I think we all know which one is the best

i think we all know which one is the best

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/"dumpster fire"/

Who was a pointless side character in Empire?

Learn to draw a straight line nigga

what are you retarded?

ROTS is objectively the best Star Wars movie.

Ha ha ha ha ha. It's not even close. It's the best of the prequels, but thats like comparing it to the best transformers movie. But, hey at least its better than the sequels, right?



How do you fuck up drawing a straight line on a computer?


Just use and Excel spreadsheet, holy fuck.

>But, hey at least its better than the sequels, right?

No. The sequels may be soulless pablum, but the prequels were fucking irredeemable garbage.

Why are people pretending the prequels were wholly original and didn't have the original trilogy's dick down its throat the entire time?

Reddit: The opinion.

found reddit letter media

Because they are young fags.

>Also pointless side characters not mentioning jarjar.

Reddit likes the sequels. I don't. But unlike you, I'm not so delusionally contrarian that I'm able to fool myself into thinking the prequels were anything but a dumpster fire.

I camped out and waited for a good 20 hours on opening day to watch Ep.1. Never been more disappointed in my life. It's the grand disappointment by which all other disappointments are measured.

Reddit loves the prequels, that's all I need to hate them.

>episode 3
who is actually underage, the one that was too young when the film came out and doesn't even remember the movies, or OP?

It looks like a six year old made this image. It would make a lot of sense.


>expected transformers
>got the great gabsy instead

I expected Star Wars, I got shit.

You like the prequels because you were 5 when they came out.

more like
>you liked the prequels because you didn't swallowed EU garbage like I did when growing up
Fixed for you, for accuracy's sake. Also, I was 8.

>I expected OT Star Wars
Like I said, Transformers.

t. reddit

ANH, ESB and ROTJ is the only star wars thing I'd accept
Plus Genndykino too

Jesus, TLJfags have spread here too.

>dumpster fire
>Reddit spacing

You're not fooling anyone

Sounds like you had unrealistic expectations for the film, pal. Also
>I camped out and waited for a good 20 hours on opening day to watch Ep.1.
lmao no wonder you're still mad

>Reddit spacing
Purely out of curiosity, does anyone actually believe this is a real thing? I've assumed it's just bait.

Not by itself, but the use of "dumpster fire" is a dead giveaway

Reddit spacing is your first flag that the post you're reading might be Reddit. If you find further evidence you can successfully detect a pledditor.

A lot of people use it just for shitposting, even myself when I'm using an argument, I just point out his Reddit spacing and I instantly win the debate as anons back me up and we start shitting on him. Even though he probably wasn't a redditor just a retard.

Still, its a real thing, and you should be aware of it.

Superior chart coming tru

>tfw I unironically agree with this image
Plebs will never understand.


the prequels may have shitty dialogue and bad cgi but the sequels dont have sheev, the high ground, memes, a list actors or anything interesting really.

I unironically love the prequels not just for the meme quality, but for the world building, ewan mcgregor, etc, and people overlook how they really bring people together. My friends and I watch one of the prequels every weekend and drink everytime a meme comes up, and we quote them regularly . I cant even remember the last time i watched the OT.

How, exactly? Dumpster fire is not an uncommon term.

I've never posted on reddit in my life and I've done sentence breaks like that for as long as I can remember. I just don't understand how "pressing enter twice" can be construed as connecting to a particular website.

>Dumpster fire is not an uncommon term.
In Sup Forums it is, you reddit invader. We don't talk like sissies here.

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/"dumpster fire"/

Apparently you do.


>implying that isn't all you
come on now m8


>implying all of Sup Forums isn't you.

>I camped out and waited for a good 20 hours on opening day to watch Ep.1. Never been more disappointed in my life.
Except when you realized you would never kiss a girl gramps.


>Best lightsaber duels in history
Come on man. Everyone has their opinion on the style of lightsaber fighting used in the prequels, but Phantom Menace was far better than RotS in its final duel.

I couldn't say with certainty about the first 2 prequels but RotS beats any nu-wars movie.

>best Lightsaber Duel
>Not either one of Luke vs Vader
>meme goldmine
>implying Good Friend doesn't outstrip everything from the PT
>implying the PTs Side Characters are less pointless than anything in the OT
>implying being directed by lucas is a good thing
>implying you don't need to figure out how the fuck to make a good chart

>mfw someone implied near me that Finn vs. Kylo Ren wasn't the best lightsaber fight.

Killyerself faggot Op fucking triggered AF

The ESB duel and RotJ duels are my personal favorites. But they aren't meme goldmines, unfortunately

Redditor here.

You actually need 2 blank spaces, then a short line of code (~Blank~) and then two more blank spaces in order to insert ONE space between text.

So you are all wrong and all retarded.


OT is better (though I'm not big on any SW really), and I agree the Luke/Vader fights beat any others.
Though I had to agree with "meme goldmine" for RotS, not to mention its whole trilogy. What's this Good Friend part you refer to? I'm always on the hunt for a fresh meme.

>not knowing Good friend
you 'avin a giggle, m8?

>Outing yourself on the second worst board to do so after Sup Forums
Dumb and/or gutsy.

Idk, Sup Forums memes can sometime be hard to find on Google. Even then, you need confirmation you've got the right meme.

>I was eight

There it is.

What's you're point? You weren't a gleam in your fathers eye.

I'll bet you still think space jam is a great movie too

its kino

Take off the nostalgia glasses and you’re 100% correct

I have all I need to know

Thanks for the recommend reading list. Going to reach Symposium and Richard III next.

Good Friend is only a good meme because of the prequels though. It’s funny because they took this one section of backstory which set off everyone’s imaginations and made it overwrought convoluted shit. It’s not funny in and of itself.

Just read it. Solid. Definitely solid.

Great Gatsby is transformers tier

>That fucking spacing
At least have some dignity to hide that you are reddit yourself, before calling that others