Movie doesn't fully show action scene, just its grisly aftermath

>movie doesn't fully show action scene, just its grisly aftermath

I actually like this trope Sup Forums, moreso in action movies rather than horror flicks. What are some good examples of this?

One scene in Heroes did this pretty well when that blond chick killed a whole bunch of dudes while Hiro and his buttbuddy were trapped in a bathroom

in 24 Season 8 you had one episode where you saw the aftermath of Jack going berserk in the Russian embassy. If you were a fan of the show, you were laughing the whole time just imagining how Jack fucked everybody up. You didn't need to see it, you just knew.

> that one guy lying on the floor with a fire poker through his chest.

The beginning of Children of Dune shows piles of dead soldiers as a result of the jihad.

Dogma did it with the Galgothan and the gangsters. I think it happened in Looper too

Deep rising had lots of this at the beginning, where you got to see all the stripped down corpses and chunks of flesh everywhere.
It was actually pretty entertaining and great up until they showed the main monster at the end.


Nolan is known for that in the Dark Knight series. He uses camera cuts during scenes of violence. Best example is the "Why so serious?" , before the music shrieks and the camera cuts to the guys reaction. I prefer it as well because violence tends to take me out of movies, it never seems to add anything for me.

I hate when this happens, its fucking lazy
