Just marathoned the 1st episode of Broad City. Will the desire to hatefuck these degenerates ever subside?
Just marathoned the 1st episode of Broad City. Will the desire to hatefuck these degenerates ever subside?
Ugly fat shills
It's CY+3.
It's "okay" to be gay, user.
I like them because I want to be them.
I don't have any legs.
>want to be them
Why? Jewish privilege?
They can walk and they're not covered in sores like my lumps are.
I'm sorry, friendo.
But you can aspire better than them. I'm just half-joking about fucking them because the Khazar-Milkers meme and self-loathing. They're not special.
Are you female though? a/s/l?
why haven't you got legs bruv?
>marathoned the 1st episode
>being this newfag
Would you?
What say you, Sup Forums?
Yes. Delicious khazer milkers
There are other people who can walk, man. These are the ones you choose?
Good. Delicious dubs too.
I'd do them both but only if they stopped removing their:
arm hair, including shoulders, knuckles, hands
armpit hair
leg hair, including thighs, upper and inner, as well as feet and toes
ass hair
nipple hair
belly hair no matter how far up it goes
mustache and other facial hair
>I'd do them both but only if they stopped removing their:
they havent done that in a long time my man. they're libs
>all that Semitic body hair
>one with ass
>one with tits
And they say perfect shows don't exist
>I'll never cum inside of a thick jew
feels bad.
iliza would be quite presentable if she sorted out that crows nest on her head
just die in your self already
it's a jewfro
stop bumping your shit thread
anyone else notice how shows in the 2010s set in New York always focus on middle-upper class white women/Jews? What happened to every other demographic like Puerto Ricans, Asians, blacks, Italians, etc? It seems like shows about NYC back in the 1990s and 2000s were a lot more diverse but in a realistic way
They have waxed legs, shaved pits (except one scene with very short hair) and waxed arms.
This is what they need to be like.
wrong. and I don't care enough to post screencap to prove otherwise.
>all that body hair
Surely you mean pure.
Wow Pedro hit puberty
Don't tell me I'm the only one who would rather have the more modest superior broad - Abbi?
Id take THICC over general bitch attitude and le retro gaming any day of the week. also who do think is the better writer, trick question its abbi
Ilana or Abbi?
No it won't.
goddamn. I couldn't possibly be expected to wank off every episode, right?
NOW I'm bumping my shit thread
Yeah! Yeah Abbi! Woo!
they look like they fuck black guys
>watching Jewish propaganda
>liking the smelly disgusting Jews in it
You're beyond saving
>just marathoned the first episode
Jesus Sup Forums
I know they're filthy yiddish sirens. save me Sup Forums. I want them to drain my balls, but I know I shouldn't.
same to be quite honest
filthy smelly yeast jew stank
and big milkies on curly haired nagger is my fetish
it's a trap. because jewishness goes through the female line. so if you accidentally get one pregnant...
but their wanton hedonism is appealing in a "ride the tiger" kind of way.
I've noticed that you've never seen Broad City before.
>People crying about Sup Forums are disgusting newfags
Color me surprised.
Exactly how is Abby a degenerate?
>associates with a repulsive thief/slacker/nasty libertine
>smokes laced pot and collapses, hallucinates, and reacts violently in public places
and I'm just on episode 4 at this point, my man
Abby's a pure soul. Who cares that she's slept with 32 men. I don't. She has a good heart.
>Who cares that she's slept with 32 men
top bait
I'm just saying I don't care.
Sure you were...
It's seasons 3 that they go crazy with the YAASSS QUEEN and then had Hillary on that got to be a bit much. This last season was much more toned down with that stuff.
is that real life abbi or broad city, its hard to tell if anyone tells the truth on this board - anymore
Honestly, it's the over the top (((tribe))) liberalism- identity politics that makes it worth watching. Anything tamer than that is boring.
Wow, this is funny. I can't wait for more.
Still funny. I hope they get more seasons
Okay, they have dropped off...a lot. Hopefully next season they can bounce back, they are taking a longer break
There was an episode where she straightened her hair, went from a butterface to straight qt
season 3 and some of 2 literally blows, I watched that with my brother and not even he laughed. the pacing, plot, and jokes were completely different and had too much political statements in it
this is pretty damn accurate, would still leave mudbabies in abbi's arsehole though
>Don't tell me I'm the only one who would rather have the more modest superior broad - Abbi?
I would too, but only in this case I mean they're both cute but Abbi is a lot more attractive IMO.
Anakin to want to fuck a jewess is to be human. You did nothing wrong.
I agree with you and the other user, hairy abbi is the only version Id bone and date for long term.
jew hair is qt hair, curlier the better
you might have to
post pics. got my tissues and my lotion. i'm ready to wank.
>to want to fuck a jewess is to be human. You did nothing wrong.
>you might have to
please, no
>National Immigration Law Center
>White Silence Is Violence
>Punch more Nazis
>ACLU Get A Warrant
Reminder that 2nd Wave and forward feminism is literally a jewish creation.
you know you just feel for bait.....right?
No mate, I didn't fall for anything. The only one's falling for bait are the Americans being destroyed by jewish tricks.
>Jews make America the strongest and richest country in the world
that pic only gets posted to trigger anons and it always works. it got you to post didn't it.
or to you your just "fightin muh gud fight"
Fighting the good fight m8.
>ruin everything as they have in every other civilization that caused them to be expelled across eons
>"make strongest and richest"
I like what I see.
d-did you guys win the argument about wanting to fuck a jewish girl, or is this the wrong thread for that?
>M I L K T R U C K
>that pic only gets posted to trigger anons
It only ever triggers the fans of the shitty show, though.
>tfw no fishy gf to ride me
i wanna suck ilana glazer's butt
la creatura...
That scene was ironic
Even though the rest of the show isn't, and it isn't obviously ironic because it fits in with the rest of the show perfectly, to the point that I'm pulling this excuse out of my fucking ass
But it's ironic
Depends on where everything goes.
Season 4 was pretty lackluster to be honest, they're trump jokes werent even great just the scene where Illana realizes Trumps election kept her from cumming for like 4 months.
I think they got a bit too salty to write well for the season. RuPaul was pretty top tier though.
do most of you larpers search for jew related threads to 'post' in? Im really curious
>obviously ironic
you think Sup Forums poster would understand that, but this also the same place where BR2049 fans try finding deep meanings out of a flix
>Trumps election kept her from cumming for like 4 months
I'd like to deny her orgasm for 4 months, then open the floodgates.
>search for jew related threads
Practically every thread on Sup Forums is jew related thanks to their control of hollywood and self insertion in most every television show or movie.
>black girls are magic
It is very racist to imply all black girls are voodoo witches >:^(
The one on the right looks like Fred Armisen. Sometimes she looks attractive but almost never.
Broad City is kino comedy
I feel sad for Sup Forumstards that are too triggered to enjoy it