They dont make movies like back to the future anymore there’s no heart in them it’s all so bland.
They dont make movies like back to the future anymore there’s no heart in them it’s all so bland
We don't need stupid puny little trilogies anymore now that we have the never-ending MCU.
Hollywood ran out of ideas
Who needs heart when you can have
>cinematic universes
The market is too saturated. Films with heart were great when everyone watched them. It was almost like society was a big collective family. Now everyone is into their own little niche bubbles and the mainstream stuff is just dull mass produced crap.
Only the 2nd movie was good.
>can time travel
>just go to the 50's and wild west
Daily reminder that Murata, the creator of One Punch Man, is doing a Back To The Future manga series.
>there’s no heart in them it’s all so bland.
90's born faggot would find a way to be offended by something that had heart
It's because movies used to be hard to make.
Aside from the neat “alternate timeline/dark future” ideas they kick around a bit, the movie barely stands on its own. The entire second half is a side-story to part 1.
What? Movie is full of pop culture trash and product placement. Cinema has been dead since the 70s.
does it show lorraine's anime titties?
>Boys in the Trees
>Lead Me Astray
Both fairly recent Australain indie movies with an incredible amount of heart in them.
The future is in good hands, we just need to wait out the cgi blockbuster phase.
>mfw australian but never seen in australian movie
you're not Australian boat cunt
You need more patriotism friend,
Go watch Chopper and The Road Warrior if you know what's good for you
I said I'm australian not australoid
I will, thanks
Dunno. All we know it's going to be a thing.
don't post that shit art faggot
What? He wanted to know. Tough shit, it's already been greenlighted.
that picture is disgusting faggot
And? You need to learn English a bit better, your Poo in the Loo is seeping out.
>don't post that shit art faggot
which part of that did you struggle with?
You guys ever watch Used Cars, also by Zemeckis and Gale? It's fucking kino.
Because they figured out that you only need special effects and high budget polish to get people to flock to the theater and puke their money out. It has to be next level bad to be disliked by the audience, like TASM 2, and even that made a decent amount of money and has an unironic fanbase.
>walks up to polish guy
>hey man, Rudy Polanski, can I help you?
>walks up to black guy
>ay man, Rudy Washington Caver, what it is, brutha?
Don't give them ideas. They might decide to remake Back to the Future too.
*blocks the studio's path*