Have people forgotten about Paul Thomas Anderson?

Have people forgotten about Paul Thomas Anderson?

It feels like no one knows him or his films outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums barely talks about him.

Where the fuck is the enthusiasm for Phantom Thread?

terrible hack adored by plebs

not really true if the plebs aren't talking about him.

He fucked up with Inherent Vice and Phantom Thread was very good yet somewhat disappointing.

He's very well known. The fuck you talkin about ?

Pretentious cunts have taken to shitting on him in an attempt to use him as a stepping stone to appearing tasteful.

They are already among us.

resident evil and avp are complete shit though

He's easily in my top 1000, so no, I haven't forgotten about him.

I always find it funny how people seem to accuse PTA of pretension, when if you listen to him talk he's one of the most down to earth directors.

He quit film school because in his first class the lecturer said 'if you're here to write Terminator 2, you should leave' and he thought, Terminator 2's pretty great, what if someone wants to write that.

Magnolia was a great movie but because it didn't age well people have taken to shitting on him. Also his movies are very slow so the plebs here that only watch movies where people are in capes are bored.

There Will be Blood was kind of an edgelord atheist movie but it's message was too complicated for Sup Forums to get it. Ruddit understands it so that's why they love TWBB.

Phantom Thread was terrible, it didn't feel like a PTA flick at all. Everything was so sterile and void of emotion.

Inherent vice was his first film that isn't an amateur's attempt at imitating art cinema, so it ends up being his best

Love PTA but I really didn't enjoy Inherent Vice.. so that's why. at least for me

Another justified knock on him is that he has made a LOT of good movies but zero great ones. Not really the worst thing for someone but he hasn't made a top 200 classic movie of all time yet.

He's only in his 50s? Maybe he has it in him.

>Boogie Nights isn't a great film or top 200 classic

Do a substantial number of people really think this? This has to be an outlier opinion

Boogie Nights and The Master are most certainly great. And Magnolia, while flawed, stands out as an special film.

Yeah I guess I'd put it in the very bottom of the 200s. That's another thing that hasn't aged well. When it came out it seemed like the coolest movie that just captured a time and place. Now porn is so different- violent, angry- it seems like that movie was really just unrealistic and schlocky and melodramatic.

I will concede most people think Boogie Nights is top 200.

it's also a correct one

I thought it was very good but i agree that it was void of emotion. I liked the characters but there were no emotional moments. It was missing some moment like slow boat to china in the master.

I always wonder how much different The Master would have been without the intimidation by the Scientologists.

Then again if it was made today it wouldn't be as jarring considering Going Clear and all the scientology exposes that came out.

>I will concede most people think Boogie Nights is top 200.
on imdb maybe

i haven't seen Phantom Thread but Boogie Nights, Magnolia, There Will be Blood, The Master and even Junun are better than a lot of movies that are considered top 200 classics (t. imdb) i.e. The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, LotR, Fight Club, Inception

Yeah they give Oscar nominations to those people who are only known to Sup Forums.

He made interesting movies up to and including TWBB, then he went full art house fag and only shits out 2deep4u crap in an attempt to recapture the success of TWBB

If you listen to a lot of director interviews it's surprising how the ones who come across as down to earth are more commonly accused of making the most pretentious films while the ones who are more household names or are more adored seem to hold incredibly egotistical beliefs and stand on a soapbox with every point they make. I also notice how when talking to people who are into film the use of the word "best" instead of "favorite" is a telltale sign of snobbery and contrarianism which the aforementioned director types also inhibit.

But that movie literally explores the theme of porn becoming more violent and angry.

What are your qualms with the movie?

Oh yeah, because the Oscars really has its finger on the cultural zeitgeist with Best Picture films like Moonlight - you stupid fucking faggot.

>But that movie literally explores the theme of porn becoming more violent and angry.

It does briefly with the nod to bangbus with Rollergirl, and the suicide of the cuckold.

I just think it glorifies it a bit it's like if you made a movie about the Manson family where they are just being awesome and tripping out on LSD for 2 hours but in the last 15 minutes you show that eventually they went to jail.

that's because he makes movies for critics, not for audiences. i imagine his movies are talked about a lot in hipster bars across new york and san francisco.

>It does briefly with the nod to bangbus with Rollergirl, and the suicide of the cuckold.

I wasn't even referring to that. I meant the entire character of Johnny Doe

>the intimidation by the Scientologists
quick rundown?

So, Phantom Thread. Can you explain it?

are you literally joking? You should go and take a look at all the 2 star reviews by the places still in the bag with the CoS.

They had to change plot points and make repeated disclaimers that the movie is fictionalized even though it is clear that he is supposed to be Hubbard.

They were threatening the studio with pulling actors from projects hoping the studio would blink but instead they told them to fuck off.

The Master was the beginning of the end of the CoS in hollywood. Obviously the powers in Hollywood didn't like the CoS and it's ever growing influence over the talent. And not to sound like Sup Forums but Jews worked hard to run that town and they weren't about to let a bunch of two bit science fiction hustlers break their hold on the industry.

that just means pta is spineless then. why didn't he disown the movie?

I'll never forget on a Hollywood reporter roundtable when Tarantino said one of his favourite movies was Jackie Chan's Supercop and most of the table (Inarritu, O'Russell, Ridley Scott, Danny Boyle) laugh like its Quentin taking the piss but he's completely serious about it

I think you missed the point by a mile. He fought with the studios to get that made. He had to make a few concessions but in the end hammered them hard. The movie was intentionally released at a low tide time of the year and not given much marketing despite starring two A list stars and an A list director.

He's put out a bunch of good stuff since TWBB, but they're all somber and serious, even IV. He needs to make something that's both artistic (interesting/beautiful/smart), as well as entertaining. I'll keep looking forward to his movies, but every fucking time he releases another extremely subtle movie that leaves you sort of perplexed as to why he thought the story was interesting enough to spend years making it. Boogie Nights was just a great story, Magnolia was a bunch of good stories woven together, PDL encapsulated loneliness and unbridled joy and love, TWBB was about power and ambition. I get all those. And while I love The Master, and like IV, and enjoyed PT (need to rewatch before I know for sure how much I like it) none of them have momentum. The Master and PT sort of do the same things as TWBB, but without the darkness and explosive passion. Two prime characters battling in the field of ego for power through subtle manipulation mostly told through subtext. Write a fucking story man, stop hiding behind ambiguously motivated characters and say something. He's in my top five directors and I'm losing faith.

Oh it shows quentin, it shows

What do you mean, it was an atheist movie?

>ambiguously motivated characters

Literally none of his characters are ambiguous though.

People hate on PTA because he's a guy who made accessible movies like Boogie Nights and Magnolia but moved into making more subtle films. Ironically, everyone says his newer stuff is hard to understand, too artsy, etc but just watch him talk about his films. He hates when people ask him about "what did this character represent, what did this line mean?" I think he makes great films and that makes people want to project depth onto them. Phantom Thread is a very straight forward film and you've got people running around calling PTA pretentious, etc

Phantom Thread was actually the fucking worst so don’t expect to hear much from him for a few years at least lol

>What do you mean, it was an atheist movie?

A man whose god is capitalism literally beats a false prophet to death at the end while giving a triumphant self insert speech.

I find it kinda funny how much everyone on Sup Forums talked about inherent vice compared to phantom thread

I didn't even know phantom thread had already been out for a while

You're not supposed to envy Daniel Plainview at all though. The movie makes it obvious he's an awful fucking person, and he hates Eli because he's a sham, not because of religion

How's the quality of the screener?

IV at least looked interesting.

Surprisingly good, better than others released this season

>There Will be Blood was kind of an edgelord atheist movie
Completely disagree.

IV was released after The Master and TWBB so it gathered a lot of hype.

Also because it's Pynchon.

It's a cautionary tale. You can be filthy rich but if you don't have friends and family you will be unhappy.

That is a pretentious thing to do.

Review Screw and his reddit buddies hate him for some reason. They hate everything that's not capeshit, weirdly enough. He's the best active american director by a mile

>There Will be Blood was kind of an edgelord atheist movie
Stay brainlet

his last couple movies haven't pandered to the "20 something guy who just watched Fight Club and got more into film" demographc as much so he's not really a fanboy director like Nolan and Villeneuve anymore

The Master and TWBB are modern masterpieces, 100.0% unironically

This board has gone to shit

Where did OP say anything about that you retard? All he said was that it feels like no one outside of Sup Forums knows him which just goes to show what a moronic bubble OP lives in.

hes a good director but his scripts for the last fews movies are lacking something. really just boring movies.

These I’ve noticed it a lot as well. I think it is a thing that is common with actually intelligent people that they don’t feel the need to act pretentious because they know who they are whereas less intelligent people feel the need to try to prove theyre intelligent because they think that’s how smart people act.

Event Horizon was great


>Inarritu, O'Russell
>Scott, Boyle
Scott said his favourite movie is Muriel's Wedding and Danny Boyle said The Wrong Trousers. I don't think anybody can call them snobs.

I love Magnolia. Fite me

It's not his fault that you have ADHD.

t h i s

PT is a movie for old ladies, tho


>dominates the critics and awards
>unknown outside of Sup Forums

>thinks Sup Forums knows him

He was a one hit wonder. Boogie Nights is one of the greatest films ever made, but he severly shit the bed on film after that.

I dont understand how it's complicated, business reigns supreme over religion these days. It's kinda heavy-handed.
(not knocking the film, it's gr8.5/10)

PTA and Daniel Day Lewis are masters of that middle brow pretend cinema that scores highly in rottentomatoes and wins oscars, but leave no impression, says nothing, and all that leave you with are epic catch phrases that you quote to your friends. All I have heard anyone say of Phantom Thread is 'how good it is,' but when asked to elaborate, all they can do is repeat it, like a parrot or a cult member. 'b-but it was good.' PTA epitomizes that generation X all style, no substance Quentin Tarantino postmodernism that brings forth a single concept: 'what if we take this genre but add an epic dark twist' 'it's time I make my version of a ___ film.' 'what if we take such and such actor and place him in a different light.' He epitomizes the sort of dishonest cinema that the film brats began in the 70s except every generation followed progressively fell into new layers of detachment and irony, ie, if you watch the interview rounds all you will hear from PT Anderson is 'we watched Rebecca and thought what if that was a stronk womyn', you see that is about the extent of it. That is the great cinema auteur at work. That is apparently the best we deserve in this bankrupt politicized culture. Nothing illustrates this more than Jonny Greenwood's involvement from the most overrated band in rock and roll history, the music equivalent to a Tarantino or PTA, that once scoffed at the grandeur, texture and experimentation of progressive rock saying, 'we just want to make pop tunes.' Of course. The great art of the past that strived to break new ground and revolutionize their medium is bad, critically reviled, never to emulate, never mind inspires new generations half a century later. Meanwhile the kings of this day with billionaire patrons and the critics in their pocket who 'just want to write pop tunes', what sort of legacy will they be leaving when their work means so little? Sad.

Boogie nights is one of his worst films.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Phantom Thread, but I feel like I need to see it again.

Well, he was the only director so far who attempted to adapt a Thomas Pynchon novel. He didn't do a terribly good job but I respect him for trying.

Radiohead is good though

>He quit film school because in his first class the lecturer said 'if you're here to write Terminator 2, you should leave'
This is standard. Film schools are filled with bitter people who couldn't make it in the industry. Drama school is even worse.


Too harsh.
But at least Scaruffi is honest, has his own taste and it's not a contrarian for the sake of it unlike Armond "BASED XDD" White.

7 is a good score from Scaruffi.

>attempt at imitating art cinema
that doesn't mean anything, do we need this "dishonest/x sensibilities" shit in every single thread for every director?
The Master isn't an attempt at imitating anything and it's his best.

My favorite director, seen Phantom Thread four times so far.

Boogie Nights? TWBB? I'd say those are both great.
