EU writers: Hmmm how can we make the Death Stars seem insignificant and pointless... Oh I know!

EU writers: Hmmm how can we make the Death Stars seem insignificant and pointless... Oh I know!
>comes up with this

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Redpill me on this. Also why does it have a vagoogoo at the bottom

Disney writers: Hmmm how can we make the entire OT, all it's events, characters and themes seem insignificant and pointless...Oh I know!
>comes up with this

You really don’t even need the Suncrusher to launch the torpedoes, any ship or starfighter could do it. It’s essentially the trilithium torpedo that Tolian Soren uses in “Star Trek: Generations.”

>when the anal hits

It blows up stars, so the star then destroys the solar system. The ship cannot be destroyed so it kinda just sits there after it fires it's missiles. It's from a good trilogy. Has a female Empire Admiral who is badass. Basically Disney really fucked up by making that other fucking death star that sucks up stars. There is literally no reason to shoot anything if you suck up a star. It's flown into a black hole. Spoilers.

God, I want Reddit to leave.

pee pee and bagine :D

>it’s from a good trilogy
t. Dorsk 81

Basically the Sun Crusher was a secret Imperial project in the Maw Installation (where they built the death star and other superweapons) and eventually years after Endor it turns up and becomes a plot element.

It has this bullshit special crystal armor that makes it indestructible, being able to deflect a shot from a superlaser and fly right through the bridge of a star destroyer unscathed (it does both of these things in the books).

If that wasn't enough, it also carries these special never-before-seen torpedoes that can cause a star to supernova, thus entire star systems could be destroyed. All this and it's only slightly larger than a snubfighter.

It's fighter-sized and made of special armor so it's impervious to a lot of starship weapons accurate enough to actually hit it and it fires torpedoes that trigger supernovae. Starkiller Base is the opposite in terms of scale, it's an even bigger Death Star with elements of the Galaxy Gun and the Star Forge.

So how did they beat it?

Honestly though, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if it didn't have such a stupid fucking design.

>Canadian writers: How about a wife's Sun Crusher?

Dropped it into a black hole during a battle with the prototype Death Star (which is not the original ANH Death Star for some reason)

lmao nigga just hyperspace ram it

>So how did they beat it?
>After Kyp Durron destroyed the Carida system, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian came looking for him and chased Kyp to the Core Systems, where they found that he had also destroyed a major starship construction yard and a weapons depot with it. Han then found Kyp and distracted him while Lando attempted to shut down the Sun Crusher. However, Kyp used the Force to restart it and threatened to destroy the Millennium Falcon with one of the supernova torpedoes. At this moment Exar Kun was destroyed by Kyp's fellow students and Kyp realized what he had done and surrendered to Han. To redeem himself, Kyp had to destroy the Sun Crusher. He destroyed it during the Battle of the Maw, where it was sucked into one of the Maw's black holes along with the Death Star prototype. Kyp survived by escaping in a message pod, though he suffered serious injuries in the process. Durron used the Force to slow himself almost to the point of suspended animation and crammed himself into the tiny message cylinder.

why did they spend so much time + money building death stars if they could just build a big unmanned ship and warp it through the core of a planet/star?

>Durron used the Force to slow himself almost to the point of suspended animation and crammed himself into the tiny message cylinder.
Oh shit was Super Leia not so far fetched?

It was never about it being far fetched. It was the way it looked. (and the fact that Carrie actually died)

Tue. It probably would have been fine if it didn't look fucking retarded and if they didn't fumble a perfect way of killing the character.

I got into Star Wars because it was never-before-seen effects and techniques at the time, and it had good character writing to boot. It was a movie written around characters.

Disney Wars however use nothing creative and new in terms of effects beyond plagiarising already existing CGI in 20 other movies, of which half have better art direction than the Disney Wars;
and instead of writing a movie around well written characters, they write shitty characters around a political social statement jerkfest in addition to some bland poor "fan-insert" nudge. It's fucking pathetic.

You know you don't know what the fuck you are doing when your idea of writing characters is to write them as if they are the fanfiction self-insert of the fanbase. That's just appealing to ego in order to avoid having to write something with substance.

TLJ reads like a DeviantArt fanfic or something.

The Sun Crusher would have been fine if it were just a ground vehicle instead of a ship.

Like if it had wheels or treads. Would have solved a lot of narrative issues.

>It's from a good trilogy.
Maximum trolling almost achieved. But you could do better with Callista trilogy.

>Has a female Empire Admiral who is badass.
Daala was a fucking retard who got her rank just because she let Tarking fuck her in every hole imaginable. She also lost 2 (almost 3 if not for the plot armor) Super Star Destroyers because of her stupidity. Literally the anti-Thrawn.

I didn't expect the Leia thing to be shit on so hard by everyone, that kind of thing happens several times in the EU.
I thought it was kind of cool.

How would that even work?
>sun crusher is a land vehicle
>antagonist decides to destroy local star in star system
>shoots torpedo from surface of the planet at star
>a few days/hours later finally reaches star and it supernovas
>oh shit, it also destroyed the planet we're sitting on
>But uhhh this armor somehow protected us, so I guess we'll just float around in space now.

>Daala was a fucking retard
It's been 20 years since I read it.

Maybe it would have been better received if Fisher wasn't actually dead. They had a convenient opportunity to write off her character and they chose not to.

>that kind of thing happens several times in the EU
When it did, it was usually things that EU fans weren't exactly sad to see go and nucanon advocates cite as a reason why it had to die. Seeing it and the hyperspace ram on the big screen was just retarded, at least the ram looked cool for a few seconds.

>that kind of thing happens several times in the EU
Flying trough space without any protection with sub-light speed? Nope. There was Plo Kun who managed to fight in space vacuum (because of Kel Dor body physics allowed him to survive, plus he had his rebreather on) or Aryn Leneer who was able to slow down herself falling down pretty much from planet's orbit. And some other retarded stuff, but nothing nearly as retarded as Super Leia.

Terminal velocity is only 60m/s for a humanoid, right? With Jedi reflexes, she could force push to reduce speed at the last second, no?

It wasn't last second though. And at the same time she also managed to slow down her companion's fall. I like the Deceived novel, but that one moment was just a hack job.

Is that the one where... the guy ends up with a temporary boost of oneness.