12 years ago, seth mcfarlane's cartoon was fucking trash after season 3

>12 years ago, seth mcfarlane's cartoon was fucking trash after season 3
>today, seth is mocking sjws and soyboys for the cucks they really are

could he possibly be /ourfamilyguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:



Le epic fence sitter



That doesn't mean you can claim him for your shitty alt-right movement, Sup Forums. There are plenty of people who mock SJWs and you for essentially being a SJW with a different alignment. Now go McFucking kill yourself.

>S3 of family guy was 12 years ago
please be shitting me

It's well known that Family Guy is kino. People forget this fact because redditors have spent the last few years pushing the "family guy le sucks unlike intelligent rick n morty show XDXDxdxXD" meme.

comfiest place to be

You are weak, and you should be ashamed of that fact.

Yes, everyone knows it's the strong who leap pathetically to claim anyone who shows the barest hint of being as hateful as they are as a point of pride no matter how they shit their creation is

imagine being this serious on the internet

It was actually 15 years ago

You rn


Fuck this board

More like you rn

Family Guy is actually redpilled on the JQ


>unironically getting this triggered

Are you literally shaking right now you sjw soyboy cuck?

Dairy has actual estrogen, phytoestrogens do not cause feminization

With a big piece of wood up your ass?
Fence sitters confirmed faggots

Remember when Sup Forums thought Gumball was their cartoon? Then after it was clarified everyone said it was a shit cartoon


Fuck you!

gumball is just a decent funny kids' show, the fact that it's kind of redpilled is a bonus.

So does beer, that's why real men only drink ciders


What the hell does that even mean? I honestly don'¨t get it.

remember when people didn't use made up buzzwords like "alt right"?

>weak soyboys vs sycophantic fucks who will never accomplish shit in their lives
Really the pot calling the kettle black

>McFucking kill yourself

No. stop trying to force ourguys. most ourguys come naturally and don't even need any connection. this new wave of ourguys is just trying to use people as an army of shills and defenders for their media projects.

time judges all.
T. faggot with RIP Brian tattoo

Could you, dare I say it, be /ourfaggot/

hehe now you've got a new enemy
I just invented the ALT alt right
what now kiddo

Reminder that this is the guy posting "soyboy" and "cucks"

You almost had an intelligent opinion, except I disagree with it so you must watch that show I never watch rick and dorty because apparently that's how yu pretend to be le-intelligent

>wood fence

You're going to get ripped apart for that because you're directly insulting a bunch of spastics, but you are right. Both groups and the people who associate with them are cringy as fuck.

t. Effeminate faggot

Wait, why would Gumball be a Sup Forums cartoon? I watch it from time to time on tv and it's pretty good

Just be careful with the ass play

super soyjin

I'm right.

FG is trash now though. Mocking SJWs doesn't make a show good. Even the Simpsons have done that lately.


Soyboys are numales

Family Guy has always been good binge trash TV. Sup Forums only hated it because around 2006-2011 it was an unfunny meme machine, where normies would take mildly amusing bits of it and make endless references to it irl and on the internet. It's hard to like a show when everybody around you is taking mediocre bits of it and driving it into the ground. If you look past that it's a pretty amusing show. American Dad is still better though.

You're an effeminate faggot, thats right

Because of this episode

>What the hell does that even mean?
"I don't like you"


>seth macfarlane
so really go mcfucking kill yourself

They did the same shit with the Joe Rogan podcast.

>Hating on people for having glasses
What are you, twelve?


Sup Forums get bored with people because they eventually grow up and stop being autistic 15 year old faggots

Get contacts four-eyes

Only shallow people use contacts

>it's shallow to not want to look like a cringey soyboy sperg

Just admit you're a cheap poorfag

nice projecting

Fucking hell, this is great. I'm liking this show more and more. May actually download it and get to watching it in full one of these days

Thanks for proving my point

nice insecurity

On Sup Forums? It basically is another word for reddit, or just someone you don't agree with

Irl people don't find you a "cringey sorry soyboy" for using glasses if you have vision problems so it's not a big deal

cringe tier virtue signalling

>all Family Guy has to do is co-opt anti PC rhetoric like twice and Sup Forumsretards will slobber their balls

who the fuck even watches family guy anymore. you fucking mongrel. you scum

Sup Forums trashes another thread, god you guys are pathetic

>cringey soyboy sperg
None of these words mean anything now.

It means that the one using them is so stupid they can't argue without resorting to buzzwords

You guys don't even know what virtue signalling even is anymore.

Yes they do, glasses are for children

t. Cringey soyboy sperg

You don't know what a pussy is faggot ayy lmao

Sup Forums falls right for the bait yet again.
Like clockwork.

I wish seth would have the balls and attack the "Sup Forums-hate-family-guy-because-millennials-don't-get-80s-or-below-pop-culture-inside-jokes-so-show-is-not-funny-but-south-park-only-references-current-pop-culture-for-lulz-Sup Forums-the-state-of" meme

>O-Oh no people are going to think I-I'm a nerd!
Hopefully you'll grow up user