>40 minutes of nothing happening
>Breaking Bad character appears
>"Oh shit, I gotta watch the next episode!"
40 minutes of nothing happening
>it's a Mike sits in a car for 20 minutes episode
Comfy show imo
is this show still airing? don't see any threads on here anymore
>nothing happening
You can tell brainlets who make posts like this were too low IQ to enjoy the Fly episode of Breaking Bad
adhd general
Season 3 Episode 5 is unironically one of the best episodes of television ever desu
Yup, the bar hearing is great
the fly episode is a filler episode nontheless.
the story does not progress user. just because they sugar coat it with some meaningfull "WAlt is feeling bad because of jesse's fish heroine addict gf" that doesnt make it not a filler.
as if we were fucking stupid and didnt know that all ready.
the parts with Gus and Mike are the weakest aspect of the show in my opinion. it just feels like Diet Breaking Bad with all the cameos and silly convoluted plots to avoid bloodshed. Jimmy/Chuck/Howard/Kim is great but all the cartel stuff with Mike feels too removed from everything else. it would help if Jimmy and Mike interacted more but for some reason the show keeps them apart all the time despite their great chemistry
And Mike looks like he is dying
>the plot doesn’t progress
That’s now how you measure the quality of an episode you brainlet.
I stopped after season 2, should I really keep going? I just finished Parks and Rec so now i'm outta shit to watch again.
Season 3 might be the best season yet, if you want to see where the Jimmy/Chuck story goes I would recommend it
campy comfy show
just the way I love them
Season 3 is some of the best TV we've got.
Alright, i'll probably go back and watch it. Also, I don't remember if they explained it or not but, why is Chuck such a dick to Jimmy?
Shouldnt season 4 be airing by now, or did it get canned
your acting like AMC didnt do that episode just for the sheckles
>hurr durr bottle episodes are automatically bad
Sorry kid but it’s not true
So much character development in this show. I liked at the end of season 1, when Jimmy gave back the million he found and said he was gonna change, but didn't. Or how Jimmy quit his job in season 2 and everything went back to the way they were in the very first episode. Or how Jimmy set up that fake bingo to make himself seem like a bad guy and help that old woman. I sure love how they still haven't gotten close to Jimmy turning into Saul Goodman after 3 seasons, even though they said the show was gonna have the past, present and future of the character. Do they think they'll have 15 seasons? What you dumb fucks who say it's "comfy" or "has character development" don't understand is that the writers have no idea what they're gonna do and are just trying to drag everything out until they get exposed for the hacks that they are. Nothing has happened in this show. They didn't show Chuck's death so they could bring him back if they want to! It's gonna be just like when Chuck banged his head on the counter. Everything was fine the next episode. Don't even get me started on Mike and the completely uninteresting tale of how he was hired by Gus. Who cares. We know what happens next, that is what's important.
Lots of tiny reasons spread over their entire lives.
But a bunch of it comes down to Chuck feeling that Jimmy never does things the right way. That he takes shortcuts and doesn't think about the consequences, while Chuck was working hard and put down effort to get where he is. That he then got sick and had to be taken cared of by his criminal looser of a brother hardly helped his ego, so he directed a lot of that anger towards his brother.
But they do have a quite complicated and well developed relationship that's hard to summarise with just a few words.
Boring, overhyped normie trash, just like Breaking Bad.
Who the fuck ever talks about this show? It's underrated if anything.
Sorry, I meant underhyped (if that's a word)
It's late and I'm tired.
The difference is that the Fly was one episode and worked because it was a contrast to the rest of the episodes. Make a whole series as slow and progressionless as that and you have a problem. The issue with Saul isn't the actor, the acting, the way it's filmed, any of that. It's all great. The fatal flaw is the pacing. There's slow burn and then there's no burn. Three seasons and all we've done is (very slowly) see side character stories and Jimmy is still very much the Jimmy we started with, even if he has the gimmick of the name Saul now. If they didn't have enough of an idea for a story about him and how he became the Saul we know from BB then don't do the show. I fear another two seasons of no burn then some cheap time jump or even cheaper final episode total transformation. In the most ironic way I mean this: this is the best show ever made about watching paint dry.
>3 seaons of mike, nacho, gus, hector and the cartel only to see hector caugh bad
>it’s late
Ah, now I see, you’re a third worlder
And I understand why you can't appreciate this show, Mr Education
Production was delayed. No official date yet but its expected to be in September.
Delayed for what? The cast and crew kept falling asleep on set? It's bad enough they move so slow with the story. Dragging out the time between seasons to over a year is insult to injury though.
>5 season show (already with a low episode count) takes 8 years to air
Lolkek I'm taping this so I can get you back! Show is soo IQ!
>it's another kim wexler's sexy feet episode
>he needs constant action to maintain attention
The best plebfilter around.
t. brainlet. Stick to shows in your IQ range, like The Walking Dead.
nice digits
I've never seen anyone who likes this show come up with a solid argument for why it's good. It's always nonsense like "you're a brainlet" or "you need high IQ to understand!" It's like the Rick and Morty of television dramas.
This is what considered pleb filter nowadays? TV is absolutely fucked.
I've never seen anyone who dislikes the show come up with a solid argument other than "its boring" or "nothing happens" either.
>to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ t-
you know how it works
That's a valid, solid argument though.
>it's a bunch of reddit thinking this is some highbrow show
Literally nothing happens and somehow this show is on the same level as mad men
and i have never seen anyone who likes this show explain why they like it other than posting 'lmao low iqs dont like it'
everything about the show is dull, it's even more of a meme than breaking bad
its a good show but its too long
it should have been 3 seasons tops
and AMC wants it to also be 5 seasons for the coins
and it fucking shows.
>this show is on the same level as mad men
Agreed, it's top tier kino that only low IQ brainlets dislike.
Take a three season premise, only create one season worth of story, spread it over five seasons, air it over eight years. Is this common core math?
only literal braindead people throw around the IQ meme this much user. its okay to like a show without having to result to insulting people who have different taste.
Aaand they still can't come up with a reason for liking it. If you're so iq for being fans of this, then why do you always resort to the same meme answer when trying to defend it?
its AMC
look what they did to the walking dead after season 1.
every actor in this show looks bored out of their mind. you have to be an autist to not notice it.
>40 minutes of nothing happening
>Kim takes her socks/shoes off
>"Oh shit, I gotta watch the next episode!"
>is this show still airing? don't see any threads on here anymore
they only post when something relevant happens
True but at least with Saul there was theoretically a known end we are supposed to arrive at. TWD is literally just the same shit with no end in sight. Same problem with being boring, but I think with TWD it was more expected as there is no definitive End to the story.
I feel genuinely bad for Bob. He's a great actor and he seemed to love this role. I feel like this must be killing him to have this going nowhere. He looks more bored and defeated than anyone, and I don't think it's just him playing the character. I think it's probably bleeding through from how he feels. It's got to be a great paycheck, but if he cares about acting, which he genuinely seems to, this has to be depressing.