This is the most kino episode of television history

this is the most kino episode of television history

I don't even know what show that is but I already know it's shit because you included a photo of a numale

Stan was reddit: the character

He's far from a numale. A beard doesn't automatically mean numale pajeet

hello, r3ddit

Imagine being this guy(boy)

This is the episode where they're all fucked up on speed right?

I can smell the soy from here, finish your latte kiddo, you’re done

It's commie garbage


top notch arguing skills

the samefagging.....baka

this /thread

The posts are barely even minutes apart, how could that have been coordinated? Or do you not know how Sup Forums works?

nice dubs, but you made arguably the worst post in Sup Forums history. just own it

you can fuck off now


you idiots do the same thing every time you get caught....baka

thanks for the confirmation though

I mean honestly the fact that you don't know who that guy in the OP is, whilst posting on a television and film board already makes you a pleb of the highest order. Then using the word "nu-male" as an insult is very dated, everybody knows that soyboy or bugman is much better. So from all of this data I think it's fair to say you are either from reddit, underaged, from Sup Forums, or all of them combined. Probably the last one.

Heres your (you)

>taking screenshots
whether you actually samefag or not, but please, just stop doing that "it wasn't me, I got you now!" shit on an anonymous image board meming about cunnies

It's the best Mad Men ep but the best tv episode overall is Game of Thrones s6ep10.

>hoping for comfy Mad Men thread
>just autists calling other autists soys/nu/etc.

god this site has really gone to shit

yeah fuck off

HIDE this thread shilling high-gloss commie propaganda

We've already said everything there is to say about mad men though.

>has never watched the show

Dude did you just come to Sup Forums last week? Enough already, move on to a new show.

holy autism batman! I'm surprised you're able to work a keyboard

mad men had some awesome drug episodes. roger tripping on acid was my favourite

I'd rather another Mad Men thread than constant shilling of Black Panther

no this is


When you manipulate a image, the pixels start to degrade particularly around the edges of where you moved them.

You can just change the HTML in chrome, so you can screenshot it like that