What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


He meant star wars is shit and always has been

he doesn't give a shit

>t. defeated Disney shill

will they force him to publicly change his stance like they did with hamill?

He meant he'll be too busy watching Blade Runner 2049.

They can't. Ford doesn't give a shit at this point and he held Disney over the coals just to show up for TFA and only did so on the condition that he died.

Hamill can get another paycheck appearing in future movies, Ford wanted to die right away

>Ford famously told George Lucas, concerning the clunky dialogue in “Star Wars,” “George, you can type this shit, but you sure has hell can’t say it.”

is he /our crippled old man/ lads?

That was always his stance on Star Wars it's just that much more visible during TFA.

>bitter old white guy who was just handed an iconic role

this is why we need less white male actors

He's jewish

This. The dude was literally a carpenter before Star Wars, and got the role through sheer white nepotism.

Genuine question do you actually think everyone you call a shill is a shill?

Where the fuck have these people came from? Even less than a year ago there wasnt this level of redditfags derailing every thread. It really seems like over the past few months theres been a concentrated effort to brigade Sup Forums like they do on their precious frontpage of the internet. Can anyone who follows this closer than i offer any suggestions

regardless of context, this statement is true.
its all the GoyT and staa worz tourists.

I do wonder...

No, not really

>theres actually change they would have left him alive if Harrison didn't want out so bad.
>then he'd be in VIII

Okay they would probably still both suck but there's a slight chance it could have been a little bit better..maybe?

>Sup Forums
something doesn't add up

I dunno, apparently no ones allowed to like John Wick now, and the prequels are amazing.

>there are dozens of us!
fucking kek, i should go rewatch that show again

The best part is based George laughing when the question was asked.

idiot or falseflagging, hard to tell

>pol falseflagging to make it look like trump isnt a kike dicksucker
its retarded plebbit shitters like pic related. These tasteless mongoloids will try to smear wick and 2049 etc while praising star wars and spamming their poverty tier youtube channel

What happened in RotJ? In empire, Ford still liked his Solo charactet. Something happened during RotJ production that made him change his mind.

Tripfags continue to be cancer, more at 11.

The prequels arent kino but at least they're better than these nu films. I know jerking the prequels is a reddit pasttime so is that why we arent we allowed to like john wick?

From what I heard, Solo was supposed to die a heroes death in RotJ, but some fag persuaded Lucas not to kill of Solo

He didn't really have much to do and realised the character wasn't going anywhere interesting. I think he was pissed off at what a waste it was.

Does anyone have that /r/socialism private message that basically is a call to arms against all not cucked sites with Sup Forums being listed as a priority target?

more like Lucas wanted more to sell more Han toys

>The prequels arent kino but at least they're better than these nu films.

It means he always hated Han Solo and wanted him to die in empire strikes back, he prefers playing Indiana Jones over Han Solo.

He was one of the most vocal voices opposing the ewoks he really really hated them

He always hated star wars and wanted to get his character killed off in the second movie.

Is that why his character in the 3rd movie is a complete moron?


Yes they are. Theyre diamonds in the (extreme) rough compares to the polished turds that are the sequel films.

Ford maybe a shit actor but he's BASED irl

I always intone it like darth vader saying "apology accepted captain needa"

*crashes another plane*

Killing him off in return if the Jedi would likely not affect toy sales.

sounds like something a shill would ask

I think he was afraid of being typecast and sick of manbabies worshipping him

Why does the interviewer do the nu-male gape?

Its all in the haircut user

soy boys are gender neutral and thus are the least offensive

SJWs and other left wing groups raid Sup Forums pretty often. They're usually really bad at it but some of you fall for their shitty bait.

Killing Han in ROTJ would have been a bad move. Fuck what Ford wants, he's an actor, not a writer.

Ok, Moshe, whatever makes you sleep at night.

He earned Indiana Jones.

The prequels are objectively worse films than Nu-Wars but they're far more interesting. Nu-Wars is boringly competent and focus grouped. Prequels are fascinatingly and originally bad.

Ford did it right, he defined his relationship with the nerds, not the other way around. As a result he has both their awe and their respect, while being free of their bullshit.

instinctively getting ready for the cock

I remember when antifa and lefty/pol/ thought they were raiding Sup Forums but they spammed the archive comment section of a thread for a whole day and replied to dead comments

>bait didn't exist a year ago

fuck off newfriend

Then Sup Forums caught wind of it and started the safety squads, closing leftists places IRL for the lulz

Look at the radical centrist who has no clue what hes talking about. If you did youd realize this aggressive shilling as of late is not normal. Sup Forums is starting to look like r/movies its so PC here now.

It means: grow the fuck up, retard.

*talking to the interviewer*

listen friend. times are changeing and black panther is one of the best films ever made

and guess what?

If you don't like its a clear indicator that you are a nazi

even schools understand this and shutting your ass down


>Real, test-pumping, dominant male thinks your stupid 'Le Space Wars XD' movies are for manchild soyboys
Whoa, what a revolution. If only someone could have broken the code for Sup Forums during middle school.

>cant tell the difference between some cheeky bait and actual cancer
Stupid fucker

My point exactly this kind of shit wasnt posted in large quantities until somewhat recently

DUDE I HATE BEING FAMOUS LMAO ignore the fact I'm telling you this over the TV

I'm sure george and harry want to stab that guy to death on some level.

>Baneposts irl

>this is why we need less white male actors
>a serious opinion on Sup Forums

you're just a stupid Sup Forums retard that gets triggered over anything

>Implying his legacy isnt blade runner

>no one posted the video


He was joking, you retards.

>casting good looking, charismatic actors you’ve worked with in previous films is nepotism

Bait harder, sweetie

As if the average tv poster or Star Wars fan has heard of American Graffiti

He hated that he was known for only one role. Alec Guiness said that he only got mail from Star Wars fans.

He has never really been shy about the fact that Star Wars isn't his favorite movie series nor was Han his favorite role.

did he tho?

What would the Mouse have on him? His character is dead and we all know that of the Mouse would offer him a new movie showing the adventures of old Han before his death, he would just tell them to fuck off. Unless they'd give him an obscene amount of money, but he still would say what he thinks about the movies.

I didn't mean because of star wars.

Ford is free of (((their))) contracts, he's near the end of his acting career, and he has Fuck-You money. The best thing Disney can do with regards to Harrison Ford and promoting their Ranger Solo film is avoid asking him about it on camera. The man literally could not give less of a shit about the franchise or the fans. As OP's pic related shows, fishing for hype sound bites from Ford runs the risk of getting dismissive mockery instead, which damages the brand as irritated fans will find those clips and present compilations as evidence that Nu-Wars is a contemptible cash-in, with no connection to the Originals.

I think most SW fans these days think SW was the only thing Lucas ever did. They probably would shit their pants from the sheer force of Kino that is THX1138.

>He hated that he was known for only one role
that role being Indiana Jones?

>quoting Monty Python

Didn't know Ford was a soyboy.

Mark Hamil probably had a 3 movie contract while Ford only had locked in 1 movie.

Ford can't be sued as he probably made no promises for his conduct after TFA

>as a fan
he's not a fan, he hates star wars