So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Altered Carbon is one of the greatest sci-fi TV series released...

So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Altered Carbon is one of the greatest sci-fi TV series released... well, basically ever?

>Interesting lead
>Great concepts, realistic portrayal of the future
>Highlights social issues without being preachy
>Expertly choreographed action sequences
>believable, fascinating villain

>realistic portrayal of the future
let's not get carried away here. it's a highly fantastical view of the future. science run amok, essentially.

It was bretty gud

>Highlights social issues without being preachy

My dude a group of the absurdly rich literally make two poor people fight to the death for their own amusement after debasing a series of artifacts just because they can.

In like, episode 3.

It's fucking trash that missed a big opportunity

I still don't understand how everyone being immortal hyperinflates inequality. I wonder how much of the book was lost in translation. Any bookfags?

OP is a shill. Altered Carbon is pandering trash for retards who lack critical thinking abilities.

Altered Carbon copy of Blade Runner more like it

It didn't have a realistic portrayal of the future though. It had a 2018 portrayal of society.


>muh cyberpunk Geralt
>muh .000001%

i’ll give you bretty gud world building and decent (not expert, lol) action tho

That Mexican girl getting naked and fucking in the lotus position gave my wanger some serious feelings

We don't need actors just give me some cheap models who want to be actors! That's good enough! People only use our service as background noise to fuck to anyways! Fuck the original story lets add in all these extra females who can't act and do nothing for the plot cuz feminism!

You get off on plastic? That bitch was nasty with all her plastic surgery. SPICY LATINA DONT TAKE NO SHIT AND RANDOMLY SPEAKS SPANISH

What I don't get is why being catholic and unwilling to resleeve automatically makes you a target for murder. Sure, your murder will possibly go unsolved (since apparently detectives have lost all other detective ability?) but why just go after a catholic for shits and giggles? I would hope that that far in the future all fedoras would have been wiped out.

Some ham fisted bullshit about how the Meths view themselves as the new gods that was glossed over. It's fucking dumb for numerous reasons and was just lazy writing to call out modern society.

>we have AI cameras, spy drones, perfect DNA technology, instant FTL communication and the state is so powerful it can enforce that every single human being born anywhere at any time must be fitted with alien technology, but the NYPD cannot figure out who cut the head off of this man in the street a couple hours ago

How come no one is freaking the fuck out about ayylmaos and using ayylmao technology to make yourself immortal.

Everyone's like "we must stop the immortals because muh sanctity of life" but no one says "uhhh maybe we shouldn't put this lotus flower shit in our spines"

3 episodes in and I'm already tired of the forced fight and sex scenes. Feels like padding

absolutely low test

It takes 7 episodes to go anywhere, but That elevator fight took me by suprise being brutal as fuck

I started watching it today, it's cyber kino

first 5 eps are good or ok. 6 is trash, 7 is ok, everything after 7 is horribly written.
>Highlights social issues without being preachy
which were what?
>realistic portrayal of the future
>Interesting lead
he was ok but we needed less "muh envoy cred and visions"

>hyperinflates inequality
artificially? I mean there are a lot more living people in the setting then there are now
>Any bookfags?
it was not really a big focus in the book

Wrong on all accounts. Don't reply to me brainlet.

You better strap in because they ramp that up in episodes 5-8
>artificially? I mean there are a lot more living people in the setting then there are now
yeah but apparently humans colonized other worlds, so what's the issue? wealth is not some zero-sum game. as the human race expands so does the territory it occupies and the resources it commands.

? Did you not pay attention? They did not go after catholic, they went after people in general and then added faked catholic code to keep them from being spun up. its like faking a "do not resuscitate" on people who actually wanted to be resuscitate

That time came and went many years before the show

Are you retarded or something?
Everybody was vulnerable to getting their stacks BTFO’d. Only the ultra rich could afford to have their consciousness constantly backed up by fucking satellites in space, making them truly immortal.

I really didn't feel like it was.

the number of people goes up faster than number of world. almost no one dies. if US population can triple in 80 years imagine what would happen on a larger scale

I'm on episode 5 and I really want to turn this off, but my autism doesnt let me drop series or movies before I get to the end.

Yeah the rich people got around that by faking their Catholicism but it's explained in the first episode that Catholics are targeted for random murder in the street because the killer will never be found.

Whatever, if you want to get technical it's not really immortality, the technology still suffers from the transporter problem. The person who wakes up in a new body is just a copy of the old you, and with the old you destroyed they're no one around to question it.

shit, in the show one of the bad guys has an unauthorized copy, and it's a serious infraction because it calls into question what it means if one person can exist in two bodies.

that's funny though

It was way better than the trailers made it look, thankfully

well that is like asking why there is so much crime in hoods were they stab snitches

It's mostly shit, I did like the impassioned plea for life that one ayylmao looking sister of the MC made in the hippie place. she was totally right about all that. Fuck death cults, I am so glad that darkie got her shit busted.

>anybody who isn't as big a pissbaby over benign shit as i am lacks critical thinking abilities

It’s literally immortality nigga, as long as they keep filling up sleeves, they keep accumulating wealth. You could take the satellite out somehow though, I was half expecting they’d get Ava to pull off some hacker bullshit and do that to stop “muh big brother” tbqhwy

But they get paid well for it, and they love eachother.

Paid implies not slaves.

It's still a backup of you, it's not you, it's not immortality. It's illusory. The copy is convinced it's real, which I guess is enough, but immortality would imply they never died.

What is Rome
What are sports
What is it doesn't even matter to them as much if they can just get resleeved
How sensitive are you that you can't handle gritty portrayals of humanity and its heirarchy? Probably should have skipped this series then, it's clearly not for you

Now you’re just arguing to argue sweetie. Admit it.

No, I'm making a point that it's not immortality if you died and they make a new you from a backup.

Real immortality would mean never dying. Dying and reloading a backup =/= not dying.

Do yourself a favour and read the book, it was fucking butchered.

>No, I'm making a point that it's not immortality if you died and they make a new you from a backup.

But that's irrelevant, for all practical purposes the Meths are immortal.

Best character, and she wasn't even in the series. Instead we got GURRRRL POWER Ava.

Can't have these, gotta be sensitive to muslims. This and the next picture are supposed to have been the sleeves for the fight in Carnage's ring.

It's explained why they are so degenerate and it makes sense. The parallels to the real world just aren't there, so it's not preachy at all.

I think the backups were intended as a last ditch thing for people at risk of violent assassination. It wasn't the main way by which immortality was achieved, they just transferred the actual stack data from one body to another. Only in an emergency was a backup used.

I haven't seen the show yet, but I also don't recall the book having the stacks as alien technology.

Bit of artistic liberty taken here, but in the book Kovacs double-sleeves into this to infiltrate Head in the Clouds.

So it’s just semantics with you. I see sweetie. Very cute. We won’t say they’re immortal then, they just have infinite lives. OK? ;-)

>I haven't seen the show yet, but I also don't recall the book having the stacks as alien technology.

In the series the technology that enabled the Cortical Stacks to be made was based on alien tech - "The Martians" as they were called in the books - but i can't remember how they set up the stacks and d.h.f tech in the books either.

>fedora robutt with cold steel forged x2000 folded nippon edge
the fuck is this shit, this technobabble is worse than star trek.

Why do you keep humoring bait that has such annoying speech patterns?

Yeah it was long ago, and for all I know it was alien tech in the book too. The second and third books were ok but it was diminishing returns.

Pretty sure they were just human tech. I was really disappointed with how easily they were able to be destroyed in the show.

I think they changed it because they wanted a way to make the aliens seem more present and significant. In the book they were just a background mystery.

Seems weird to me that almost everyone would be wearing perfectly ordinary natural human looking sleeves. One would think there'd be furries, combat synths, giants, dwarves, and a whole bunch of other bizarre and perverted shit according to trends and subcultures of the future.

>I was really disappointed with how easily they were able to be destroyed in the show.

I actually liked that change, it makes life fragile even with the stacks.
It's a kind of balancing act - make the stacks too resistant and to me at least, the stakes and excitement goes down when it comes to fight scenes, but if the stacks are too fragile then they become pointless, i thought they straddled the line between the two just fine.

In the book Licktown is full of freaks with animal augs and cyborg shit. It's said that overt modifications are for the thugs and people who can't afford internal augmentation. The ads for the various virtual brothels are all described as having the models look entirely artificial, with cartoonish proportions and tits that defy gravity. Most people can only afford the sleeve they're born with, and maybe the one after that which they don't often have a choice in. Augs are purely for the rich and the criminal elements.

Nah, the whole idea of stacks was that unless you've got particle weaponry they're nearly impossible to destroy. There's not a lot of point in putting your consciousness on a drive if that drive can be destroyed as easily as your body, without cloud backup.

I think they mentioned that the Meths use clones because that reduced the change of mind fragmentation or some such, meaning repeated resleeving into other sleeves has risks. So understandably the meths especially wishing to perpetuate their existence for forever would play it safer i feel.

As for the rest, most people can't afford such sleeves.

>I would hope that that far in the future all fedoras would have been wiped out.
The author is a hugely anti-catholic, parts of the book are truly cringeworthy. One of the only things the tv show did well was to add Ortega’s catholic family to add a little balance since it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that the neo-Catholics of the show are right, it’s immoral to live more than one life.

>humoring bait
kek, go take a seat sweetie pie.

cop crushed one with her robo arm. rich fuck somehow destroyed girls stack during rough sex, you see it happen on screen but are not really sure what destroyed it

There was a scene in the book (or maybe it was the sequel) where Kovacs goes looking for a team so they go down to the junkyard to buy some stacks that couldn't afford to be resleeved. At one point the dealer dumps a huge barrel of stacks out on the floor for them to look through. I liked the way it was handled - everyone is immortal by default, but mostly it doesn't do you much good because you can't afford to wake up again, and life is even cheaper than now.

Well I disagree. I know how the stacks were in the books, but as i mentioned it sucked out most of the excitement for me, knowing that the stacks are near impossible to destroy so who cares of someone loses a fight or dies.

>here's not a lot of point in putting your consciousness on a drive if that drive can be destroyed as easily as your body, without cloud backup.
This might be true for premeditated murder, but for everything else ranging from accidents, muggings to medical emergencies the stack would still save you, so i can't agree that there's no point.

Literally how? Everyone can do it. If you died in a car accident, wouldn't you want to be able to continue living until you made the choice to end it? I get that immortality is a questionable goal, but stacks are basically just life extension. I suppose by your logic it's also immoral to use vaccines or have dental surgery since both are life-prolonging procedures?

That's what beam weaponry is for. And losing your body can be a fate far worse than death. If Kovacs had been killed in a firefight, there's a high chance that he'd just have his stack cut out and put into virtual torture for the giggles.

and yet kovacs falls into a river along with a whole palace but his stack was fine.

It's in the second book, and there's literally a landfill full of the things from the war. Kovacs runs them through a virtual construct, working out which are still usable and which have been driven insane. I really like the cheapness aspect of it too; there's little chance that you'll ever be recovered if your stack is lost and nobody cares enough to look for it or resleeve you.

And all of those things can happen and do happen even when the stacks are more fragile.

Literally the only thing that changed was that it made beam weapons less important and people on average have a higher change of real death despite having a stack - and i like those changes.

>dental surgery

Not him but yes both of those things are interfering with G-d's plan. You can do it if you like but be aware of the risks you are taking with your immortal sole.

its not immoral. its just not really an option


Yeah that's the scene, I think I remember the description of the noise as they scattered everywhere on the floor. Immortal and all, you still get lose to time eventually unless you're very rich and dedicate your life to holding onto existence.

>but as i mentioned it sucked out most of the excitement for me, knowing that the stacks are near impossible to destroy so who cares of someone loses a fight or dies.
Does not it add to the horror? being lost and never woken?

Which is retarded, because having stack destruction being gated behind the ability to purchase beam weaponry is a major factor that separates the rich from the street trash. It's why there is even an Organic Damage Division in Bay City PD in the first place. Plenty of murders happen, and they spin up the stacks to get witness statements. If anyone can destroy a stack, why the aren't they?

I agree. In fact I would have taken the stacks out altogether. They didn't really add too much.

I see nothing inaccurate OP, agree completely. I fucking loved every moment, aside from maybe a couple of the early scenes in the police station, and that's just because of the over-saturation of cop procedurals on tv today.

Sure, but that horror is still there even if the stacks are more fragile.

It's mainly a thing because we know it's fiction, we know that Kovacs being the protagonist will survive, or at least struggle through. So it mainly becomes an issue with all the side characters. So if the stacks are nearly indestructible then all of those characters have a much smaller chance of suffering real death in the actual fight, so any action scene involving them becomes less exciting, for me at least.
Sure they might suffer some terrible consequences afterwards if they suffer sleeve death but real death - but that can happen even with more fragile stacks.

How can there be something that the plan does not account for?


Fiction doesn't have to be life or death to have stakes.

It's called free will dingus, it's what distinguishes us from the angels. Seriously, talk to your rabbi.

>Which is retarded
If you say so, i don't agree.

>If anyone can destroy a stack, why the aren't they?
Time, place, equipment etc. many reasons.

Nah, i like the stacks, it's a cool piece of tech that provides us with some neat worldbuilding.

Sorry, I disagree with your perspective on this matter, and therefore your tastes are objectively and demonstrably inaccurate.

>I would have taken the stacks out altogether
>Nah, i like the stacks, it's a cool piece of tech that provides us with some neat worldbuilding.

I never said it does, i just feel that nearly indestructible stacks reduce stakes, not eliminate them, and more fragile stacks increase stakes.
So i just feel that (nearly) indestructible stacks are less interesting that more fragile stacks - all the stuff that can be done with indestructible stacks can still be done with more fragile stacks

And obviously it's just my opinion on the fiction, you can totally disagree.

>They didn't really add too much.
They helped make plot allowances

Which again brings up the question of why even have a stack in the first place if it can be destroyed as easily as your body?

I would also have dropped the future setting. The story wold have worked better as a regular police procedural.

I would probably take out any cases from the show, clutters too much. Maybe just a season of filing paperwork and grabbing everyone coffee?

Because it might still save you in a multitude of situations, can't you see how having a stack even if it would only help you in 50% of cases would still be preferably to not having a stack at all?

They would still help you in case of accidents, medical problems, acts of violence which are unplanned and where the perpetrator does not have the time, or weapons to destroy the stack etc.

It would need variety in slice-of-life elements though.

this is the most viral marketing and obviously dishonest post ive read in a while. you people have no clue how to not look like obvious shills. how much do you get paid for this shit?

I didn't know based marc anthony played in this, now I'm defnitely going to watch it.

That's quite common in tv shows though. Damnation, for example, has that same thing in episode 7. And here they aren't even fighting to the death, or are forced. They are paid to, and both get new bodies.