Is it literally because theres some black people in it that you guys have already decided you dont like it?

is it literally because theres some black people in it that you guys have already decided you dont like it?

Maybe it's because it's just another capeshit flick being heralded as the second coming.

It's Sup Forums, ignore them and laugh that they are unironically triggered by capeshit.

Well, duh!
No-one actually watches movies here.
Come for the kino, stay for the shitpost.

found the bbc lover

nah its the reaction from everyone telling me if i dont like it im racist scum that i dont like it. people are making other people racist by shouting them down and belittling them if they dont fit into the narrative. so fuck it guess im racist if i dont want to see this dumb capeshit movie about black people with cgi that looks like early ps3 games

This is a social movement not capeshit

>everyone telling me if i dont like it im racist scum
literally no ones ever said that ever

What are you talking about, Sup Forums has decided that this is OUR movie.

I havent watched a Disney film since Iron Man 2.

I'm angry The Incredibles 2 is going to be released because i'll have to break my streak when i'm like 1.5 years from a decade free from their kikery.

is it literally because theres some capes in it that you guys have already decided you dont like it?

I didn't decide on anything. I dislike the shills who are trying to hype the movie because there are black guys in it tho tbqh famalam.

this much, user

this meme is terrible you should stop posting it

Should I pay to watch this in 4DX? Mom and gf want to see it. I dont know. I hated TLJ and i dont want to give disney money.

Watch, this movie will have 100% user review when we are done.

We are serious, imagine Chadman Bowman's face when he finds out he is /ourguy/

>blaming a private company for producing a commodity that is in demand
Sup Forums doesn't know how to feel



Why would you do that?

>Black Panther debuts in Civil War
>The Sup Forums reception to him is mostly positive
>Promotional material for the Black Panther movie starts popping up
>Sup Forums turns against it
Why is this? Could it be because no one made any mention of his race in Civil War but everything about Black Panther is all FUCK WHITEY?

How shitty of a person do you have to be to tell the alt-right to STOP embracing this film? Would you rather them just shout about kangz instead?

Obviously not. And convince them to see some romance instead because you think it would bore them or something.

This, dont give them (you)s

Yup. That and i dont like capeshit.

>Everything about BP is all Fuck Whitey
>Villain says he wants to kill white people for oppressing all black people.
>BP almost calls him retarded, tells him to GTFO and then fights to make sure that his retarded ideology doesn't make it past the gate.

To answer your question, OP: Yes. All the backlash against BP is by people who knew nothing about Black Panther who then also know nothing about the movie. They then proceed to shit up Sup Forums more than it already is.

>implying the alt-right matters
It's literally just another fad for alienated youngsters. I feel kind of sorry for unironic alt-righters tbqh.

We support this movies true message


Its just banter. Nobody here actually likes superhero movies unless they're a retard

Sam Raimi's Spiderman 1 & 2 were actually pretty good m8.

yes WE

>is it literally because theres some black people in it that
it's the greatest moment in the history of people-kind?

Movie is racist needs more diversity! Needs more white people in it!