Why? Always loved it.
FWWM and S3 are absolute kino
One of the best horror flicks but only if you saw the series.
I find it being underrated and overrated at the same time.
/tpg/ loves this film, so we don't have to apologize for anything.
I know /tpg/ is over, but it will always live on in my heart
Sorry Sheryl Lee that Lynch tanked your career, you were too good for him
She was too pure to allow Weinstein and compant to defile her holes for roles.
she stopped acting cause she has a disease or something. lynch did nothing but support her
nigga we posting in /tpg/ right now
>tanked your career
You're mentally ill. Lynch was the one who gave her a career in the first place.
I was in the camp of people who thought it was shit for awhile. Now FWWM is my favorite part of the series. Sorry Lynch and sorry Sheryl you amazing human beings
Lynch's best
>tfw such a cute little old lady is alone in the world and destitute
Life is truly unfair. If she can’t find someone, what hope do any of us have
Who? For what? To whom? What the fuck are you even?
>Sheryl Lee was broke for years with a life threatening disease that kept her from being able to work, yet was optimistic about it despite being alone and didn't want people worrying about her due to a shlock article written about her
>Sherilyn Fenn wants to scam $10,000 out of her fans so she can waste it on a phony lawsuit at worst or make a ton of money off her fans at best, when she could probably get her husband to pay for it but it's obviously a shit case if lawyers want retainer for it
Audrey Horne is a top Twin Peaks waifu but the last few years have made me hate Fenn IRL to be honest
>If she can’t find someone, what hope do any of us have
don't say that user
If you’d seen the season 3 behind the scenes features or read her Twitter you’d know Sherilyn Fenn is fucking crazy
I know almost nothing about Twin Peaks but that earring sure looks like Polnareff's.
It’s a necklace
sherylposters killed /tpg/
Fuck, I love Audrey but I'm starting to hate Fenn. I'm afraid I'll never be able to enjoy my waifu again
Oh wait, I'm checking her twitter and she seems like your average crazy old lady
Laura's Dance >>> Audrey's Dance
sherylposters kept /tpg/ alive for the months after the show ended, though. So this is just blatantly false.
Or it's more likely that the show ended five months ago and we don't need the general to go on for that long
The way she went on and on about how short her role in The Return was like she needed the money or publicity was bullshit too. She had a season long featured role on Shameless the year before, which of her co-stars even have that to say for their career in 2016?
It seems to me like she's bitter about the fact that she was mostly cast when she was young because she was hot, she's not getting that anymore so obviously it's a sexist Hollywood regime keeping her out of movies. Like you said, most of the TP cast has been in way less than her and most of them were grateful to even have season 3.
her titties are still pretty milky
Wasn’t she also calling Showtime and Lynch sexist and saying they mistreated her before the new season came out?
i'm sorry Sheryl
Sheryl Lee is CUTE to the point of being able to make even chemically imbalanced brains able to release dopamine and serotonin!
Is she really lonely and having financial troubles? I'm not even a cutefag, I'm gay, but you're making me sad. She seems like such a nice person, like someone who would be really kind.
You ok user?
No but I'll probably get some medication before the month is over
Sorry I'm so late
Gotta be a wage cuck sometimes.
That sick Black Lodge tie
>not putting your arm around Sheryl
this fucker is so fucking scary
wish hed been in the return more
Was he in the return at all? I don't remember him.
David Lunch lol
>not holding Sheryl in a tight hug until firefighters have to use the jaws of life to pull you off
Why is she so CUTE Sup Forums?
Like a year before S3 an article came out with her taking about being basically broke and having to sell her Twin Peaks stuff.
She came out after and said a lot of it was taken out of context and misquoted, but regardless I doubt she’s swimming in money being a single fifty year old woman. And the lonely part was pure conjecture but again she’s a single unmarried woman in her fifties
Hopefully she knows a bunch of internet nobodies on a shitposting board care about her
Hello Johnny, how are you today?
think he was in literally one shot
>single fifty year old woman
What. She’s still gorgeous, was on a famous TV show and is a great person. What guy wouldn’t want her?
What's your gaydar reading on this guy?
mind blown.
Recognize the movie in the middle? John Waters knows his kino.
Dunno who he is but that haircut is so terrible he can't be gay.
someone give me the link to this video, please
Her ex-husband
Criterion Collection Blu-Ray Closet series