/rlg/-Reylo™ General

Good morning Europe Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th?)
>TLJ Novelization (March)
>More Reylo merchandising
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation: ~ 673

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. : imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian ultimately confirms Reylo to a fan: instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Daisy resources:
Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread:

First for cute nip art!

what does that have to do with Sup Forums?

Good night from murica /rlg/ stay comfy

First for the last thread was pure aussie kino

Are you a woman?

Look, I love Reylo and I truly hope they end up fucking like rabbits but you guys gotta go back to tumblr. It's been 2 months already.


No, its my first ship (I guess also my last)

Yuck what kind of disgusting, warped, psychopath would think that is a good idea? How utterly debauched and corrupt. You need serious, prolonged therapy for your sick, damaged psyche.

>No, its my first ship
you've started down a dark path bitch

Space orgy for everyone

what does that have to do with anything user?

>Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?

What an impotent appeal. Why waste your time suggesting that people know one thing or another. "Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?" I can't imagine a bigger waste of time on the internet. What goes through your head to even waste time and energy trying to make people do or think things on the internet? Don't you realize the singular uselessness of these kinds of posts? You had an option to scroll right by this board but you chose to participate, not constructively, but by trying to deflect discussion. Why would you do this?

...or as Tom Cruise might ask: Why are you being a jerk?

How utterly debauched and corrupt. You need serious, prolonged therapy for your sick, damaged psyche.

t. Sup Forums user who uses a Pepe with a gun

Please make it your last.

why do you pack of tourists keep this general going?

You disgust me.

What if Rey is just a normal Force Sensitive, but Ben is such a savant he essentially subconsciously Force Bonded with her (like the Exile from KOTOR II and all your teammates) and she's draining tremendous amounts of power from him?

Maybe he's so desperate for a way out from the dark path he's taken that he unwillingly made the attachment (or the Force compelled him to as a defense mechanism) to equalize and save himself?

You can filter these threads easly now back to your contaminant threads

you fags could have stayed where you were to begin with.

based masochisticfag who masturbate to reylo threads

it's all retarded shit user. rey is a feminist fantasy who gets to level up because of girl power! she's already better than everyone at everything when we meet her and beats a trained force user the first time she picks up a lightsaber.

>contaminant threads

>she's draining tremendous amounts of power from him?

Thats canon now, I belive Rian as Kotor fan took something from there.

>Maybe he's so desperate for a way out from the dark path he's taken that he unwillingly made the attachment (or the Force compelled him to as a defense mechanism) to equalize and save himself?

All things in SW according to the force, yeah you could be right with that

it was just a pathetic excuse for why rey has everything without having to work for it. none of it fits with the other movies at all

She has skills (as scavenger) before she discovered the force. Some of you guys are too much into this marry sue thing she can be the biggest marry sue of the universe, the alpha man is still Kylo and he is the guy who will bring the story to an end.

>comes to /rlg/ everyday
>cries about the same tired shit for several threads obsessively wasting hours and hours of his life away on something while claiming he hates it
>poorly masquerades as a Sup Forums veteran while using the same dead insults than only redditors use unironically now

Will "muh 90s born queer" user ever move on from being eternally assblasted over his spoilt Luke husbandu?

>Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?

What an impotent appeal. Why waste your time suggesting that people know one thing or another. "Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?" I can't imagine a bigger waste of time on the internet. What goes through your head to even waste time and energy trying to make people do or think these things on the internet? Don't you realize the singular uselessness of these kinds of posts? You had an option to scroll right by this board but you chose to participate, not constructively, but by trying to deflect discussion. Why would you do this?

...or as Tom Cruise might ask: Why are you being a jerk?

she's also a pilot, a top level fighter, a mechanic, she can speak fluent droid, no one could do that in the other movies. how can she speak wookie?

Yeah and ? She must be a very talented girl but at the end she ships herself to Ben.

>his crazy uncle force Ghost will torment him

Come back to the light side Bennie, we have Rey's sand pusey

>Yeah and ?
she doesn't fit in to star wars or work as a character

>in the novel Rey got wet when meeting Poe while Finn was in the emergency room
>in the tlj Rey got wet when meeting Poe right after closing the door on wounded Kylo

Is it poetry?

nah just disney fucking up their continuity

Why did this child get angry at us? Who hurt his grandpa's childhood?

Waifu threads not allowed
This garbage tumblr shit is

It could happen because cheap holes' instinct usually tells them poe-rey's meeting is poetry, while normal people don't bang the person they just said hi to.

5 or 6 of the regular 25-30 reylos are confirmed khv's

Perhaps at the begining but with TLJ now she fits perfect, reylo is the most important thing of the franchise and it would not really work without a strong Rey. Strong women saves a fallen hero/boy is a nice story to tell.


>awkward mouth sounds

Which one of them was my wife again ?

>the most important thing of the franchise
to reylofags.
>it would not really work without a strong Rey.
kek you mean nuwars wouldn't work if they didn't just give rey everything she needs to make it work? and even then the story and characters are still riddled with holes?

>the most important thing of the franchise
to reylofags.

Tell me one thing that's better than reylo in nu wars sir

the franchise has 8 episodes at this point but only reylo matters right?

Are you seriously still here? Aren't you bored yet?

lmao the fanfic of a 20yo hole


I could ask you lot the same thing

I actually don't think they're close, but friendly.

When I say franchise I mean the ST, the other parts are done, discussed 1000 times, watched 100 times.Now the ST is the most Important stuff and this inculdes reylo.

I don't spend hours in threads I hate. Things you like are easy to talk about. Try it sometime.

boyega and daisy are like retarded children

What did he mean by this?


They really are. I'm not surprised Adam isn't close with them.

>When I say franchise I mean the ST, the other parts are done, discussed 1000 times, watched 100 times.
that's why they're stealing everything they can from them and the old eu.
>Now the ST is the most Important stuff and this includes reylo.
one of those could have been an interesting character but the other has been a complete failure.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say he means they can't hide that they're crippled inside.

you bring your faggotry and filth here. if you don't want to interact with people that were already here fuck off.


>tranny rey

This still doesn't make it less sad that you waste hours making yourself mad.

>You can wear a mask and paint your face (Ben)
You can call yourself the human race (Resistance/FO)
You can wear a collar and a tie
One thing you can't hide (the love between Ben/Rey)
Is when you're crippled inside (Rey/Kylo)

Rian this sneaky fug

>chad and virgin


You're running in circles



i'm not leaving and you fags want to keep this going for another 2 years, you better get used to it.


it doesn't make it any less truthful

Okay man. Hope this crusade brings you some kind of satisfaction.

I miss drawfag



also checked

B-But Rey its too early

the things they wrote aren't even accurate.

fuck off pedo

>hey rey what's up
>wow, fuck this testy bitch

>it doesn't make it any less truthful

But user how old are you, you acting like a Baby (really) I hope you dont act like that in public.

This is Sup Forums in 2018; a fucking tumblr fangirl general dedicated to shipping two ugly star wars characters

He's never coming back user.


I love how every time she yells at him he doesn't give a single fuck and just continues the conversation.


>First Force connection
>"Oh wow this connection is neat, how are we doing thi-"
Kylo suddenly has a wealth of uncharacteristic patience when it comes to Rey.

The only time he yells at her in the movie is when he's realizing she might reject him in the Throne Room and starts getting desperate. And even then it was just one line.

That's how you treat hysterical children. Don't acknowledge their screeching.

It's actually pretty great and funny considering he flies off the handle himself otherwise. With Rey, he's the rational one 9/10 kek

He obviously wants her to take him seriously.

I'm a baby because you fags can't stand discussion? I mean you want this general up 24/7 but any time someone talks star wars you get upset. if you just want to look at pedo and fury art why not stay on tumblr?

He's understandably frustrated with her because she's still holding onto her parents and he just killed Snoke.

>virgin detected

He wants her to see him as a man and not a monster, and thus desirable. Also I think she just has a calming effect on him. Ironic, since all she does is bite out insults at him half the time.

because half those attributes don't apply to those characters


I predict that he's going to fly off the handle at her just once in IX. It seems like a long time coming since he's taken everything else she's done to him in complete stride. He's a passionate guy.

I can't help but think it's on purpose. He's usually volatile, but with Rey he's patient and calm and rational most of the time. Rey is supposed to be more light but she lashes out at Kylo and is impulsive and irrational with him half the time. She has the least chill when she's with him.

I guess the entirety of the Crait battle was basically him doing the scorned lover act because of her but she never got to actually witness it and it wasn't directed at her.

I think he might. A yelling match of sorts maybe.

Eh, she lashed out at Finn immediately too when she first thought he was bad. I think she's just like that and he gives her plenty of reason for it.