Why did those bombs fall down in space and also how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors?

why did those bombs fall down in space and also how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors?

Why wasn't this bitch the main diversity hire?

too hot for the tumblerina audience

not hideous enough

Because she is pretty, they wanted "basic" normal chicks could relate.

>why did those bombs fall down in space and also how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors?
that's the least of this movie problems
I'll tell you why though
In star wars there are shields that allow objects to enter but not air to escape, look at the hangar of the death star for example
the balls could be magnetically ejected

Are you familiar with Ampere's Right Hand Rule?


>why did those bombs fall down in space
"Magnets" they've invented is a rather pathetic excuse — artificial gravity within a bomber will send bombs "falling down" at a constant velocity anyway. This, however, makes space bombers the most retarded weapon in universe, because they could've made a much more effective space cannon using the same principle.
>how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors
Hurr durr energy barriers and stuff. Same with open hangars in space.

>also how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors?
It took you 7 movies for you to notice that there are no airlocks in star wars you fucking idiot?

>bombay doors

why didnt the resistance call on the eagles to escape the first order?

by distracting them with shitty music?

>tfw space animals (already shown in Clone Wars) will become a thing in Soylo
I'm starting to hate this franchise

Space animals have already been a thing since the ot you fucking poser


>wahhhhh why isn't every single character a super model
Go jerk off to porn you fucking brainlet

nice meme my friend

>the worm
Ok, it's still feels less retarded then whales and krakens and sheit

why did they bother with magnets?
Why didn't they just have something push the bombs out, propelling them toward their target?

have you ever watched a star wars movie in your life, moron? they have air membranes that ships can pass through. and there's gravity inisde the ship, and the bombs start falling down, they continue to fall in the vacuum of space because nothing else is acting on them. how does it feel to be extremely stupid?

>propelling them toward their target?

like, uh, a missile?

Because "dude, magnets lmao" is a catch-all explanation used by screenwriters who didn't think physics through. Even when they represented it correctly by chance, which is the case of TLJ space bombers.

Notice how those things are really only on huge capitol ships... almost like they need more power than a piddly little bomber could handle

I wish I could magnetically eject my balls

>bombay doors

because she was the bombad general

great idea

I bet this movie was a hit in dresden

>Notice how those things are really only on huge capitol ships
ANH already had it on every ship, probably even the escape pod.

>y wings and b wings did bombing shit before
>get killed ezpz

Why is everyone retarded in NuRepublic?

>diversity quotas everywhere
>Why is everyone retarded in NuRepublic?

>let women be in military
>get retarded shit
I wonder how FO managed to lose this hard, was snoke a transgender woman?

And this is according to what, your headcanon?

no one cares about B-Wings and you already got your big Y-Wing setpiece in Rogue One

I think a WWII bombing run in space was a cool idea and was new for the franchise, no matter how much your lore autism causes you to kick and scream about it.

White "women" (whales and trannies) are threatened by any non-ugly foreigner.

There are proton torpedoes literally in the very first movie. But using those you can't get lame ww2 bomber raids reference in your movie to feel smart.

That's literally what they had

whoah, it's almost as if technology has increased in the time between the prequels and the sequels. and they were by no means "small ships". they just looked small compared to the first order ship.

I would assume the door was similar to the hanger doors that have a forcefield keeping the air in but yeah, it doesn't make any sense because you clearly can't see one.

>t.fat hole

Why didn't they use these?

I'm gonna be perfectly honestly, I've never thought about how a missile fires before in my life

>>"basic" normal chicks

Like comparing an F4U Corsair with a B17

>why did those bombs fall down in space
Fuck what RJ says, it's the artificial gravity in the bomb bay itself

> how could she breathe after opening the bombay doors?
The same force fields they use in starfighter hangars

You’re not asking the right question

Too old. She's 38

>artificially gravity
Even a slingshot would be more useful in space.

The First Order was founded by a woman

Not really, more like Corsair to PBY Catalina

t. the Eternal Anglo

burger fighters could generally carry a shitload of ordnance to begin with and it's not like range was a serious factor here so I don't see how using 3 nu-y-wings wouldn't have been better

top kek

>I think a WWII bombing run in space was a cool idea and was new for the franchise
whatever Mickey

>38 but looks 20
>Her "little" sister is 29 but looks 45


because rey is so ugly that even a flat chest basic asian bitch looks hot in comparison to her

kelly tran isn't that ugly either, they just super pigged her up for her role in this movie.

It looked as though they were launched downward.

like their ratings

the artificial gravity in the ship caused them to fall and give momentum in space.

>I'm so much of a cuck I need to invent headcanon to defend bad writing

that's literally how physics work though; the bombs were propelled downwards on a rail and would have kept falling.

That said, if Star Wars was following real physics no one would be dogfighting in starfighters and the ships that ran out of fuel would have just kept moving forwards

China reacted to ugly actors / actresses. I can see why- I don't like ugliness. Jews, though, have waged an actual war against beauty.
>Maccabean revolts

except nowhere in the movie is this said, and if you're gonna argue that's how SW physics works then please try to explain how Leia wasn't immediately left behind the ship as she was expelled from the bridge to space, or better yet splattered all over the FO ship bridge window.

>caring about physics in Star Wars
Go away Neil

It has to follow the rules it establishes. Episode three shows how space vacuum works in Star Wars - it does pull the air if it can. Though the technology allows for shields to stabilize the situation of broken glass.

Females are stronger than men user, did all the hollywood movies not teach you this?

If there was a nuclear war, only women would survive.

>the ships that ran out of fuel would have just kept moving forwards
It's almost as if the entire movie's premise is fucking retarded.

True enough, those bombers were incredibly impractical. Should have stuck with B-wings

>these bombs can just be propelled from the ship as dumb bombs and since its space they'll keep moving until they hit an object
>nah it's magnets

Dumb explanation for their own design.

This, obviously you aren't a woman so you can't know this, shitlord