ITT: Capeshit you actually enjoy
ITT: Capeshit you actually enjoy
Just this scene
literally none
That Punisher movie from the 80s
X-men 1 and 2, spiderman 1 and 2, and the rest are garbage.
x-men: first class.
nolan's films, blade, spider-man: the animated series, batman: the animated series, raimi's spiderman 1&2, 3 but ironically, thomas jane punisher, watchmen
If they're going to age him up for a movie they should get Malcolm McDowell
First Class and DoFP were both top tier fun.
I have no shame. I've always loved this movie.
Black Panther
blade, spiderman 2 and the reeves superman films are the only correct options
Is that yours? I got that screen print in a mystery tube last year. I gave it to a friend but it's very nice.
a classic
Burton Batman, Superman 1, Raimi Spider-Man, Nolan Batman. Maybe Iron man, it was saved by Downey Jr's adlibbing.
>Retards ITT saying Watchmen
what movie?
yeah it is, thats a great print to get in a mystery tube too - i always get dumb jam band posters
This, if only for McAvoy and Fassbender.
Hellboy really had no business being this comfy and fun. Feels like I can watch it any time and always enjoy it.
>Durr hurr the comic book is better!
The Mask is another option, despite it being goofy.
The HBO Spawn series I think is also acceptable.
>the comic book is better!
But it is, user. It is.
The comic was about overcoming fascism, not this.
Short film called "Big Guy"
>Iron Man
>Spider-Man 1 & 2
>X-Men 1, 2, & FC
>Batman & Batman Returns
>Batman Begins
That's about it for me. I also really liked Arkham Asylum & Arkham City. Those were great games. Shame that superhero movies are all capeshit now.
Legitimately yes. Watchmen was made to be a masterpiece within the comics medium (3x3 panels, the coloring, inclusion of magazine and book clippings).
The movie is only seen as better by people who saw it first and like it for the edginess. Snyder couldn't even understand the ending so he changed it. He butchered the costumes to look like Schumacher's Batman. All the shots are washed out blue and the action is slow motion for no reason.
Also Push was a decent comic and a decent movie...that I thought I'd hate.
no one cares about the post you made
wait a minute
spiderman 1 was kino
No doubt one of my top 20 maybe top 10 movies. Surprisingly good.
But user, he got a (you) thus validating that post
your subtitles make me want to eat fishcake
Constantine and Watchmen are in a category of their own. They are literally capekino, without an ounce of sarcasm.
They have nothing in common with the McDonald's capeshit u see nowadays.
Constamtine was an unfaithful adaptation, but a fucking good movie. So fucking good that it was made an alternate universe in a Hellblazer novel. I'm glad that Keanu is a canon John.
Who will play the roles in the inevitable Hollywood adaption?
>we're getting a watchmen TV series with the leftovers' creator
cautiously optimistic about that
The stuff that came before this "nerd culture" was pushed on us
Top 3 all time favorite movie openings. I mean in 5 fucking minutes it sets up the entire movie, main character, motivation, mood everything. Should be taught in every film class out there.
Pic related is one of my favorite movies
fight me
Why does no one mention Blade when people spout the bold faced lie that Black Panther is the first black superhero to have his own film?
Because then they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
I think the first X-Men movie was great. Good balance of down-to-earth and flashy nonsense. It was reeeeal cool seeing these characters turn into real people in a good way.
I remember the commentary talking about wishing they'd added color to their uniforms. But by the time this happened in x3 or fc, the series had already been shat on. Movies after x2 are completely misguided on what the story was. I wish they kept the plot kinda simple, either dealing with Jean or dealing with the mutant cure. I dunno. I'm mad cause they started something very unique and cool, tried too hard, and failed.
because most of the people shouting that crap arent old enough to remember it.
constantine was really bad
I'm more confused by spawn. I know black people love spawn
Say that to my face and not online, see what happens.
i saw the film and read the graphic novel. sure the GN is better, but that doesn't make the movie bad. it's still really good. the cataclysm is also better in the movie imo. i felt that the psychic monster was too out of place.
beyond the 3x3, if you saw a page that didn't have the 3x3, the other end of that sheet of paper later in the book was the same, so every full sheet was a rorschach test.
>i felt that the psychic monster was too out of place.
The point is that Ozymandias created something so horrible, so grotesque, so insane it drove the Comedian to near insanity and stopped the Cold War (for the time being at least).
In the movie, there's no reason for the war to stop after not!Manhattan blows up New York. If anything it would ESCALATE tensions between Russia and the US, because they now see the full power of Manhattan, a purely American threat and creation.
I'm not the user you're replying.
I can't remember what Dr. Manhattan did after the "attack of the monster". I only remember him walking/climbing the wall, but I believe the Soviet Union and the USA would require his assistance to deal with the next monster, right?
That wasn't his point, dumbfucks. One being better than the other doesn't mean that both can't be good
Greatest actors of our generation.
>imblying current year would ever let anyone adapt Alan Moore's softcore fairy tales