Is there a more depressing image of television watchers than this one? Look how happy they are...

Is there a more depressing image of television watchers than this one? Look how happy they are. They don't care about the characters themselves. They just want to be part of "the culture." WHOA DAMN SON! LOOK AT THAT THING THAT JUST HAPPENED! Do they care that a beloved character just died? No, they just want to scream about that "totally brutal" thing they just saw, man.

For all the claims of "Oh no Ed Sheeran broke my immersion," these people don't seem to care all that much about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

why gives a shit how normies react towards a show

I could drive to that bar in 5min. If I go to their next GOT screening what should I do for Sup Forums?

GoT's over, there won't be another screening.

It's coming back next year

yell anytime a graphic scene shows up

I don't know if a proper word for this phenomenon exists. I'm sure if you dig enough through TVTropes somebody's addressed it. The best comparison I can think of is how I've always felt about the cartoon Family Guy. When that show began, it had "zany" humor, but almost all of it aside from the cutaways at least formed a cogent narrative more or less. But after the show came back from cancellation, they started construing plots based on whatever they thought was funny, regardless of whether or not it formed a coherent story or adhered to the existing "lore" (which I realize is a silly word to use in a discussion on Family Guy). And 90% of its former fans ate it up still because no one really cares about the intrinsic integrity of things, they only care about the moment-to-moment entertainment factor.

got canceled until book release

Tell some of those great jokes like you always do at the theater user

Spout Sup Forums memes until they kick you out

is GoT still a show? I stopped watching after they killed off Stannis.

Show up dressed as CIA and recite the entire plane scene

As far as I'm concerned the show ended when Littlefinger died


That tranny in the glasses really needs to fix his lipstick

That's a dude on the right, right?

I thought I was looking at a bunch of hipsters watching one of the Dead movies.

Crash their viewing with NO SURVIVORS

The show ended with Jon getting stabbed. Even then, most of season 5 was kinda retarded aside from Hardhome.

>cuts the .gif immediately before panning over to the two guys who are both pissed/dejected


post Based Bronn guy

They look like they fuck black guys

9:52 to 9:55


>the show ended in the last episode of the show
Wow brilliant deduction.

I'd expect Portlandia to make a parody of this

You're not wrong. They do it for the cameras. But that's unfortunately the point. Don't watch these videos. These aren't respective of the fans or anything, just basically clickbait.

This is a perfect example of why Game of Thrones descended into the shit heap it has become.

Leaving aside the fact D and D are talentless hacks without George's books for guidance, they have fallen in love with the power of the shock.

Just look at these fat bespectacled hipster nihilist fucks. Late 20's/early 30's, covered in ugly fucking tattoos and overweight/skinny fat from the lack of activity in their lives. Caring about the state of Westeros as the Western world is overrun by literal wildlings. FUCK them. I HATE THEM.

>season 5 based on a book that GRRM half-assed to get to the publishers because of the show's popularity
>it sucks
You don't say.

A Storm of Swords is the last book where Martin actually cared about the series. When it took him five years to do A Feast for Crows and another six to do A Dance with Dragons even though a large chunk of A Dance with Dragons was already written when AffC came out, you knew his heart wasn't in it anymore.

I hate human beings.

Sup Forums does tend to cut out any information that could potentially make them look bad. I saw a thread about "Based Mel and Vince beating up black people", looked up the summary and saw that the OP had specifically made a point of cutting out the "But they find more than they bargained for in the shadows..." line.

>Is there a more depressing image of television watchers than this one? Look how happy they are. They don't care about the characters themselves. They just want to be part of "the culture." WHOA DAMN SON! LOOK AT THAT THING THAT JUST HAPPENED! Do they care that a beloved character just died? No, they just want to scream about that "totally brutal" thing they just saw, man.
Entertainment has gotten much simpler and surface-level. Before, Family Guy was simple stories about a bumbling idiot, his grounded wife, two insecure kids, an evil genius, and an alcoholic Hobbes. Then they would layer on ridiculous references and sight gags to spice it up. After the return, it was all about "Remember that chicken Peter fought?" or "Remember this pop culture thing?" and the actual stories fell to the wayside. This sort of thing has happened all across the entertainment industry. It's not about anything anymore, it's about grabbing people's attention before they go back to their phone to check facebook. It's about moments that people can gasp at on twitter. People have gotten worse at watching TV/movies, and now we're seeing the consequences. Hollow bullshit that people lap up because it checks the boxes of what they want to see. We're constructing a reality of references and cultural pointers, at the expense of soul and meaning.

Family Guy was never good and the "evil Stewie" shit was some of the cringiest television I've ever watched

And I hate real heroes.

That's actually why I like Netflix shows. They're making stuff with some real depth because they don't have any incentive to make money off the individual episodes. They just drop it all at once. They're giving us stories that go places with continuous plots, real beginnings and endings instead of OH MY GOD HAPPENING bullshit.

>People who go to a bar and watch a TV show while being filmed
>People who hate the Ed Sheeran scene

These are 2 different groups of people

>muh things were better back then
I love how dumb kids who write cringy shit like this genuinely believe they're the first, enlightened ones to notice popular trends tend to receive more attention from the public.

That guy is fucking based.

>I love how dumb kids who write cringy shit like this genuinely believe they're the first, enlightened ones to notice popular trends tend to receive more attention from the public.
I never claimed that but thanks for the input.

>mfw the local pub decides to do one of these nights for the nerds and muh new manager
>local pub has always been known for fights and brawls with cops and bouncers
>this is trying to change that
>im there all the time with my mates anyway
>happen to go down the night this is on.
>30ish people to watch walking dead
>fuck this
>walk straight to front and tell bartender to give us our beers
>hes our friend so we get them straight away
>nerds get angry
>we go outside to smoke.
>we get roudy like usual
>as do another table of guys next to us
>table next to us is full of wankers with neck tatts and shit. The type who normally start fights
>know them from school anyway so we know were not gonna get into a fight
>these assholes walk straight up to the big screen where walkind dead is playing and put the music video to girls girls girls on
>the leader then says
>this is our bar always has been. Any of you nerds wanna fight over it feel free.
>walks back outside
>nerds wait 5 minutes til the video finishes then put walking dead back on
>neck tatt crew tell them to fuck off since there is no music for any of the regulars and you can watch your shit at home and not shit up a pub for everyone else
>all these older blokes sitting around shout their support
>some bitch says we can do what we want its a public place
>backed up by some fag who pushes one guy and says "yea"
>neck tats punch like the 10 closest nerds
>rest of them start leaving and wait out the front
>whole pub chants " na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"
Hands down best time ive had at that pub. Police showed up later but nobody saw anything and based pub deletes security footage of the entire night if there is a single fight.

Because pandering to normies ruined the show

>based pub deletes security footage of the entire night if there is a single fight.
What's their excuse for that? Like how do they justify having lost the footage if the cops ask?

>quoting the entire post
You can always tell when they're mad. Always.

Pretty much. It's depressing to find a show genuinely good, like a lot of stuff about it, then as it goes in a less intelligent direction you see normies cheering about how great it is, some even saying it's better, and then you realize the normie fanbase for the show is fucking stupid and is the reason it went to shit.

They just say they forgot to turn cameras on for the day when they opened. Or they forgot to save old footage to a hard drive so all new footage was automatically deleted.

GoT in one picture

it was one sentence
good arg tho, i'll remember that for debate class

>making shit up
>on Sup Forums
Why? You get junkies liveposting their ODs on Sup Forums, surely you realize how inane a bar fight tale looks in comparison?

I'm sure you're the local champ.

That fat slob female soyboy

You realize highlighting the text automatically quotes it, right?

>in a bar
>public place

shoot it up

>the absolute STATE of this post
i'm really hoping this is satire

Take the seat at the front where the soygirl usually sits

You realize pub is literally short for "public house", right?

This. Front row seats and get pissed and start talking to people about anything but tv shows

Just to clear things up for Americans, pissed means drunk, not angry.

Best post itt

>One roommate has friends over to watch a new game of thrones
>they're all oohing and aahhing like in OP pic
>other roommate intentionally torrents something and doesn't tell anyone just so it lags out of spite
>stream is extremely slow and lagging, probably takes them two hours to get through the episode

not sure what camp is a bigger faggot

t. Nerd that got rocked by based neck tat

>I could drive to that bar
You should drive INto that bar

Depends on what he was torrenting.

This post is why it's so easy to make the right look like terrorists. There's always some nutcase who suggests some stupid shit and people can screencap it for their articles.

what a bunch of fucking losers if true. if you want to drink and watch shit on youtube just stay at home with your friends, don't act like a child at some scheduled event

Yeah search for nordiciceprincess in instagram

This is the only good thing about Game of Thrones. Fact.

Why the fuck do you know her instagram?

I know a guy

>the women, realizing they're being filmed, start getting their tits out more and more each episode
please, equal rights nao

I could beat your guy with 20 good men.

>whole pub must sit in silence so people drinking coke and water can watch walking dead for an hour.
Again why that pub was chosen is beyond me since there is a nicer pub with a seculeded bar and a big projector 10 minutes away. But no they chose the bar that packs out with bikers and other fuckwits. They had it coming.

Thats like neck tatt guys going to some artsy bullshit show and getting kicked out for saying something sexist or racist. Stick to your own places with your own people. Dont go to someone elses place and expect them to adapt

Why do I have the urge to bash his pube face? I never get this other than with these soy creatures.

where in that post did he mention his political views?

Sup Forums is considered a right wing site. You don't have to mention it.

>mfw we still have a whole season to go of these freakshow reactions

I think green hair is cute but I don't understand why people who don't watch anime like to dress themselves up like they're anime characters. Are girls these days starting to get into anime nerds?

>They don't care about the characters themselves. They just want to be part of "the culture."
I never understood this untill now, those fuckers that watch a show but know no character names as well. I fucking hate and envy normies.

Well this is actually understandable for Game of Thrones as they don't like to say each other's names very often. That's a huge weakness of TV compared to books.

I once typed a massive paragraph in one of the pizzagate threads to a guy saying that If I was American I'd take my gun and drive cross country and go to Comet Ping Pong, few days later someone actually did it, was expecting to get vanned for months afterwards.


GoT was never not for normal people. It was shit from the beginning.

el chupacabra

It was good when it was just books and people called it ASoIaF.

classic Sup Forums, acting like jews

>It was good when it was just books
Fuck no, the books were "subversive" shock value garbage that focused in pointless minutiae so GRRM could show everyone how much of a genius he thinks he is.

t. someone who didn't even know the books existed till the show

god damn you're angry

Honestly its both a blessing and a curse when I find a show that has little to no following.

On one hand I never get to talk about it. On the other, I don't get this shit, and it doesn't become pandering.

This will never happen to

>The Americans
>The Leftovers
>Vice Principals

The downside is if the following is too little it will die after one or two seasons.

i didn't hate the scene because it was an actual good scene in a post season 4 episode of game of thrones. it was pretty quiet, focused on some lower class people discussing the goings-on of the realm, and there was singing. i do understand how someone could hate it, cause it's this huge pop star that was shoved in to get people to tweet about. but ed sheeran himself looks like a dirty medieval peasant in real life so he doesn't physically look out of place. but whatever. your pic i think is way worse, that shit was so fucking stupid.

One of those shows doesn't belong there sir. Do not get me wrong, those are four very entertaining shows, but one is clearly very out of place.

Now that you said it won't, it will.

They're all done with, The Americans is already in production on its final season.

Had a conversation about Dexter with my mates some time ago, mostly ranking the hottest girls on the show. Hannah without a doubt. And one of my friends seems to just vaguely remember their looks but not the girls themselves. So we confront him if he even watches the show and can he name at least one supporting character. He thinks for a minute or so, trying to remember and finally says "Astor and Cody". Can't tell why but it made us laugh more than it should have.

I haven't watched the show but what the fuck kind of name is Astor?

>tfw didn't start reading the books until after season 4
>someone on Sup Forums had "spoiled" the the fate of the mountain saying he gets killed by Oberyn
>Watching this scene
>Oberyn has him dead to rights
>Big smile on my face
>Mountain trips
>Lifts him up like a rag doll
>"What the fuck? Oh well, he's got to get out of it someway"
>Mountain starts putting his thumbs into his eyes
>"Fuck, how is he gonna..."
>His head bursts as it's crushed
>Jaw dropped
One of the biggest surprises in GoT became bigger because someone gave me a fake spoiler on here. Sucked, I really liked Oberyn too. Losing him, Tywin and Joffrey in one season was a real blow to the story.

Implying Dexter is any better.

Well its not a fake spoiler. Oberyn does kill him, it just isn't instant.

>half the people in the comments want him dead

>I don't know if a proper word for this phenomenon exists.
Flanderization Is my best guess. The scripts stopped being about stories, and became more character focused, as the characters themselves became more streamlined/one-note, losing all possible nuance.