>tfw no THICC escort gf
Nathan for You
wew lad
never noticed the widows peak. also she's a whore :( cute though
pufy pusy!
>a completely average, overweight woman can charge upwards of $100 for an hour of her company and nothing else
god shes perfection
And yet women still complain they've got it harder of the two sexes.
Literally just open your legs, lmao, just get a beta sugar daddy or fuck johns hahahaha
>t. guy who's never had sex
eternally jealous of Nathan's life
How did you know
>tfw you kill someone and you're sorry but that doesn't bring 'em back to life
what's the show about?
Who is this and from what show?
Thank me later guys. BEEN NICE KNOWING YA.
Hello average roastie whos making a living off guys like the guy you quoted,
>there are people on this board that HAVEN’T seen N4U
She looks plain jane AF. Is this show worth a few episodes?
What emotion does this expression convey?
YES, watch the Gas Station episode
>can only score with fat chicks with lumpy tits
Can someone with a TER account post some of her reviews? I wanna know what she's like in bed.
Mmmmmhhh nice and thick
More please for the love of god
Has she done porn?
>thinks thicc with nice tits is "lumpy"
Found the virgin who's never touched a titty.
sweet milkers
That's not very neighborly of you, Fred
dude, just stop. some of us aren't perma-virgins
my god I want to be locked in a room with her for 72 hours and just go berserk
Post your gf, step up nigga
>fat weeb skank
>those nips
>that splotchy skin
*breathes in*
your girlfriend is pretty great but she should know that senpai is a shit meme
>i-if I add snapchat filters and cute blush she's 10/10!
oh no...
>fat chink with man eyebrows
post your gfs
hey buddy, heh. She's pretty hot, much hotter than you deserve, heh. Wanna throw me her digits so I can show her a real man? It's nothing personal, you understand.
so you mean highest quality then?
>being a fat white neckbeard who likes retarded looking slant eyed ching chongs
she's disgusting, the other guy's is much
much better than repulsive american girls
my perfect waifu
>if i lower my standards then maybe i can somebody who likes me
white girls go ugly in their 30s and chinks hold their looks much longer
>how2google images
You virgin faggot. Try again.
Kys for being such retarded faggots that literally cannot reverse image search even if it's the default in chrome.
yeah i know a meme told me.
what looks? chinks are always ugly.
>t. kissless virgin
I would say the same about whites so we'll have to agree to disagree
what show is this? sauce
>being this mad
sorry your girlfriend got spread across the internet
I don't really care about Asians but if they say and do shit like this in an ironic sense then that's a fucking deal for me.
get a grip faggot, we were commenting on whether the girl was attractive not whether she was real
learn to 2d
ironic weebs are fucking cancer
>my girlfriend has to be a wicked sick memer like me
>if my girlfriend doesn't watch filthy frank, well, pack your bags kiddo
A little about these thots. The asian weeb girls are obscenely SJW oriented. As in if you have social media, it will be barraged with all sorts of YAS QUEEN, buzzfeed and social justice shit.
Nigga I know things.
lots of weebs are sjws for some reason. like zoe quinn.
>complain about sexism and shit
>watch anime
>if you have social media
I would hope that no one here does.
faggots comparing fake girlfriends do.
>filthy frank
Papa Franku as a gimmick got dropped a long time ago. It was only good until 2014 or so, where it was clear he wanted to do avant garde and he hated his cancerous fanbase. When Prometheus, Dade, and Red Guy stopped showing up, the fun was over in my book.
>mfw he asked his fans to make videos where they were talking about how much they liked cock in japanese while doing some shitty ritual
>mfw that shitty multiple universe storyline that ended up going nowhere
>mfw george was clearly just not in it circa 2014
>mfw george isn't actually that good musically and should stick to video production
>>mfw george isn't actually that good musically and should stick to video production
yeah, all his songs are the same
He'll either kill himself or go back to making videos in a couple years when no one cares about him anymore
It'll probably be the former
>It'll probably be the former
we can only hope
It's all soundcloud depressioncore. Is that a genre? The fuccboi soundcloud genre? Shit's only hot because a lot of gen z kids are getting out of high school this year and don't want to dehumanize themselves and face to bloodshed. Or millenials realizing their dreams went to shit and their friends don't like them. It's fine every once and a while to go to that place mentally, but staying there is a bad sign.
And while we're on the subject, the cassette tape meme needs to stop. Only kids that never knew the fucking hell that is trying to rewind a cassette tape with a pencil glamorize it.
>oh shit user, can you rewind the tape back for me
>just shove a pencil in there
>oh fuck never mind, the tape just explodes for no reason