What kind of food are you planning on bringing when you go see Black Panther in theaters, brothers?

I'm personally feeling like bringing in an entire tray of wing street to Black Panther.

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who wouldnt be excited honestly tbqh senpai



i won't bring anything, because i don't want to drive my kinoplex out of business just to have it be replaced by a mud cookie factory

>KFC and watermelons! us niggers, right? lol

Why the fuck would you eat hot food in a movie theater. Imagine the smell.

>theater full of niggers
The food will be the least of the smelliest thing in there.

>Shrimp fried rice

A woman after my own heart.

crap legs

>theaters make their profit with concessions
>niggers too cheap to by food

This should end well.

hot pockets

Is this gonna be a potluck occasion?


Why crab legs and falcon tendies of course.

Popcorn =\= cold?????

two numba 9s, a numba 9 large, a numba 6 with extra dip, a numba 7, two numba 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

cocoa butter and fecal matter

>Imagine the smell
they're not eating the niggers....

m8 that bitch is gonna smell like weed and nothing else, it's why I'm staying the fuck away from the theaters for a good month

this is like a fucking weird simulacrum of how black people talk that a robot would come up with or something. is this even real?

well concessions are so expensive at theatres because the food companies pay supermarkets as a levy to lower the price on their snacks so you cant blame people for sneaking stuff in. If im bag searching and I see anything that isnt hot, glass or alcohol then its going in


Sup Forums*

No fun allowed

It's room temperature by the time you sit down

I mean like obvious bottles and cans, if you wanna sneak it in in a water bottle or flask im not gonna check

>not using contraband food as an excuse to ban niggers from the theater


An XL bucket full of General Tso's Chicken

house rules
eat my usher cock

If a poltard making a Twitter account to bait other poltards is real then yes user.

Am I being detained?????

>purple drink
>fried chicken
>fried rice

the finest niggerdly cuisine

This is why I'm waiting a month after release to see it

>Shrimp fried rice
I always thought the Crab legs meme was weird. But nope. Apparently it's from a real place.

>tfw no gf to sneak in stuff in her purse for me

Nothing as I walk in but beforehand I will have eaten 10 bean burritos and drunk half a bnottle of cheap whiskey. By hook or by crook I'll have pleeeeeenty of room to stretch out.

>Am I being detained
I literally had that from a guy who tried to take in a burger today
he was white too

You must be new here. This happens with every popular movie here.

Go back

>this is the dream movie they've been demanding for years
>respond by bringing their own food and bankrupting the theaters

Cuck rules*

>tfw used to have one of those
>big huge oversized purse
>always loaded up the bottom with bottles of soda, candy bars from the newstand or takeaway from the food court

hard to beat sesame chicken and lo mein while enjoying the local kinoplex matinee

popeye's fried chicken desu

>muh based niggers would never sneak in food

Stupid libtard

is it even a question?




everyone does it
we aint losing shit
people are still gullible enough


>implying only Black people do this

What the fuck are you guys on?

>Amerimutts are incapable of restraint and schedule dinnertime simultaneously with leisuretime
or do you fat fucks just perpetually eat without a break? I'm surprised there's any point in even going to the movies if your face is buried in a trough throughout

>third worlder is so poor he has to make an spectacle for every meal he can afford

chicken pot pie

honestly this
I guess this just my wake up call that most of these anons dont get out much

>OBSESSED about people who don't care about your eurotrash life
so Im just going to guess popcorn cost a monthly salary and is imported there

you fags want a list of shit i've confiscated off people or what

>white people: haha I snuck in a candy bar

I truly pity those who can't get wings or a burger at there local kinoplex. Enjoy your popcorn and nachos kek

Yes please

have you ever seen a black do that irl or is this just what you read of black twatter. I've yet to see or smell that

most of the people ive confiscated stuff from have been white

>>purple drank

no clue why I'm not surprised but I'm not, most smelliest think I've snuck in were takis and I've never been caught
i'm also black

>living around black people

Why would you do this?

How many blacks go to your theater?

If this film doesn't do as good as expected it won't be for its quality nor for whites not wanting to see a movie with an all black cast, but because of the nigger audience chimping out on the theaters.

It will probably break the record for most shootings in a theater lol

Everyone sneaks in at least candy. Who the hell is paying 7 bucks for skittles.

>How many blacks go to your theater?
Not too many. I live in West Virginia.

Blacks are better at hiding it, retard

Because you're afraid of confiscating it from a nignog

So what stuff do people try to sneak in?

It's not rocket science to hide food.

Well ya

I know the whole crab legs thing is a meme, but they really are the best theater food. The local cinemark is right next to pic related and they do all you can eat crabbers on wednesdays. Here's the thing tho, once they thaw the crabs they can't refreeze them so if its not particularly busy that night they end up throwing out a good amount of perfectly fine legs. Also, most of the idiots around here have no idea how to properly clean a crab so they end up throwing away half the meat too.

So what we do is hit up the dumpster around 4 am and see what kind of goodies we get. Then we usually come back to the theater and set up shop on the side. We resteam with a coleman portable stove and then use an old popcorn tub to sneak them in through the side door that we prop open. And no, we don't leave the scraps on the floor.


Chipotle, Mcdonalds and wasabi (every day)
Chicken pot pie
Roast pork in tupperware
Straight gin, whiskey, vodka in the original bottles
savoury waffles with meatballs wrapped in tinfoil (this happened today, what the fuck is this)
A whole chinese take out
pizza crusts (literally just the crusts, it still had to be taken though)
Ten pots of jam (from one woman)
Homemade chicken nuggets in tupperware

Non food
Stanley knives
empty glass bottles (literally why)
all sorts of pen knives
the killer
Dildos. Hundreds upon hundreds of dildos. Every other day someone brings in a full on automated 3 speed setting rabbit on their day out. we started taking them off people but just gave up. my work is close to a red light district so that might be it

quite a lot, muslims too

Waaaay to over top
Pity (You)

>empty glass bottles (literally why)
To take a piss, you dumb idiot. I don't want to miss the climax.

I aint scared of shit, anybody starts anything I will take somebody down then use 'reasonable force' as an excuse


I've never been to a theater where there is a search of any kind

cause I'm black I know which blacks not to be around, not that hard tbqh

"Concession Stand Sales Drop During Black Panther Showings - Why It's A Good Thing"

And then to climax in

Lmao that's crazy, thanks usher user

Man, I haven't had chicken pot pie in so long. That sounds really good right now 2bh


Thank you Robert

thats why whites are so bad at it

jesus christ do they even wear anything to hid this stuff?
>roasted beef
the madmen

Who the fuck actually buys shitty overpriced theater food?

Bitch looks like she can use not to have a cheat day

>tape a ziplock full of pad thai to my thigh
>manage to slip past the AMC food constable
>realize too late that it's penis inspection day
>they pull down my pants and noodles come flying out

How would you like to be the guy who has to clean the theater after these people have been there?

OK I just laughed and a pretzel came out my nose a little piece
So dumb and my sides are in orbit

doesnt take as long as you think it would. 3/4 people usually do it as a time

We have 8 dogs at our theater
Between movies they just roam around and eat

>"aaah... saaalty!"

Its a meem ya dip

Black theaters reek of bad B.O. and rotten eggs.

How do you mask the smell?

da fuc man thats fucking gross, so the carpets are literally covered in dag saliva. this better be a joke

imagine the smell of the theater for the new shades of grey