For me, its Robert De Niro
For me, its Robert De Niro
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I was going to post that he looks like Messi there, but it is Messi.
Why are so many professional athletes mentally challenged? Serious question.
That's De Niro from the other timeline
Messi just seems autistic, but their kid looks legitimately retarded.
Somebody post Clint Eastwoods son and deniros nigger half breed kid
For me?For me, it's Patrick Bateman
remember Robert dinero? this is him today
>new baby is called Ciro
based Messi is patrician, obviously a Gomorrah fan
I would love to see a movie about Ronaldo, he's a complex character
is Messi, dare i say it, a Chad?!?
he's always been a Chad in Virgin clothing
>he hasnt watched this pure TSUkino yet
Well, Italians have black DNA in them so...
la abominación desoladora
>The Virgin Lionel vs The Chad Messi
imagine the insane skills that retardation will give him, he will probably eclipse all players in history but won't be able to string a sentence together
>le footy lad look
how contrived.sad!
Watched but I meant a biopic more than a documentary, a film exploring his narcissism, insecurity, and devotion to football
Just the fact that he tip-toes to stand taller than his teammates even if he's 6'1 is amusing
For me, it’s Justin Timberlake
>he will probably eclipse all players in history but won't be able to string a sentence together
Close, but not James Rodriguez
dude is incredibly broken and has huge inferiority complex, but that makes him so good.
hes nowhere near the natural talent of messi, but his absolute dedication and hard work puts him in the the contest for one of the GOATs...i dont think any other player trains as hard as him
getting the girl because you are a billionaire doesnt count as chadness, you are a position where normally women are, that of the selector, you dont woo or court women anymore, they just line up in hope you pick them.
>you now remember James Rodrguez
>but his absolute dedication and hard work puts him in the the contest for one of the GOATs...i dont think any other player trains as hard as him
I agree that's why I would love to watch a movie about him, but who could play him?
inb4 Idris Elba
himself, his ego is too big
>be model tier superstar athlete Chad
>stutter like the biggest virgin on the planet
just makes me like him desu
dunno, but he would play messi in the inevitable biopic
check 'em
Like Jean-Claude Van Damme playing himself in JCVD? It might work
he clearly seeks out father figures like Alex Ferguson and Jorge Mendes because his own dad was a worthless alcoholic
>Even the chaddest man on the planet is insecure
How does this happen? He’s been slaying models and making fools fall down for ages. Mfer plays for Real Madrid and is arguably their greatest player ever. He’s handsome, talented, makes loads of cash, it doesn’t make any sense
reminder that Cristiano Ronaldo lives in Trump Tower with his gay lover
pic related
Most narcissists are insecure and need constant validation
no father, his childhood was basically non-existent since he dropped school and started playing football at ~15.
and hes also literally the most famous person on earth, everything he does is watched and judged by basically billions of people, sounds like a big pressure even for the biggest Chad desu
based Badr-Ronnie homoromance
If he wasn't insanely driven to improve yourself he'd just become another fairly good footballer who bounces around different teams and is washed up by their late 20s
he also said that he wants to do movies once he retire so it might work.
his english is terrible tho, so dunno
epic simply epic
For me, its Patrick Swayze in Point Break
What an excellent picture of Ronaldo, the heterosexual soccer sensation.
kid got hit hard by fetal alcohol syndrome
if he's lucky he won't turn out a turbomanlet like his autistic tax-evading daddy
I too watched True Romance
Sicilians though
>perfect physique
>perfect aesthetics
>god-tier genetics
>still a wholesome religious man
>all the women in your life (mother, sisters, daughter, waifu, potential gf) get wet just by looking at him
>ultimate alpha male
this is the path of the chad
Are those socks, shoes, ballerina
>stay up late
>lesser nations are shitposting about footlel
>handegg is over
ur not welcome in this thread, mutt
loafer socks, you filthy plebeian
For me, it's Sneedert De Chuckro
>el americANO senoras y senores jajajajjajajajajja
Sry for not being a fag lel
Don’t insult Badr. He’s a great kickboxer and made Reem his bitch in a rematch against him.
>and made Reem his bitch
who didnt?
Anthony Cumia
who do you believe is more into capeshit and manchild space movies, virgin Americans or chad Europeans?
wojak looks so gross here
ameriogres, by far
they are the ones shitting up Sup Forums with their meme politics and capeshit flicks in each thread too
my cousin who is a footballer has the same hairstyle, his apartment looks exactly like that and he also shaves his legs
whats with footballers and their metrosexuality?
continental Europeans see on average about one movie every two years
amerimongrels of course
who even cares about SW besides those idiots
it's young, prime, roided to the gill reem, not ufc grandpa reem
yeah, im sure your third rate division cousin lives in a 20 million euros mansion
He's an uppity Moroccan with severe anger management and violence issues. Fuck him.
>SEETHING beta wh*Te boi
was it autism?
he plays in a champions league team
but yeah his apartment is not worth 20 million euros, i was talking about the aesthetic - the carpet, the wall, the couch, etc.
kek Messi's son is le 56% face
>he plays in a champions league team
sure he does :^)
sad soyboy
Who was in the wrong here?
... ok?
the other dude
>tfw no Antonella gf
>literally kicking someone's foot off of his leg because he looked at your girlfriend the wrong way
alpha af amirite
>not defending your gf's honor
betas will never learn