Officer user-4-dash-c-h-a-n, let's begin. Ready?
Officer user-4-dash-c-h-a-n, let's begin. Ready?
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Recite your baseline.
Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.
>tfw no gf
and milky white goodness began to drip
a dozen mommies
arms interlinked with arms interlinked with arms
interlinked within one room
and dreadfully distinct between their bozom
a long bbbc played
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
Why don't you say that three times:
>arms interlinked with arms interlinked with arms interlinked
>Officer C.I.A. - 4.U
>Ready? Lets begin.
>Recite your baseline.
And a plane began to spin.
A system of flight plans interlinked within flight plans interlinked within flight plans interlinked within one file at the agency.
And extremely painful against the dark a big guy with a mask played.
>Big guy.
Big guy.
>Have you ever filed a flight plan with the agency? Big guy.
Big guy.
>Do you sometimes wonder why someone whould shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? Big guy.
Big guy.
>Have you ever crashed a plane with no survivors? Bane.
>Do you long to powerstance? Bane.
>Extremely painful.
Extremely painful.
>How does it feel when you don't get to bring friends? Extremely painful.
Extremely painful.
>Have you ever pulled off that mask? Extremely painful.
>You are way off your baseline.
why is there a long bbbc with mommies?
Hi, I'm Rian Gosling, AMA!
Genuine brainlet here.
What did this scene mean?
Why did he keep saying "interlinked"?
How does it relate to being baseline?
>soyrunner still being posted
Reddit will never leave
its a part of pale fire, a poem
the part part just before the quoted passage is interesting:
>And then it happened--the attack, the trance,
>Or one of my old fits. There sat by chance
>A doctor in the front row. At his feet
>Patly I fell. My heart had stopped to beat,
>It seems, and several moments passed before
>It heaved and went on trudging to a more
>Conclusive destination. Give me now
>Your full attention.
>I can't tell you how I knew--but Idid know that >I had crossed
>The border. Everything I loved was lost
its a poem from some book. Its the same one Joi asks to read in the beginning of the movie. "Interlinked" is part of the poem.
The concept of baseline is whether or not he feels emotional distress from reciting the poem. Baseline is having no emotion to it. But later in the movie he begins to be more "human" and the lines of the poem, particularly the line about "have you ever felt the hand of someone you love" made him think about Joi, and threw him way off of his baseline
the implication is that he took one before when he was calm, so every time he does something traumatic he takes another, which is then compared to the original in terms of answering speed, body language etc
i think its safe to say each replicant blade runner has their own and possibly not in the CELLS! - "CELLS" format
Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
isnt the poem about a near-death experience and the author is describing the afterlife?
I want star wars tourists to leave
That makes sense. What's the significance of the repetition though? I get that response time is part of it, but it seems pretty arbitrary to have them repeat a chosen word rather than, say, complete the next poem line or something.
It's a new version of the Voight-Kampff test from the original, the difference is in the original they tested to see non human responses while here they are testing to see if the replicant is showing any human emotional responses by asking him highly personal emotional questions, while he has to just reply unphased by the previous question. Keeps the new replicants in check, at their emotional "baseline"
Those specific used sentences are the verses are from third canto in Pale Fire by Nabokov that tells a story of a man who sees a surreal fountain in his dream and later discovers a precise description of that exact fountain in a paper. He takes it as some important cosmic sign and tries to get in touch with the author, but it turns out she's already dead and the poem was actually misprinted (fountain instead of mountain). Same as the "you're not special" theme in the narrative of the film.
There's fear that Replicants working with the LAPD will become emotionally unstable due to having to kill their own kind. Replicants are then given a test to guage their emotional stability. They pick a short phrase or poem. They recite that, and then belligerent questions are thrown at them, and they have to repeat part of their phrases. This is then gauged to their calm normal state, which is called "baseline".
>The concept of baseline is whether or not he feels emotional distress from reciting the poem. Baseline is having no emotion to it. But later in the movie he begins to be more "human" and the lines of the poem, particularly the line about "have you ever felt the hand of someone you love" made him think about Joi, and threw him way off of his baseline
He's thrown off baseline because he just had a traumatic experience. If they had tested him like a day later, he'd be fine.
I didn't understand the Cells interlinked line in Pale Fire, and I am now even more confused by its inclusion in the movie. I know the book is referenced by Joi, and some of the themes are seen elsewhere in the movie, but the Cells interlinked isn't even an noteworthy part of the book. For example Kinbote's exile story involves decoy kings, like K is a decoy for bubble bitch. The cells interlinked, not so much.
thats just how the poem was written, i think. With the repetition it becomes like a chant, or even a prayer, which makes it sound more haunting.
Look here
That part of the poem is, yes.
>Cells interlinked
What does that evoke? Family, closeness, bonding, reproduction, love. That's what K wants.
>What's the significance of the repetition though?
Well to test him continually through different questions ofcourse. Look up an acting technique called "Dropping in"
>seems pretty arbitrary to have them repeat a chosen word rather than, say, complete the next poem line
The actual word he is repeating (cells, interlinked, within cells interlinked) are not that important to them, the only thing that's important to them is how he says them, the he reacts to the questions (or doesn’t). Making him complete the next poem line would be just unnecessary time wasting because they are not testing his reciting and memory skills but his emotional baseline
the way he reacts to the questions*
actually, the poem is about a person who has a near death experience and in the afterlife sees a "white fountain". the person then publishes their experience in a book. Later, another person has a near-death experience who also saw a white fountain. They see this as some sort of proof of an afterlife so they investigate further. Turns out the first author's friend who published it made a typo and did "white fountain" instead of "white mountain" like the original person had intended. The whole thing was just a wild goose chase, which is similar to BR2049's plot about him being a special replicant
it's implied that "constant K" is unfazed by
most traumatic experiences, especially after killing Batista and ripping his eye out. The traumatic experience that threw him off baseline was finding out he was some sort of special Jesus replicant. I doubt he would've been fine a day later.
heres the rest of the poem, that K probably chose for whatever reason
the part part just before the quoted passage is interesting:
>And then it happened--the attack, the trance,
>Or one of my old fits. There sat by chance
>A doctor in the front row. At his feet
>Patly I fell. My heart had stopped to beat,
>It seems, and several moments passed before
>It heaved and went on trudging to a more
>Conclusive destination. Give me now
>Your full attention.
>I can't tell you how I knew--but Idid know that >I had crossed
>The border. Everything I loved was lost
you're way off baseline m8
report to the retiring room immediately