Do you like "art house" films?

Do you like "art house" films?

none of those are arthouse

You could've just said no

I’ve seen 22 films from that list but I’m going through a ‘movie fatigue’. What’s a movie that will make me recover my love for cinema? I haven’t seen anything in weeks

one of those are arthouse

Triumph of the Will

most of these certainly are but are very entry level

ummmm sweeties... ‘arthouse’ is a term coined for foreign or indie movies. It doesn’t mean anything else.

arthouse = art filmed in a house

seen it

exactly, every foreign film is arthouse by default because it doesn't portend to a greater stature in a capitalist market and has to be made with the greatest care, quality, and attention to detail


you know it's true
thinks it's mere coincidence that exactly 0 of the films listed are american? I think not

jeux interdits

2 of the films shown in the picture are American: Wild at Heart and Days of Heaven.

i like ozu


>It doesn’t mean anything else.
But you just defined it as "a term coined for foreign or indie movies"

You are a fucking idiot LMAO


fellas how do i get my attention span back to what it used to be?
havent be able to sit through a slow arthouse film in a long time

do you know what ‘else’ means?

get off internet

I loved Blade Runner 2049

>all directors featured only once
>two Bunuel's practically next to each other
This will always bother me

>Seven Samurai
>art house film
literally how

Try watching a few shorts, then watch a film no longer than 90 mins, try to think about the film and not the real-life problems.
Do you watch films on a pc? If yes close the browser or any possible distraction

Why would you go with Wild at Heart over Blue Velvet?

>la haine
just because it's black and white and french doesn't mean it's "art house"

art house is a term used to reference theaters in the us that don't play hollywood films, instead screening foreign or repertory films. It is not a designation of quality or status. So despite Seven Samurai being a classical historical epic, maybe the most expensive japanese film made at that point, and an international success, it's "art house"

This What's worse it's literally a propaganda piece about French suburbs, the same ones that today are literal no-go-zones. Those people are literal trash; I've frequented their kind.

i have bfi player
but trying shorter films is a good idea

wild at heart is Lynch's best imo

literally wrong


You have no idea what that term even means

Do you also call City of God propaganda, mongo?

I'll have to see it then.

I thought both Lost Highway and Blue Velvet were fantastic, haven't seen others yet. Blue Velvet is apparently his most accessible, and LH isn't far from that either. Either way, the guy has got a really fun and interesting style. Idk why people seem to hate Lynch or think he's pretentious when he makes these strange horror/comedy americana pastiches.

Also making Eraserhead with almost no budget over years is pretty amazing.

Why are most of these from the 60s? What's good art house from the 21st century

Why would you go with Blue Velvet over Mulholland Drive?

How soy is this thread?

The structure of the film industry has changed a lot recently, though there's definitely still art house movies.

Springbreakers is pretty artsy and actually good. I guess Malick's movies could still be considered arthouse since he's an auteur?


I saw Eraserhead just yesterday! you should see it, even though it's a lot more surreal and dark than the ones you have seen. and my god the alien baby looks so incredibly good and also terrifying

Not soy, just pleb.


If you think the movies posted ITT aren't pleb, you're a pleb.


pleb detected


Celine and Julie Go Boating

and the pleb continues

Only watch this if you're a soyboy brainlet.

Hard to be a God


>not including this

>try to have a decent thread about classic films
>gets flooded with capeshit mongrels and sneed faggots spamming soy memes

when will we get a proper /film/ board

When will you get some taste

Never. Sorry m8. But hey, at least you can download wojacks and save them for this occasion.

I only watch old movies and art house films. I'm not pretentious or anything but how can people still enjoy blockbusters? They are insufferably boring.


Propaganda to make you feel like the shitskin scum multiplying in France's cities are victims. Classic victim narrative, 101 of psychological manipulation.
Don't play games. Of course it's fucking propaganda. Also Kassovitz isn't exactly of Gaulish blood if you catch my drift.
Do you even live anywhere near France? Do you have any idea what the country has become?

I don't remember enough of City of God to say. But what I do vaguely remember made me think Rio was an utter hellhole and I would never want to go there. Plus, I've seen my fair share of Brazilian and Mexican gore videos to know how fucked those savages are.

Now read about French colonialism and neo-colonialism to see who is the real victim.

>La Haine is propaganda
>A movie about trying to end the cycle of violence
>And which chronicles the very real discrimination of arabs in ghettos post algeria in Paris

lmao. you fucking BRAINFORCE(tm) kiddos are hilarious.

the stupid responses you've already received shows you are right.

Because the term has lost its meaning, same for "indie rock"
If you want some short mobis recommendations:
Most Keaton's shorts
Some of Guy Maddin's stuff
Fireworks (1947)
A Song of Love (1950)
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1962)
La jetée (1962)
The Bakery Girl of Monceau (1963)
Film (1965)
The Perfect Human (1967)
La Cabina (1972)
Tale of Tales (1980)
Street of Crocodiles (1986)
Elephant (1989)
Longest is 39mins, so you can get back on tracks to watch longer mobis

>People who are racially discriminated against from former colonies of france aren't victims
>No. White people are victims. Lmao.
>Also movies which promote pacifism are still propaganda because LMAO fuck arabs.

there are good modern movies that aren't blockbusters you know

Colonialism literally made Africa and Indochina better.
Why shouldn't they be discriminated against? Discrimination is an elementary human faculty, one we all use every day. We discriminate between good and bad things, between right and wrong, who we should become friends with, go out with, marry, etc.

Your bleeding heart is so admirable.

>Colonialism literally made Africa and Indochina better.
Obviously. Let's just ignore thousands of people killed, tortured and raped. Let's ignore brutal dictators installed by the French.

Shitskins cannot be considered 'people', they're expendable at best.

>Why shouldn't they be discriminated against?
>Shitskins cannot be considered 'people
no wonder that even La Haine goes over your head, it's flat

Jesus Christ what a shithole this place is. People are making all these low-effort bait posts dismissing others' opinions and not making any attempt to articulate their own ideas. Why don't you underage faggots get off a thread that is dedicated to something that you clearly have no knowledge or understanding of, or if you have something to contribute, please do so in a civil manner. And read the global rules before posting on Sup Forums.

These movies are all entry level and have been discussed to death, stop being butthurt faggot.

Turn your computer off, sit down and read a book.

Not him but just because you've seen all the films in this thread doesn't mean they don't warrant being discussed. This is the reason we can't have any good threads about older films, they get shit on by elitists who think you should have been born watching the classics.

>have been discussed to death
genuinely chuckled

Another reason is that most of these films have little substance and hardly need discussing, it's all facile watch-and-forget shit.

The films included in the two recommendation charts posted in this thread are great cinema that surely warrants more discussion than "you're a soyboy pleb". Just because you may have discussed a film doesn't mean there are no others who might be interested in sharing their thoughts and recommendations.

>it's all facile watch-and-forget shit
then tell me what Possession is about

Not him but am I retarded for being underwhelmed by the ending of Possession?

>Another reason is that most of these films have little substance and hardly need discussing
So Blade Runner 2049, Star Wars and Black Panther have more substance since they're the only films that have been discussed to death on this board, gotcha.

Where's Die Hard?

Tucker and Dale vs Evil or RoboCop


Wild at Heart? pfff
2nd Worst Lynch film ever. What crap. Please edit your poster.

So by your definition every american movie is an arthouse film for me because i'm european?

>no films from before 1920
>no Flaherty
>no cinéma pur
>no documentary and/or non-narrative cinema at all
>Fritz Lang
>early Godard