle, but the entire "persecuted minority" allegory falls flat on its face when you have the potential for mutants to get powers like "destroys all organic matter within a certain radius of themselves, and they can't turn it off".

So if a group of people were MORE likely to cause crimes, then it's ok to be prejudiced?
Is that what Domino is implying?

That really activates my almonds

That type of shit made sense back in the early 90s when AIDS was a new thing and everything was afraid of it.
Maybe gays really could kill everyone around them with their new crazy disease.

But yeah, you're right about that now

Still keeping to my headcanon that Xorn is just the result of a late secondary mutation of Magneto that surfaced into its own consciousness after the events of New X-Men since that's literally the only way you can justify any of this shit

It helps that DC's naturally occurring metahuman population never really got a Magneto or Xavier to polarize and politicize them.

He's a crimelord who's built and rebuilt criminal empires from scratch. Part of the master criminal package is the ability able to defend yourself. I dunno, it doesn't bother me.

Joker being good at hand to hand though will.

But he hosts this parody comic on tumblr.

Why does Joker being able to throw punches is such a bad thing, but Doomwankery and Pantherwankery can run wild?

I believe it.

>Hell, mutants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than non-mutants
They are also illogically less likely to get any jail time than non-mutants no matter how severe their crime is.
Seriously, for all the talk about how mutants are an oppressed minority, mutant criminals (and I'm including most of the X-Men here) hardly ever get arrested or go to prison no matter how many people they kill, property they destroy or whatever.
Not to mention, only mutants ever go after mutant criminals. You'd think that SHIELD and the US government would put some effort into hunting down Sabretooth, Toad, the Blob or Mystique.

How many mutants are there supposed to be atm?

>mutants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than non-mutants
Aren't there still only about 300 mutants left? And at least a fourth of them have been on bad guy teams?

>I looked it up!
Bullshit. Pretty much all mutants live in hiding.
You can't really gather statistics on a population when you can't even estimate the population's numbers.

But you literally can with things like Cerebra.

>mutants less likely to commit crimes
>50% are criminals in a roughly 1-1 correspondence to heroes

I assume they just stood there not shooting so he could shoot them?

True, I suppose I'm assuming "Looked it up" is implying that it's public information. In either case it's still nonsense. It's still a small population and there's damn sure a lot of mutant villains, which makes that statistic completely impossible.

Oh, yeah I agree with the statistic being bullshit. was me.

But to be fair
>Mutants are dangerous and could end the world!
>So let's continuously poke the really powerful mutants who want equality and would like to work with us with sticks!