How does it feel to realize that the best reviewed film in history, that also swept all award shows on every category is was nominated, was the 18th product of a superhero popcorn franchise movie mill
How does it feel to realize that the best reviewed film in history...
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Imagine it winning all of the picture of the year and best film awards at the oscars and shit
Imagine anyone remembering this movie a year from now
so what’s the difference between this shit and blaxploitation?
It was done intentionally. They made all the white leading movies mediocre and saved all the effort and money for the black one.
i hate niggers
This is more cynical
Its ok when the jew does it
Remember to rate the movie 10/10 on imdb. We will make Black Panther literally the highest rated movie of all time. Dont give it 1so the media cant write about the racists flooding the rating. Give it a 10 making it literally the number 1 movie on IMDB, above Godfather, above Citizen Kane. That is the only way to redpill the normies.
capeshit doesn't win major awards.
it would be hilarious if it did though, the salt on here would be unfathomable.
Critics stopped caring about film as an art and starting caring about it as a mouthpiece for progressive politics. No one with a pulse expected the results to be anything different.
>best reviewed film in history
>when we ironically meme it to being the most acclaimed filmkinopicture of all history and every fatfuck on pol kills himself
But it's pol's idea
Makes me realize that reviews and awards are meaningless
Blaxploitation movies are sometimes quite kino
RT literally bans people who criticize the movie even remotely. They're still salty from Star Wars 8's review.
Your argument is invalid.
Star Wars and LotR won Oscars
Fucking redditors I swear
They will unironically believe it's the best film ever like when TDK was numer one on IMDB, but it would be fun.
There are still legions of now aging dorks who genuinely believe The Dark Knight is one of the greatest movies ever made.
This but not /our/ superhero popcorn franchise movie mill
a fact that makes DCucks even more deliciously assblasted
Nah, the kikes are more subtle than that. Even the biggest soyboys would raise an eyebrow if something like that happened.
This kills fascists.
Blaxploitation is honest film making.
capeshit is cynical dishonest flick making
It’s Sup Forumss idea, you blithering fucking moron
I guess it's not impossible.
I love LOTR but ROTK shouldn't have won best picture, up til then it was mostly technical awards for the first two movies, the idea that it won 'for the trilogy' as a whole and not it's individual movie.
I can't see black panther winning for the mcu, when it's at least half forgettable by the numbers action movies.
I cant wait to see how its all spun when the general public points out the movie is mediocre and just another marvel movie , but for some reason gets praised more than Iron Man 1, GOTG and Cap 2
It feels like the movie industry has finally gotten where they want to be: able to make movies with shitty quality, but be praised of it because "muh message".
It basically means they don't have to put any effort in doing anything because even "the message" can be just slapped on.
It's gonna be interesting 10,20,30 years down the line when we will look on movies like these and think "man those days were silly. remember when people thought that silly super hero movie was some sort of important historical moment in cinema".
Don't worry
Remember when Ragnarok was the best marvel movie yet? No one remebers it anymore. Once Infinity War get close to release BP will be a distant memory to most people. That's how the MCU works
>you can't remember X movie
I remember it just fine, not everyone has adhd like you.
That's if the MCU movies are even remembered that far down the line. How many people remember those old 50's Tarzan movies for an example. Do modern kids even know the character beyond the Disney movie, if even that?
>kids today don't remember a 70 year tarzan old movie
>by the time I'm dead the new generation might have forgotten about current capeshit
fucking checkmate marvel!
>RT score
>best reviewed in history
Just imagine all the juicy reboots and remakes.
>Avatar: The Avatarening
>Spider-Man: Re-tooled
>Matrix: This time it's Good
>Toy Story: The Adult Years