What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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white people


He's a nigger

He got BTFO by Luna.

He's a smart 11 year old with no filter.

In 2004-6 a bunch of white teens took him for some kind of wisdom figure lol.

No father

He was a bluepill that thought he was a redpill


What did you-wait a minute, I'm white! hehehe

Sad thing about this is it's how black men really perceive the world. The reality is that white guy goes home and cries because a black guy called him a mean name.

Afrocentrism is one helluva drug

Same as all of ours. Soldiers with no war

Uncle Ruckus was right all along

He's a street soldier, know what I sayin, booooiii?

still nigger

still nigger

Red pilled black man

He blamed the white man for everything, so no

He acted like your typical nihilist atheist.

He was a weeb trapped in a nigga's body

He had no future

Ruckus did nothing wrong

But he believed in black Jesus

Isn't Ed Wuncler supposed to be a jew? His VA sure is

Who was in the wrong here?

she could just move out the way

he had the creator's hand up his backside in every episode except for the outlandish kung fu episodes

jesus was black

Says the coon with an ego so fragile he'll attack someone for saying a single word

Julius Caesars wuz black, mang

Huey was based though.

>>tfw we will never have an episode where he's exasperated with all the hype for Black Panther

Too much kike media consumption

Da blak manz n sheeit

Rape in US prisons is a common thing.