Is this supposed to be a girl in her 20s?

Is this supposed to be a girl in her 20s?

When aroused or weakend by years of drug abuse and casual sex, the jewess manifests in her true form.

boy you ever see white wimmin age?



choke on a chicken bone, boy

Nice reverse psychology rabbi

What reverse psychology? Are you actually attracted to the hag?
>redditor pretends to be nigger mocking whites
imagine being this fucked in your deepest layers of consciousness

Not him but it's true desu

White skin ages like milk, gets all cottage cheese looking too, pretty gross outside of nice camera angles and filters

yes, a wh*Te girl

She wasn't meant to be attractive
She's an English actress
She's playing a Spanish woman
Go false flag somewhere else

Nowhere in the movie it's her age stated

well, that explains why she looks like a monster from hell

I legit assumed she was a jewess.

she acts and lives like 20yo girl

So do you

She is in her 30's.



>movie of the year
>20 years ago it would have been a surprise smash hit flick and nothing more

Looks 50

So? She's clearly wrong in the head, she fucks a fish for God's sake

The other cleaning lady is old af too, her best friend is an old faggot.

she's the jewiest looking non-jew i've ever seen

I believe a fish man
Hell I'll believe a woman falling in love with a fish Man
I just don't buy that her friends were cool with fish Man fucking.



she is sexy but the movie looks bad. is it worht it for her

>13 Oscar nominations
>looks bad

Imagine the fish man looking at you with those vacant eyes, gasping and breathing on you with its dead cat breath, digging its filthy claws into your skin. HOT

Looks at least 20057

oscar noms have always been inverse to quality

She is my waifu and I'd appreciate it if you didn't bully her pls.
I find her to have a really delicate, exquisite beauty, like a flower that only comes out at dusk, also she didn't look very much different when she was in her 20s.

She is also probably the best actress working today, a really interesting person and an all around good egg imo.

You wild.

looks 50 here

no it isn't

One is a lonely faggot and the other an old hag trapped on a shit marriage

They are only happy that their autist friend is fanally getting laid

I watched it because I am a fan of the setting and cars. It turned out to be quite nice.

You idiots, she isn't a human female. She's a fish-person-thing too.
