>took over the oscars
>took over the grammys
>taking over 2018 cinema
>now they're then original colonists
This is a fucking nigger takeover lads, a fucking black wave
What the hell are we gonna do??
Took over the oscars
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you threatened by it?
Because blacks can't maintain a 1st world civilization.
Fake news loser. You fell for it
embrace the truth, fellow nigger
how will the 56% recover?
>What the hell are we gonna do??
Post more threads like this.
How is this news? I thought it was common knowledge early humans were black and then became white when they moved to new enviroments.
Doesn't this sort of make sense though? It's not like people would have gone from black to white overnight. Prehistoric humans would have traveled North and then turned paler over time in response to lack of sunlight.
lmao why did they give such a shit eating grin
How is this bad news for Sup Forums types?
These people evolved.
>the evolution process includes the breeding out of useless/inhibitory traits for more useful/successful ones
>black skin was bred out of Europe because it was shit
The NWO is here. Now it's all about complete surrender.
(((common knowledge)))
Black people = more genetically pure.
The more dark your skin is, the more genetically pure you are.
White people come from blacks that got albino disease.
Wow... so Sup Forums strikes again? Heh, typical. This is the last straw. I've tolerated your bigot antics on this board until now. Go back to your containment board before I get REALLY angry.
Yes. Didn't you go to school?
They lost kangship today
Remember when all of those mainstream media sites pushed the story that that they found the skeleton of a female Viking warrior a few months ago? Turned out to just be a priestess. No one remembers the correction though.
This is where we're at as a culture. You can get away with pushing the most questionable anthropology as long as it adhere to a particular ideology.
oh my god mates we were black and poop!!!
>straight dark hair
>deep brown skin
>blue eyes
That's a fucking Atlantian.
When someone tells you "all humans come from Africa" just respond with "so Africa was God's first draft?"
there's such a blatant "take in my golems" narrative it isnt even funny
there was a story that men might have not come from Africa, but some from China. It didnt receive the "all news outlets will yell about this one obscure item"
That looks like a white person with dark skin
edit: wow thanks for the gold!
Seal and Forest Whitaker had a turdbaby
go on
No problem friend, that zinger deserved some narwhal bacon :)
remember how vikings were into Allah too?
...And that's beautiful.
me on the left
we shouldn't be threatened by being subverted and taken over by people that hate us?
That's racist because that means blacks never evolved.
>hahaha we're gonna out vote you, steal your shit, mob you forever with hatred, commit pogroms and drown you out of existence
what, u scared?
What does this bit of common knowledge have to do with "being subverted and taken over by people that hate us"?
times up whitey
>my grandson hates himself and wants to be something he's not - AND THATS GOOD
Good one...
well he was a briton soooo
If that quote is real, imagine growing up in a household where your parents and friends tell you that you look like shit and should feel like you'd be cooler if you looked different. It sounds ironic, because for decades I'm sure the same thing was happeniing in black households, but now they get to be proud of their skin. What about whites? They get vilified for celebrating themselves.
White people (especially white women) know that their skin and hair color are considered attractive. It's just a form of virtue-signaling humility to pretend to dislike yourself in public. Like when a rich, powerful man says something about his wife running the show at home. Don't take it seriously.
>all those triggered negroids
>black people unironically think that Egyptians were black
wtf I thought this was a meme