I miss this Colossus

I miss this Colossus.

Hes coming back user

Damn, he's got that PS2 graphics haircut. I mean Flattops are a thing, but his doesn't look like hair at all. It looks like a plastic figurine. It's even got fucking corners on it for fuck sake

Favorite character in the movie, honestly

You're joking right?

I thought he was fucking perfect. Friendly Russian big brother. Thats what Ive always seen Colossus as. When Deadpool came out I was like "Goddamn, why cant the Xmen movies get anything right, but the Deadpool movie gets the few Xmen is has perfect?"

>they combine 3 different actors and a bunch of CGI time in order to make a perfect Colossus

You would think they would do a bit more to make Domino look cool than simply pasting a pale mole in her actress' eye...

>I thought he was fucking perfect.

>ever uttering more than 3 consecutive terse sentences

He was fantastic but the comic book character could not hold his own in dialogue on screen.

It's only been a fucking year and people are already having nostalgia over how they miss him? He didn't go anywhere, he's in the sequel next year.

I miss Gina Carano in skimpy clothing.

I liked the Colossus from Xmen 2. Metal muscle groups made sense for an organic look. Then they just ruined in in 3 with the T-1000 skin.

My only complaint was that considering the shit he's seen, it doesn't really make sense for him to throw up at a guy getting his brains blown out.

Is he gonna be in Deadpool 2? I'm guessing not with Domino and Cable being Deadpool's new supporting cast.


I know nothing about Colossus, but I heard he's a fucking creep in the comics?

>man made of metal looks like a figurine

uh no shit. He gets ridges all over his body even though that doesn't make sense. Over complicating it would have looked bad.

I heard Katie fucks him. Actually I think Katie has fucked the most people in the Marvel universe.

His hair is made out of metal nigga.

Not big enough, and I don't really think Colossus when I see this. This looks like chrome where he should be more made of something like cobalt.

He does have a thing for much younger women.

Hey, Kitty came onto him. And he did wait for her to be legal iirc

No one in Sup Forums really does read comics, huh?

>He does have a thing for much younger women.

Thats every man ever. Its a non issue. Its genetics.

The way he is depicted in comics I got the impression he was really chrome shiny

His primary love interest for decades was girl much smaller and younger than himself. IIRC, he was 18-19 when he first joined the X-men and Kitty was 14 and started crushing on him immediately. The fact that Pete was like 6'5" and she barely 5 foot made the difference even more pronounced.

Now to be clear, Pete was never the one coming on to her, he's too shy and well-mannered for that, but she kept on until he finally returned her affections.

But the age and size difference always make it seem sketchy to those that don't know the context, i.e. everybody who likes to deliberately take things out of context for the sake of having something to bitch about.

>4 year age difference

Wow its fucking nothing.

for teens it is you imbecile

>Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

>He says to the judge staring him down.

>He gets ridges all over his body even though that doesn't make sense
Shit you just made me realize this.

I just want him to fuck Gina Carano

At what age did they fuck?

It's a shame a cg supporting character actually did a better job of portraying an X-man than every movie with that title (and Logan).

He only existed for one movie user.

I'm calling the police

Theres literally nothing wrong with an 18 year old fucking a 14 year old.

>Using law as a basis for morality.

Not until she was well into her twenties.

She had moved on even before he died, but Whedon needed to bring back his boyhood ship.

Says the pedoshit.