How can one man be so based?

How can one man be so based?

Other urls found in this thread:

>dat hand
>her look
how old is that mummy girl?

>He [also] said I could use his gym whenever I wanted. One day I got to work to work out and one of the [assistant directors] goes, "You can’t go in right now because Tom is working out." I thought, "That sucks, I got here an hour early to get this in, but he’s Tom Cruise." After, when we were shooting later that day, he said, "What happened to you? I thought you said you were going to work out this morning?" I told him I was told not to bother him and he got really pissed. He said, "Let me make something crystal clear: I don’t care what anybody on the crew says to you, they don’t know what I’m saying to you. And I’m saying to you that you are always welcome. I don’t care what I’m doing in there. You’re not other. You’re my castmate. Come in." He’s the best.

Old enough.

Who cares about cult members estranged from their family?

He's dating a 30 year old? Wow, what a concept.


I love him...

damn, doesn't look like

>you’re my castmate

Damn Tom is kawaii as fuck

I wish Tom was my castmate.

I wish Tom was my friend

Join Scientology and become an Operating Thetan, then you can!

i don't really care for most of his movies but tom seems like the most based guy irl

You can thank LRH for that. Praise be to LRH.

I wish Tom would fuck me.

Scientology gives you the power to make a grown man weep just by calling him a jerk

This... this is the comm cycle of a high level OT.

>spending your energy trying to please young sluts


roasties on suicide line

friendly reminder, Tom is supporting various charity actions
he's also very generous to his cast, friends and people he's working with

Xenu wills it to be so.

Tom is so powerful he can make another grown man cry without any threats of violence or intimidation. Just being in his presence makes you weak by comparison. He radiates power.

So everyone else is trash and an "other" than other people that are under five feet tall like him? Back to the shire with you, Cruisebo Baggins.

Throwing water on someone isn’t funny, you were real scared of tom in that video.

>Scientology shills are still pushing the narrative on here that this midget isn't a sick fuck

I like some of his movies but give me a break. Also he adopted a negroid. Disgusting.

he's dating younger to suck their lifeforce and then drop
spoiler for "The Mummy", which is in fact a ducumentary about how Tom remains young

Not dating
teaching her some RESPECT

He's about 26 years older than me but looks better than me so who gives a fuck?
If she's over 18 she can date who she wants.


>implying anyone here makes enough to complete the bridge
Look at this fucking optimist

C O P E ing this hard because people like Tom

what actress?

god i love him
too bad there are no other masculine action heroes like him left in hollywood anymore

>If she's over 18 she can date who she wants.
Absolutely. But what she CAN'T do is have an incorrect opinion about certain topics. Then we'll have to spread rumors and organize harassment campaigns until she loses her job.

I have no idea to what you're referring.

Tom is such a class act. God fucking damn.

>could have just coasted his career with his charisma and good looks as a leading man
>instead insists on doing death defying stunts in all his movies in the pursuit of pure kino
what a fuckin lad

possible 29 year old actresses:
-Candice Swanepoel
-Emma Stone
-Melissa Benoist
-Katrina Bowden
-Ana de Armas

no matter who it is, he is a fucking winner.

BASED Cruise

She can date a man 30 years older than her and people defend it as a matter of freedom. But if she offends any given progressive political group, she'll loose her job.

Isn't it Vanessa Kirby?


He's gay bruv

rihanna is only 29?
seems like umbrella was a hundred years ago.

was that ever "confirmed" (like Travolta) or is it just rumours?

any of these play with him in any movie?
how to understand "castmate"?

>implying the gay rumors werent spread by his agency to distract from the fact hes the leader of a shady fucking cult

he has a middle tooth

I used to hate this guy, now I think he's the most based actor ever. A living legend.

You literally cannot ruse the Cruise.

haha #based
h#cant bruse!~!

at 4 seconds he is clearly replaced by a stunt double, that does not really look like him.
does all his stunts himself my ass.
and best thing is he is clearly visible in background.
they are not even trying anymore.

>Doing something once with someone of the same sex makes you gay
Dude I am str8 as and have had gay thoughts but I am not gay. Not really bi either cos the muscular body turns me off.

No idea about Cruise so dont take what I say 100% but POSSIBLY in his youth he perhaps did something with a guy and thus this meme of him being gay began.



Thats the de aging edit you see i.e. some clips they de age him on photoshop to make him look slightly younger.

This is a thing that they do now in movies. Look it up.


looks like him, desu.
but yeah, nobody in hollywood does all their own stunts. tom cruise puts his ass on the line from time to time, but he doesn't do everything. insurance companies won't allow it

I wish Tom would invite Keanu to work on his next project. He could be the bad guy in the next Jack Reacher, just have a cross over with Wick. Reacher v Wick. Start as foes then have to work together to save the day. All real stunts. Behind the scenes footage of them training operator gun tactics together. Directed by McQuarrie with shootouts on par with way of the gun.

if anything it'd be John and Jack teaming up to take down some big crime boss or corrupt general

i don't see the problem with this, i have an uncle in his 60s who's married to and has a kid with a woman half his age

Yes, it was confirmed months ago

Why's that an issue, though
If she's a consenting adult, than it's fine. Tom is too based to limit himself to some dried up old hag

>faking being hit is a stunt that Tom didn't do so he's a fraud
desu, that's hardly a stunt compared to hanging off flying planes and that is absolutely Tom there, not a double.

Don't ask how he is based, ask how you yourself can get on his level... That's what manhood is all about, in my humblst opinionst..

Be gay, still fool retards online that you're straight.
How American do you have to be to believe this nonsense?

Who's the girl?

Tom Cruise is actually a high IQ genius.

He's very good at keeping his personal image, business and name brand running.

He's not a leader and the cult doesnt have him under control. It's a mutual benefit thing and he's on par in power with the cult, which is impressive since the Cruise is one person ( plus team) and the cult is thousands

he's not human, he's a machine
>driving/flying/steering every possible vehicle
>holding breath for 4 minutes
>running faster than half of people
>sleeping up to few cours
>working out ever morning and evening
>controling his imaga and having great relation/Pr with fanbase
he's a fucking terminator

As roasties start slamming into the wall after being promised by feminism they could have a career, a thriving sex life, and a husband and family to wrap it all up when they're done, expect to see more and more criticism of men dating younger women.

They will claim that age-gaps are purposefully exploitative, but in reality its just butthurt that men age better than women and don't want their used-up grandma ass.


more like tomato cruise

>men age better than women
Nice meme. Old men get pussy because they have money and power, not because they look good for their age

t. angry roastie

actually the stunt is punching someone else, while tom is gasping for air.......

For the same reason that men dont get cellulite, men age better. Their skin holds together longer. Plus, age looks good on a man's face.

Add that to the money and power thing, and you understand why past the age of 30 men take over the dating market allowing 50 year olds to bed 22 year olds.

But it’s true

Yes, it's so BASED that a person with three failed marriages is looking for another woman to pump and dump. This will surely improve society.

truly the cruise cannot be bruised

It wont improve society but this isn't anything new, so I wouldn't say its harming it either. Google the history of english kings sometime and look at the gap between those guys and the women they married. Some are gross and absurd like 45 year olds marrying 14 year olds.

I'm not saying I agree with that, but this is just a thing that happens. Men are always gonna be attracted to women that are younger because 80 year old men can still cum, but 40 year old women soon stop producing eggs.

Don’t kid yourself, honey

i did not know that.

based cruiser banging the young blonde island bongs.

Isolated for aesthetics

45 year old men are retarded

What's up with reddit posts like these?

He has three children. So he has done his best to save the white race.

So he may do whatever he likes.

I can't imagine how risk managers sign off on stuff like this.

because if nothing happens, you make easy $$$ on the advance purchase policy

but yeah, there had to be nervous execs on it

How do you not become a sociopathic rapist with this many attractive women willing to do anything to meet you? You’re pretty much fucked, absolutely no amount of self control won’t save you from eventually succumbing to complete insanity in the form of hard partying drugs, sex, and alcohol. Weinstein is a pathetic Jew, but the game was set up in such a way almost anyone would fall into it.

It's probably desperation from a mid-life crisis. lol that it only lasts a year though.

why do roasties young shame? I thought love is love, I mean they are consenting adults

Cruise refuses to do the movie unless he can, and since he’s a producer and finds the movie he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Because they all fucked older dudes when they were in their late teens and early twenties, and then one day those men all moved on to the next graduating class of 18 year olds leaving them with the realization that they were in no way special and were merely a young dumb piece of ass that was used and discarded.

Jealousy, every girl shoots for an older guy if they can, most couples I know the guy is at least a few years older, the 6-10 year age difference is extremely common. It’s the women who get passed up that get bitter about it. Everything women like about men gets better as they age, they make more money, typically become more calm and thoughtful, but also remain dominant. If they’re successful people, it shows when they’re older. A guy with his head up his ass will still be a fuck up at 30, a guy worth having will at least have shit figured out.

why? he flew around in a helicopter... how risky
the end on the street is probably trickery

there are enough older women with younger men
the kick-as guy, huge jackman, one of the kids from home improvement,

Flying a helicopter as a novice and attempting aerial maneuvers while acting

He did a literal vertical 360 in the helicopter with noone else in there
Failure means death

Ok, so three? Compared to the statistical overwhelming majority where the opposite is true?

When i was in high school the hot chicks went out with guys in their mid to late twenties.
