99% on rotten tomatoes
99% on rotten tomatoes
ok thats enough of that time to make a twitter account
These niggers should be grateful we're putting them in your movies.
t. Jew
Let it burn
there's no way this isn't bait
that's pretty racists, I though sjws where all about diversity?
>literally creates the character
>puts himself in every single marvel movie
>have an issue when he does it in the black one
>it’s a Sup Forums knows something is bait but falls for it anyways because they have nothing better to do episode
Wasn't that kike the one who made up Black Panther in the first place
this. no fucking way
So when can we actually start nuking NA and their hypocrisy?
they like diversifying their asses with big black cocks
Fuck off, Russia
Go back to voting down Star Wars
>Us (((white))) people, am I right?
this is bait and you're all falling for it you fucking retards
Can I save this pepe?
I'm looking for work. Can you help? I don't care about jewing people. I can learn.
it's pretty good bait desu
go with god user.
>bait bait
>this is bait
>you're all falling for bait
Looking at the account's tweets says otherwise.
We're not falling for bait. It's just that Sup Forums has been so dull lately.
Any controversial opinion will find somebody on the internet willing to say it for attention. News at 11
He's right, Stan Lee is a talentless hack who ripped off everyone who worked for him. Stan didn't create shit.
what im saying is, this isn't Sup Forums and nobody really cares. we just report and ignore shit threads most of the time.
Fuck off mate, leave our movie alone.
Yes it's almost as if retard bigots are making "liberal" twitter accounts and posting the worst things possible
Twitter was a grave mistake
it's a capeshit. stop posting about it on here and go to /co
>here's something I don't like
>I better blame it on the {{{jews}}}
>yfw last Stan Lee cameo will be in Black Panther
Is this bait? Is NY this cucked?
>find this tweet
>the dudes just shitposting
The opposite. New Yorkers knew that only a filthy shitskin could realistically play the monstrous Hunchback.
Nope its real nypost.com
Some nigger got butthurt because she thought gypsies were niggers (they are arabic tier mudskins fyi) and when the school cast a white girl as Esmeralda for The Hunchback of Notre Dame instead of her she rounded up SJWs and protested the school to kick her out of the role.
It's fucking madness.
>looking at the accounts tweets says otherwise
you fucking moron, do you not know how to read?
They supposedly filmed all of his cameos for movies that are coming out until like 2021 so nah.
Jesus fucking Christ. What (((happened))) to your country?
Do these retards forget who created the comics?
Im not even American bud.
Im Canadian from SJWronto which is even worse.
It's all the same at this point. The entirety of NA should just be wiped off the planet.
Nah we're not USA, we're more British in government and social services
>inb4 culture is no different m8
Literally every western country indulges in american media shit, we still have differences despite sharing borders
Ok this triggers me I haven't bit on any negrocatguy threads but ffs, this one is to far do the even know who the old ((white)) guy is, I bet this dude thinks wakookoo is a real place and the evil white devil refuses to charter planes that way. Should have left negros in afrika to be honest.
>we still have differences despite sharing borders
I know that, I'm not retarded.
I meant in terms of the SJW craze and their dismissal of hard scientific facts, even by schools.
>I meant in terms of the SJW craze and their dismissal of hard scientific facts, even by schools.
Oh yeah that is very true. Thats a widespread western issue though not just north american.
You can blame the UN for that shit, and george soros.
>Thats a widespread western issue
No it's not. We don't have schools here that dismiss the fact there are only 2 sexes or push extreme diversity quotas or organize protests because muh niggers and racial difference.
This is purely a North American thing.
They were Romanians you fool. Fyi
is this the real life?!
more like playshe ruina
he created the character so how is his role purposeless?
can you Sup Forumstards stop posting tweets from random people on twitter just so you can get offended. you guys are just as bad as SJWs because you go out and look for shit to get offended by. it's retarded.
gypsies are just european nomads
If it wasn't for white people that movie wouldn't even have been made in the first place for them to bitch and complain about.
These sorts of counter-memes are what we need!!
Wouldn't it be funny if he was blackfaced. Just imagine Stan as a nog. It'd be pretty funny and you know it.
>negus knowledge
Esmeralda was white tho, she was kidnapped by gipsies when newborn.
>being anything other than a guilty suicide cult
Lets post our Stan lee cameo ideas
>Stan is walking through the jungle
>wearing traditional British colonial gear
>hes holding a rope leading a group of black tribal children
>stumble upon a group of guys black panther beat up
>”talk about a genocide huh!”
>*audience laughs*
>mfw she literally added "and it's beautiful"
It would be a flashback.
>Stan Lee is an Adventurer scientist, the first men to discover Wakanda
>While he is greeted with friendship, some of his fellows want to steal vibranium.
>He wants to stop them and is killed
>the than Black Panther defeats them
>while Stan is buried in the tomb of heroes, a speach about greedy whites that even kill their own, even if their fellows are heroic, to isolate Wakanda
Pretty sure his cameo for Ant Man and The Avengers Infinity War is already ready.
The name of the account is fucking "chidden nuddet", you fucking triggered braindead retards.
we should just start killing these people and make it quick and silent, no martyrs, just disappear them like in china
too far gone to deseve to live