What happened to the color?

What happened to the color?

Whedon is a better director than the Russos. That's what happened.

Joss Whedon wasn't there. No flashy bright colors to keep him entertained between quips.

He's right there on the left

Fun fact: the cinematographer in Nocturnal Animals and The Avengers is the same guy.

You're objectively wrong. Captain America Winter Soldier and even Civil War are much much better movies than Ultron or Avengers. Airport fight scene has god awful cinematography because of Marvel not spending money on visuals in a scene where everyone is just focusing on their favourite heroes fighting.

Russos wouldn't have had any say over that. Whedon is not a good director whatsoever.

>What happened to the color?

He got his own movie

You're both wrong.
Neither of them are particularly good directors.

Whedon's strengths are in his writing, not in his eye for directing. The Russos came straight from TV so their directing style is entirely economical and formulaic.

This is what worries me about IW. I feel like they're going to go from the color of Guardians and Ragnarok to a desaturated grit


'Age of Ultron' happened. Whedon tried to ape 'Man of Steel' and thought that meant desaturation and slow-motion because he's utterly incompetent as a film-maker.

Why does Hawk-Eye run head first into battles?

Shouldn't his name and weapon imply that he's a long range fighter? Same kinda goes for Thor and Iron Man.


Director has nothing to do with the color.


Kung Fu Woman fighting among a literal god


looks better tbqh
the first one looks unnatural
color doesn't pop like that irl

This was probably one of the only good parts of Ultron, which is saying a lot, since it's just an EBIN SLOW MO action shot that last 2 seconds

Why does their greenscreen look so much worse 4 years later

They stopped giving a shit because they realized normies will still go watch movies even if the effects get objectively worse.


i agree on hawkeye, but thor though is still mainly a melee fighter, even if he can do the lightning thing
and ironman from IM 1 could do pretty much whatever he wanted, but from IM 2 even a truck can defeat him, so he should be behind


>Whedon's strengths are in his writing

*ba dum tssh*

What happened to the colours in Empire Strikes Back?

It's the middle film that reflects the most serious and desperate moment before the heroic ascent in the final battle. The colour pallette is more bleak and dim to reflect this.

It's literally high school grade media stuff

Yeah but literally every Marvel movie since like Winter Soldier has that sort of greyish color palette, even the more whimsical and "colorful" ones like Guardians and Ragnarok look strangely undersaturated.

Yikes, just looking at that picture gives me a hard cringe. How can you people watch this dross every year, multiple times a year, even

>color doesn't pop like that irl
First: It's a movie, realism should never constrain a film-maker.
Second: It's a comic-book movie so the colours should absolutely pop like they do in comic art.
Third: This is further proof for my pet theory that the Marvel movies are comic-book movies for people who don't actually like comic-books.

>Whedon's strengths are in his writing

>“Hope is like your car keys. It’s easy to lose, but if you look close enough, it’s usually close by.”


There are better comic-book movies but Disney has programmed a whole audience including critics to prefer visually dire, shallow, lowest common denominator garbage through Skinner box conditioning.

Yeah but did you see that one Buffy episode from 10 years ago?

Yeah I'm not sure what your point is but Winter soldier, Civil War, Thor II, Iron Man III...all darker films than their respective predecessors, all middle chapters in the Avengers stories

As for guardians.... they aren't part of that story yet. Like Ant Man and doctor Strange, they stand separate from the Avengers for their respective movies.

This is because general audiences think like this: >looks better tbqh
>the first one looks unnatural
>color doesn't pop like that irl

The closer it looks to a shitty youtube video the more comfortable people are with it.

10 years ago? Try 15 years ago. And he's just gotten lazier since.

Digital cameras

RDJ's paycheck got too expensive.

*sensible chuckle*

>no technicolor superhero movie

I will never understand how that shitty fucking movie garnered near universal praise.

It doesn't have to make sense as long as it looks FUCKING BADASS! That's essentially Whedon's shtick - characters spout cool one-liners and pose in ridiculous positions. Except whereas competent filmmakers might be able to pull it off more naturally, his seems like a 15 year-old awkward nerd trying to be edgy and cool.

The companies that produce these movies have a heavy influence in the media that review the movies. People don't know any better. If there's enough money for them to allot resources to shilling this craphole website...

> bs
> better
You are insane.

Wonder what DCs excuse is

>and thought that meant desaturation and slow-motion because he's utterly incompetent as a film-maker.

Are you talking about Whedon or Snyder?

It was "good" in the sense that actually managed to pull it off, not that it's good on its own.

There is no slow-motion in 'Man of Steel'.

stfu soyboy

underrated post

>no 70mm Superhero movie

Shit was different 7 years ago. Capeshit wasn't as entrenched as it is now. Nobody thought they'd be able to make a coherent movie with that many characters. While The Avengers isn't a great movie, it's entertaining and childish, like much of its source material. Yes, I know that each of those characters has had some really good, mature moments and stories in their standalones. But the entire concept of a supergroup like the Avengers is goofy as fuck. The movie handled that pretty well. That said, it's unfortunate that Disney decided to make EVERY superhero movie mimic the tone of The Avengers.

With the increasingly affordable cost of semi-believable CGI, and the emergence of affordable HD camera equipment, it won't be long before really crazy, "low-budget" comicbook movies are a thing, just like pulp comics. You'll start to see some cool shit then.