he fucked fat 70s Brando
cocaine is a hell of a drug
just ask charlie sheen
So? It's well established that Brando fucked everybody.
No! Not Black Pacino!
he's lucky aids didn't exist before 1980
Pryor confirmed TEN INCHES
Where did you see that? Sounds gross for both of them desu
>“It was the ’70s!,” Jennifer Pryor told TMZ. “Drugs were still good, especially Quaaludes. If you did enough cocaine, you’d f--- a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.”
What the fuck? I thought Sup Forums said this kind of degeneracy only started existing this past decade.....
Sup Forums are idiots - news at 11
Lies and bullshit.
How do you figure?
there is literally a photo of Brando sucking dick
Granted there were a lot of swinging, celeb sex parties, and bisexual celeb hookups back in the 70s.... but this sure as fuck wasn't one of them. If you'd said David Bowie, Mick Jagger, (or a couple decades before) James Dean; I would have probably bought it. Those men were (at least at the time) bisexual or highly experimental.
But Pryor and Brando, both straight as an arrow. And this was before 90s rap culture normalized the "it ain't gay if you're the pitching" mentality, which rap music and nigger culture adopted from prisons.
How can you say any of this with any measure of credibility?
He did it as a prank though
>And this was before 90s rap culture normalized the "it ain't gay if you're the pitching" mentality
what in the absolute value of fuck are you talking about? do you have dementia or schizophrenia?
No, but you seem to have a chimp-ish lack of reading comprehension.
What the fuck is wrong with these "people"
Sounds like you have both dementia and schizophrenia
>straight as an arrow
I've had my dick sucked by more than enough men to know I'm not gay. If that helps understand the 90s rap assertion at all.
Mick had some serious DSLs. I'd probably let him do it if he were in full makeup. Brando was provably at least half a fag though, and I can see Pryor sucking dick. No clue where you got any ideas to the contrary.
It’s not gay if your eyes are closed