What was the point of Dooku

What was the point of Dooku

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Antagonist for the second film.

to rhyme his name with the word "chooku"

What's the point of anything really.

this and he's one of sheev's series of inadequate apprentices


Dooku was the turned Jedi, Grevious was the cyborg, and Maul was the assassin.

They complete the pottery, as Vader becomes all three.

who did Vader assassinate?



>Gets decapitated

Anakin: ...who the hell is Sheev?

Sheev: Now we must leave.

what was the point of the prequels. nothing.

really microwaved my tatter tots

He killed a shit ton of Jedi in the Jedi Temple, mate. Also assassinated all the Separatist faggots on Mustafar.

Someone had to be the face of the Separatists

>Sheev's gotta leeve

and he hunted down lots of jedi after the events of ROTS.

Maul was more filled with hate than the assassin.

Peter Cushing was unavailable

Serious pottery. George Lucas is a genius, he was too good for this world.


>the Clone Wars was going to go into the timeline of ROTS before it was canceled
We were so close bros

Is the reveal of Sheev as Palpatine's first name the single worst thing to happen to the character?

He's a Neutral Evil character in a galaxy that's about to fall apart, he's shown to be a powerful frightening warrior who is somewhat polite, that making it much more shocking with a greater evil convincing someone once good to give into their dark urges to kill him in cold blood, showing an already genuine threat was brutally massacred by a greater evil.

his lightsaber is cool

No, Episode 3 already turned him from the mysterious evil master of the universe into a huge meme character



>4 years later and there are still 36 episodes that have not been released in any form despite being completely written out, including 3 ahsoka arcs and the series finale would have taken place during ROTS
The ONLY reason Disney hasn't just shat out books or comics of these stories is because Filoni wants to animate them someday, right? I mean otherwise it's just easy money, they're already written out and everything

A lot of people

Fun fact: Dooku sounds like “Do cu” in Portuguese-BR, which means “from asshole”
Thats why they changed his name to Dookan


Surely you can do better than that.,..

t. Reddit
He's much more Lawful Evil than Neutral Evil.

A hastily made, poorly thought out character, because Lucas pussied out on Darth Jar Jar

>easy money
You'd be surprised how allergic to money people get when common sense is involved.

>tfw recently rewatched the series and felt more emotions when Ahsoka left than I have from anything Disney's released in the 6 years it's owned Star Wars
It's not fair. There were stories left to tell, adventures to be had, characters to experience things with. Why is everything good always fucking destroyed?


He's the one who informs us of the idealogical perspective that the Jedi have become authoritarian, comfortable and complacent in their position of power. They have more influence over the Republic than the Republic has on them

he's the phantom menace

This scene

this scene

dark side version of lando calrissian for the prequels

replace darth Jar Jar

>tfw Dooku was supposed to be the good guy and Jar Jar the bad guy

Well this way, the original Clone Wars cartoon can still pretty much fit into the 3D Clone Wars canon, if you take its first season up to Anakin's knighting as before the show and everything after that to be after the events of the show.