"yeah,I'm a big fan of star wars"

>"yeah,I'm a big fan of star wars"
>"but I don't like the prequels"

Why do you need two hands to hold your cup there, champ?

Because I'm a soyboy otherkin libtard numale.

>mfw I'm not a fan of star wars but I do like the prequels

>dark hair
>dark eyes
>tan skin
Clearly he is a Sup Forumstard.


>prequel revisionists
why not shill for the new solo movie instead

Based Dave Filoni

Prequels were always shit. Don't let the shittyness of Disney Wars warp your perspective.

I actually really enjoy the prequel era but I find the movies to be slightly below average. The EU and other parts made it for me.

I always liked the prequels way before Disney ruined everything.

k brainlet

Me love prequels. Me talk pretty like Princess Padme about love on back of ronto!

>Sup Forums will be singing the seqeul trilogys praises in 10 years when Disney makes another cash grab trilogy

It's all nostalgia, you dense cunts. The prequels were terrible films to start and have aged poorly from there

the only good thing to come out of the special editions and prequels was a renewed interest in star wars in general, that gave investment to a few decent videogames.

I swear to god Star Wars fans are going through the Zelda cycle in slow motion.

Only difference being all Zelda games are good.

While Only the first 6 Star Wars movies are good.


Wrong. Pic related.

maybe he wants to warm his hands up with a hot drink?

Only beta nu-male cucks get cold!!!

>the re-release audiobooks are pure kino

>"but I don't like the prequels"

>greentexting and putting quotations at the same time

you're going all out