Films globalists nu-males and women will never understand
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Remember when the nips where pissed because the last samurai was white
Good times
well he was a manlet just like them
m'd nips love this movie
tom cruise is the most famous white person there
That doesnt make sense because its a historical movie and the person he's portraying was white
The Japanese are our brothers in arms and honorary Aryan
only soy white college idiots thought this
per usual
It's still my favorite movie, senpai.
no they are not you subhuman weeb virgin
japanese gooks are subhumans with shit vision that need to be gassed
you can add Steven Seagal to that list too
reminder this never happened.
and the plural of samurai is samurai, the title isn't referring to one man.
Tom Cruise plays a completely fictional character in this movie. The USA wasnt even involved in the modernization of Japan, barring Commodore Perry, it was mostly the British, another thing that is completely changed for the movie. Real historically accurate.
>tell me how he died
>i will tell you how he lived
Why didn't the samurai have guns?
They'd been using them for hundreds of years by that point.
I wish I was as good looking as Tom.
Cruise’s character isn’t the last samurai, the actual samurai was the last samurai.
theres a reason why its called "based" on history not "literally retelling the events like they happened one by one"
Who cares if it tells a good story and helps Americans understand Japan? And this is coming from a guy who thinks it's hilarious and awesome the closest RL equivalent to Tom Cruise's character was a French dude.
Seriously this movie makes me cry every goddamn time.
Cause they were made by the whaito devul
its a movie not a documentary you sperg
Yeah but they had their own gun culture that they developed from western guns.
>The Japanese are our brothers in arms and honorary Aryan
I'm sure they feel suitably honored.
Cruise isnt the last samurai retard, how can you misinterpret a movie this fucking bad
i wish you were too user
the jap equivalents of those nerds are ten times worse mate
Oct 6 is Tom Cruise Day in japan
it was forbiden to import shit in japan for a long time.
>Seriously this movie makes me cry every goddamn time.
>Literally about a dude of certain ethnicity in a country where he is a minority.
>Won't be understood by globalist.
because he ages like everyone else?
also he looks ten times older on that pic than he does right now for some reason
More respect for the sumo tradition, user.
It's wrong to think of the film's conflict in terms of tactical realism. Why didn't the Samurai have guns when those were totally a thing in Japan for the last 300 years? This is a movie about that---about THE JAPAN THAT TOOK EUROPEAN FIRELOCKS AND MADE THEM BETTER, and new railroads, and tactical realism, and all that hardheaded shit, FIGHTING something----something soft and beautiful and so ephemeral it would disappear if you tried to name it. Something real and elemental, and yeah kinda aristocratic and maybe a little gay. All that good stuff, and that gilding, that was aristocracy---it had to die in a cavalry charge against a machine gun.
This movie is a fantasy but it's also real history in the best way.
It's plural.
>fast food tier white male savior fantasy garbage
why is op such a complete pleb
so he looks seven or eight right now? the wonders of scientology!
Must have been to hit the little turd.
The Japanese made their own guns you uneducated pleb.
not enouf tho
I dont think alot of anons on Sup Forums know where the word neet originated from. jap neets are in a class of their own
he killed hundreds...
I felt uncomfortable when he killed that jap then fucked his wife lol
>it's an OP doesn't realise Reddit loves this movie episode
They made lots, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Fair enough, they wouldn't have been up to date, but the samurai should still have had guns.
they did have guns, they were using them since nobunaga
weebshit fantasy. please kill yourself
You are trying to sound poetic but just end up sounding autistic
I just said that samurai had guns, but they didn't use them in the movie.
Are you retarded?
Can you be a globalist non-numale?
Like, a neoconservative?
>Why didn't the samurai have guns?
why the fuck would you phrase it like that
i thought you were asking why historical samurai didn't have guns, next type phrase your posts so i only have to read the first line of your retard post you retard
>talking about a specific movie containing samurai
>why didnt the samurai have guns is somehow confusing
I'm sad. Sad I couldn't be part of that charge in fantasy neverland japan. Sad we developed the automatic gun. Sad for a lot of things that are maybe too complicated to be realistically depicted but are summed up in this movie. We're trapped here on the wrong side of it. Deal by yearning for the past or calling it trash.
the first thing i think of when i hear samurai is the samurai as they existed in fucking history, not the samurai in this gay ass glory clone
t. Reddilgbt
>this gay ass glory clone
which portrays the end of the samurai. they all got cucked by guns and europeans
retard completely misses the point
Any great european films like this?
you're definitely not the guy i was responding to are you
>ITT: Kekistani cucks wanking themselves over a literal burgerwash of history
bet you soyboys get ultra triggered by blacks portraying whites but there's no problem with a burger manlet with a retarded accents pretending to be a jap or burgers pretending to be meds in any greek/roman movie lmao
no I'm just responding to random posts I see on page 0. literally
The real person was an actual white Frenchman and not some amerimutt cult member
another retard completely misses the point of the movie and desperately seeks to make political annotations like the sjw that he is
>it's a moviemaker can't frame shots properly episode
Some Japanese clans adopted guns very early and the boshin war and end of bakufu era were a conflict between tradition(the shogunate) and modernization(emperor), the shogunate was backed by the French and the Emperor by the British but European involvement was not that relevant to the outcome of the conflict.
I agree, why don't people see the message about the superiority of race mixing and forcing open closed nations to foreigners?
Someone please explain this one to me. I'm so autistic this event just blurs in front of my eyes when I try to watch it.
>Sad we developed the automatic gun
Oh fuck off you autist. There was nothing super honorable about Samurai and they loved firearms and the shogunate used as many modern weapons as they could get their hands on as did the Imperial clans. Samurai would've laughed at the idea that they are somehow honorable and fight with nothing but sword (the traditional Samurai weapon is a fucking Bow used from Horseback anyways, possibly one of the more 'cowardly' ways to fight) . The Japan and people that the movie is supposed to be mourning never existed
Jules Brunet, the person that loosely inspired Cruise's character, existed.
No they didn't. The Samurai used guns that were mainly imported by the Europeans to fight their rebellions. They weren't fighting because they wanted to halt technological advancements, they fought because they were becoming irrelevant and stupidly thought locking the country from foreign influence was the way to secure the country rather than embracing the modernization. it just makes the movie kinda stupid to me since it kinda missed the point of why they fought. There was nothing honoraburr about it.
You seem to struggle with the concept of "movies" and "fiction"
I prefer movies without retarded honorabruuu war stories that appeal to burgers. This is one step above capeshit
Okay. Meanwhile Japanese and Americans both like these idealized portraits of Samurai, so, you know, do whatever.
I know these threads are bait... but gah I hate this movie so much!
Cruise... on his knees... begging for an Oscar... as a Samurai! Gah!
God Settlers is a fun game. Shame you need three people to play it.