
How would you make 40k's first big foray into theaters?

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Horus hearsay, i want to make it ala Rome where the story is seen by 2 nobodies as the events unfold to them. Emperor can only be played by Mads

Horror movie with an imperial guard base getting attacked by a chaos demon.

It doesn't actually need to explain the lore. I know a lot of anons claim it would.

tonally similar to 2001. emotionally detached, distant, haunting, eerie, creepy, but then put on a horribly violent Helms Deep-esque battle towards the end

wont make any fucking money, but itll be super awesome


A Koyaanisqatsi type movie with only war scenes and classical music.

I trust no one except George Miller to direct it.

Basically any movie with the Imperial Guard as the good guys.

Its simple, just dont focus the movie on spesh marrions.

Alien but with the deathwatch. Derelict imperial capital ship. Missing for centuries. Pops up above a hive world.

Kill Team: Jericho Reach


99% chance it would be total garbage, and the tone of the movie would be just so, so wrong for the 40K Universe.


wouldn't work as a film series. Too dark, too grotesque, and quite frankly too silly/absurdist to be taken seriously by any mainstream audience.

a cgi series though could have potential

Unit of Imperial Guard fights rebels, then chaos fuckery happens. Not bother with explanation of lore, 30m budget, get sympathetic interesting cast, make atmosphere dark, combat brutal and chaos fuckery eerie and weird.
Rip-off Deathwatch

holy 90's Batman


>forgeting Verhoeven

>Horus Hearsay
>movie about horus telling rumors

Gellar Field breach: the movie

>forgeting Verhoeven is literally 90

Have someone like me, who doesn't play the games but knows the tiniest bit of lore from the occasional Sup Forums thread write the movie. If a virgin die-hard /tg/tist writes it, it will be shit.

So basically you got this God Emperor as the "immortal" spiritual leader of the futuristic human race, his empty husk of a body being kept alive through humanity's meme magick n sheit. Then you got these actual Gods that exist in their own realms but can travel through dimensions and require followers/sacrifices. You got the God of War who wants blood and battle. Then you got the Sickness/Disease God, who is all about decay and death. Then you got the Hellraiser god, who is a trap that is about pleasure/suffering. Then all the other ones are irrelevant, so let's just cut them out.

Orcs are too corny, cut them out.

Movie is about a marine (played by Idris Elba) who has to travel through all 3 of the dimensions after receiving a vision from the God Emperor instructing him to do so. His buddy is a robot from robotworld (played by Simon Pegg) and he has a hot waifu (played by Alexandra Daddario) (minimum 3 nude scenes). Maybe make it a 3 part trilogy centered around each of the Gods he has to encounter.


I have wanted to get into warhammer. Where should a fag like myself start?


Total Warhammer

Download the old core rulebooks and codices to leaf through all the short stories and descriptions.

>How would you make 40k's first big foray into theaters?
make the Armors very marketeable Iron Man tier pander a lot to chineses just my 2 cents goys.

funny ironic post friend well memed so subtle and intellectual!

Whitey's Black Panther?

5 1 hour long short movies Including 5 different storys that introduce all the factions and 1 2 hour movie showing like a battle featuring the characters introduced in the previous episodes

Good one.

Nah, it would be better to see the grimdark first.

Not amovie but a Necromunda TV show. Focus on the futuristic gang warfare while slowly introducing concepts such as the Imperium and Chaos over time. Maybe have someone keep going on about seeing a Space Marine one time which nobody else believes to build them up as some great legendary warriors without ever having to show one, rather than them being extremely commonplace.

>I heard the Emperor say Roboute was his favourite son

>Orcs are too corny, cut them out.
Get a load of this pleb. What the hell is more bad ass than self replicating fungi machines of war and carnage?

Black Library publications, found in the /tg/ 40k General.

The first Eisenhorn book is a perfect story for a first 40k movie. And Mark Strong is the perfect Eisenhorn.

>retarded WAAAAAGH shit
>spelling in ebonics and adding z to it
woah so epic xD
Warhammer Orcs are reddit.

I don't know if it works like this, but I think I'd want to make it about somebody becoming a Marine.

Have a Conan-style opening where an epic voice actor lays out the history of the universe up to this point, then meet Dinkus McCannonfodder as he gets conscripted into the Guard (or however it works) to defend his planet against Orks. A pretty small waaagh I guess so it's believable that they survive. Anyway, shit goes sideways and Dinkus makes a great example of himself, but is mortally wounded right before Marines arrive. The Marines recognize this, save his life and then make him part of them. We follow him through his training and then to his first battle against Chaos somewhere else. Would probably have him die at the end so the next movie can pick up somewhere new. Could either have the battle be a win or a loss, both have some value. Other big rule is that we can't visit Terra yet, that's for later movies.

Pretty small slice of the universe but you're not going to get the whole thing in one go and you really shouldn't try. It'll cover the basic parts about the Imperium, the Marines and Chaos, which are important, while also giving you plenty of reason to go over the basics of the Warp, space travel, galactic politics, technology levels, Big E, etc.

t. Super mature guy.
I wish I was a cool and mature adult like you.

I'd probably have very little directly announcing the fact that the film is in the 40k universe. Maybe a PDF struggling with genestealers or characters on a pre-spehss imperial world dealing with the tithes. Then I'd let the cat out of the bag by ending the film with a camera swing to a fuck hueg gothic fleet appearing in the sky

I would multiply space marines numbers by 10.
I would literally throw everything from the universe in the movie that l can. And make every fucking scene be a goosebumps inducing thrill ride.

The entire score will have an electric guitar going throughout the entire movie.
Just fucking shredding away. And when some fucking cool shit happens. Like the orkz lob a huge fucking planetoid with their minds at a ship. Or some fucking chaos god erupts from another fucking dimension splitting an entire star in half or something.
It was just be fucking insane guitar rifts like holy shit you cant even imagine.
Throw in some latin chanting akin to medieval times and fucking realistic machine gun fire.

And when some fucking space colony gets dropped in the distance in the middle of a warzone. Or some fucking sick ass starship drops an entire bombardment on someone. I need to feel it.

We need to use warhammer as an excuse to make the grittiest, craziest, motherfucking awesome space movie ever.

not a bad choice. I always imagined him sorta like Ed Harris though he might be too old now

I would have Chris McQuarrie write it and Doug Liman direct it.

the story or the tabletop?

the story isnt that bad if you dont mind the edge, the game itself costs a lot of money

Event horizon 2.0

holy shit yes


Movie needs to start with fucking shock dropping right in the middle of some crazy shit.
Fuck all this "life as a space muhreen" give me some fucking electric guitar distortion. Some sick ass imperial rome shots that speak of power and might. Then cut to some fucking kinetic bombardment on the group of a chaos demon.

Show me a fucking empire willing destroy an enemy so bad theyll danger close. I want to see the fear light up in wimpy muhreens minds while the strong tread on to sick ass guitar rifts and dumping their entire energy for their kind.

All yall niggas are lame as fuck so far.

Fury Road up to 11 and no fucking gay shit like womens rights.

Easy. Make "The Camp of Saints" but in this universe.

Remember that intro for Dawn of War 1?

Make it like this


Pretty much soldier , forever war, starship troopers, and that one tom cruise time repeating sci-fi movie.

Follows marine from initiation
Cutting across 500 years with a bunch of montages that touches on the scope of the universe.
All leading up to his temptation and destruction of choas and ultimate sacrifice for the emperor.

Best we're going to get


Horus Heresy

~150 episodes


Netflix release

Written by Dan Abnett

Read everything here: wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page

Then read everything here: mega.nz/#F!gaBiVTKI!HTOuNx5zzNxHqT-ny-AU3A

This. I want a TV series way the fuck more than I want a movie. TV series allows for actual fleshing out of the universe lore and characterization.

there won't ever be a WH40k kino

nobody is insane enough to make a >150mil $ hard, at least R-rated scifi where the "good guys" for the normie audience to sympathize with are represented by a fascist theocracy that runs on a daily genocide of its own people

>not tommy wiseau a emprah





Directed by Michael Bay

tfw not a multi trillionaire to fund this

Heavy metal + Fury Road + All You Need Is Kill + Jin-Roh + Evangelion x 10 - the gay shit

i feel like every single 40K story revolves around either ultramarines or the blood angels and only has orcs and eldar as relevant secondary races. My ideal kino would have more tau and necrons and would at least focus on lesser seen space marine factions like the grey knights who could be fighting some chaos fuckers

Logistically, how does the Imperium populate the human race fast enough? Is there a point where there are so many humans that hundreds of millions could die every day and we'd be able to keep it up? Are space muhreens clones? How can the imperial guard even function with so many people moving in and out?

Get out of here you weeb-commie. Would like to see Necrons tho. Also Q'orl would be a pretty sick race to explore too, like intelligent Tyranids.

Marines are created.

>grey knights
You mean the assholes that are so hardcore that they're over the top in even WH40K? The ones that intentionally let themselves get possessed just to train themselves to exorcise demons on the fly? The same chapter that butchers the Adeptus Sororitas out of fear that the AS will tarnish they're perfect reputation by telling the universe about their AS butchering?

Just stop making these pathetic fucking threads you friendless cretin, saged.

i really like this casting

they're recruited

>1 person disagrees
>out of 50
You're in the wrong place, bucko. Consider suicide.

Make him a child soldier

My bad. Guess I just assumed.

Well, they're recruited and THEN created via gene seed.

if there are normal looking people in the 40k universe i'd base it on that with the space marines coming in at the end this is when you simultaneously are made aware the events you just witnessed weren't on earth.

It's both. Space Marine Chaplains find particularly vicious feral children on recruitment worlds and turn them into space marines through years of implants and brainwashing


Average age of recruitment is 8, they're aspirants and train on the verge of death for 2-4 years before undergoing proper augmentation.

Heavy Metal style drawn animation.

Just start with dawn of war 1 and look up anything you don't understand here: wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page

It's what got me into it.

An inquisitor has to find a rogue commander suspect of high heresy.
The more he reads about the commander the more he questions his own loyalty and the loyalty of the Lords of Terra to The Emperor.

Set near the Eye of Terror

A million worlds, many with tens of billions of people on them, and a highly militarized society throughout the Imperium. Forgeworlds are planet spanning factories that do nothing but produce weapons and other equipment for the vast armies of the Imperium, agriworlds produce uncountable amounts of foodstuffs to feed the Imperium, and every other planet that isn't specialized as such is required to provide a hefty tithe of men and material. We're dealing with astronomical numbers here, a truly galaxy spanning civilization.

> Jorah as Valdin
I can really feel this one

(Magnus tears through the Imperial Walkway)

Oh hi Magnus

It’s the exorcists chapter that let’s themselves get possessed. The Grey Knights don’t get possessed because they are Mary Sues.

>Across the void of space men live as they have lived for millennia upon the sand, rock and soil of worlds bathed in the light of alien suns. So is Humanity's seed cast far and wide beyond the knowledge of Man, to thrive bitterly in the darkness, to take root and cling with robust and savage determination.

Essentially there is nowhere that the Imperium will not settle and populate, given the chance. Even airless asteroids have large mining colonies established on them.

From memory the story is up to
>galaxy size army of super xenomorpths invading
>Super metal zombies waking up everywhere
>Orcs realizing they don't actually follow logic so are merging for a super army
>C'tan or some dragon waking below Mars
>God Emp either dying or coming back
Anything else?

One of the loyal Primarch’s just came back and is basically running the Imperium now. And half the galaxy is all but cut off to the rest of the imperium.

Eventually at the very end of the 40K saga, I want the Big E to come back from the Empyrean when the Imperium's on it's literal last legs from being overwhelmed by xenos species everywhere and to just absolutely curb stomp everything and everyone. But not till then.

Hollywood would just fuck it up, I don't want any movies being made or normies even being introduced to it.

>Orcs realizing they don't actually follow logic so are merging for a super army
They are still orks: infighting everywhere and with no clear biggest boss like The Beast, no galaxy wide WAAAAGH is happening.

Rowboat Girlyman is now awake and has new CHADmarines.
Fenris is now half daemon world
Cadia's fucked

Horus Heresy cinematic universe, co helmed by Feige and Kennedy
Also the actors will all use American accents
Nobody wants to hear a cockney emperor

IS there a good summery of what's happening ?

as /40kg/ on /tg/. They fuckin love explaining their shit

Just google gathering storm event.

You've cracked the code of how to make a 40k movie.

Could never be done. Ideally it would be a big budget tv series following the exploits of an IG regiment over the years as it is sent to various war zones. Think Generation Kill or Band of Brothers, in space.

>Season 1 introduces the regiment, the commanding officers and notable characters. Explores the setting, regimental culture, and the characters acclimation to the nature of warfare in the 40k universe when the regiment is shipped off to fight orks on some shithole world. Climax is a huge battle where the regiment is only a minor player. Ork warboss is killed offscreen by stormtroopers or something, illustrating how utterly inconsequential one regiment is
>season 2 has the regiment shipped to a low key war zone in order to suppress a minor rebellion. Rebels are put down easily and early episodes have more time for character drama and side plots. Planet is actually a Necron tomb world and the war has started their activation processes, the IG quickly start losing ground, established characters make valiant sacrifices. Climax is a massive planetwide evacuation as the Necrons fully activate
>Season 3 is Tyranids. The now veteran regiment is pushed to the absolute limit of its capabilities as it is used to stall the invasion of a Behemoth splinter fleet until reinforcements can arrive. Audiences favorite character is assassinated by a lictor.
>Last season is Chaos. Regiment is sent to destroy a chaos cult uprising on a shrine world. Suspicion, mistrust, deceit, and fear are the themes of this season. The regiment is whittled down by numerous battles until it is severely understrength. Climax is the last of the regiment storming a fortress that is the site of a ritual that will cause something bad to happen. They succeed, but the warp energies unleashed annihilate the fortress and everything around it for miles. The Inquisition suppresses all records of the event. Final scene is a new regiment being raised on the regiment's homeworld

90 minutes of terminator marines on a spacehulk hunting genestealers. Lots of tension interspersed with acts of horrific violence.

It shouldn't. Leave 30k/40k alone.