First black superhero in cinema

>first black superhero in cinema
>can't keep a job
>destroys property
>refuses to pay child support or see his kids

discuss how that relates to black panther

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Sup Forumstards can't recognize parody. They take everything at face value.

>white wife

>first black superhero in cinema
Blocks your path.

every will smith movie

kino scene

>doesn't understand shitposts

Oh, I haven't realized that Black Panther is a parody. Hard to guess with all the berniebros sucking black dicks.

>first black superhero in cinema
Ayo hol up!

>30 mill budget
>8 mil revenue

o lawd

>movie score gets bombed solely for the final act

Wasn't Halle Berry in a Catwoman movie a few years before this? I never saw it but I thought it was pretty well received (albeit forgettable)

>not this scene

Notice how the humour in this film is actually funny unlike shit from the MCU.

Blade was first

Black people are purposely choosing to forget all the shitty black capeshit movies prior to Black Panther so it makes them feel good.

It was critically panned

How many black folks care about capeshit?
Don't believe the hype

give your head a shake.

>Blocks your path.

came here to post this.

A loud minority it seems. Guarantee you the only black people that actually give a shit, or act like they give a shit, are the fat black "woke" women you see on Twitter.

>>first black superhero in cinema
t. 12 years old

What made Blade(1) not suck?
On paper, it sounds like it sucks but it totally fucking didn't.

it's one of the worst movies ever made and she hated it. but yeah blade was like a decade before both of these, op is stupid

t. doesn't understand shitposts

>first black superhero in cinema
That's not spawn or blade though you greasy cumstain.


Its rode the line between camp and playing it straight perfectly.
Snipes is also a criminally underrated action star that everyone has forgotten about since the 80's.

OP here

can you shut the fuck up, I've seen all three blade movies + mystery men which had a black hero as part of the team.

I said that as a joke. How badly do you want to seem knowledgeable that you need to point out blade for the 100th time in a short thread?

> wesley snipes was absolutely based
> kristofferson was great as whistler
> the lore was already established and you came in the middle and the film slowly revealed shit
> the opening is the most kino opening to any superhero movie and will never be topped

>first black superhero in cinema
>quits his job because of morals
>destroys his owns weapons to keep them from getting into the wrong hands
>cares about his community
>can dunk on you

>and she hated it
I've always wondered what actors think when they get to set and realize their in an absolute steaming pile of shit.

>I'm only pretending to be retarded
Shut up.

I don't consider vampires super heroes no matter how many people or comics say otherwise.

Now you see why he never got a sequel because he's obviously a deeply problematic character. This shit actually made hundreds of millions in profit and there is legit no reason why it shouldn't have gotten one except race.

Ok then, what your criteria?
Spider bites?
Intergalactic mutagens?
Just straight being an alien?
Fuck off, vamps are superior to humans and, if they do good, are super heroes.

He's a halfbreed, which have always been the best vampire hunters shy of van helsing.

I was 15 when it came out, and I legit don't remember thinking about it in racial terms at all.
>oh hey will smith is fun, this could be cool
>loser superhero, that's a fun and unique take, I'll watch this

If it came out now, I (and everyone else) would be like

Where the fuck did this racial tension come from?

>refuses to pay child support or see his kids

>Where the fuck did this racial tension come from?
the movie came out after Obama but before Zimmerman

It's ALL the media, man.
I live in a city that's 60% black.
I work in an office that's 40% black.
Black Panther was a non-event to them.

like the first half of this movie is amazing, but after they introduce his backstory the whole thing falls apart

Everyone born in the 90s thinks racial tension was invented in the 2000s. It's like a brain virus.

niggers always do this, forget all the shit that never invented or contributed to humanity, but "we Wuz Kangz"

great thread OP

>what is Independence Day

I liked it.

Ironically many whites enjoyed this film.