Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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>let's turn a film about space wizards and politics into a rom-drama

>writes something obviously intended to be an improvement
>I'm not saying what I wrote was good!!!!

Oh boy another "nobody on Twitter" episode

It's like she forgot that there wasn't anybody tryna watch that shit in the first fucking place. Little miss "I thought this up in like three seconds or whatever? NBD." trying to have self validation for a painfully unoriginal idea. Like George was going to expect or receive anything less than praise for the script he shat out. Guess she would've been one of the ho's not making rent that month. Bitches make me sick.

While she might not be saying her idea that like totally only took two seconds to think of is ***good***, she SUPER implies that it would make the movies better. As if all it needed was some basic love triangle filler. There's a reason women's movies revolve around a woman being spoilt for choice, it's a power fantasy. Toxic femininity even.

Women should be thrown into the sea

Right out of the gate she's being unreasonable. George isn't a great writer, but that doesn't mean it's because he's a guy. Also, she's basically admitting that women can't write a male's perspective.

She should have just jilled off to Ewan instead of posting this bullshit.

add another whore to the kill list

>implying most of Episode II wasn't a poorly executed romance drama with a dash of the usual politics and action.
Honestly, Episode III is the best Star Wars is going to get.


Also Episode II still makes more sense than TLJ, and the Lucasfilm story group includes every token imaginable.

I just realized what's wrong with western society. We need to go back to slapping bitches whenever they say something incredibly stupid.

I agree with her. Really there’s no way she would fall for a beta like Anakin. Especially since he was a baby when she met him. It’s gross

>that pic
Every single person is atleast significantly part Jewish. How absolutely astonishing!

I like the theory that horny teenage force Jesus Annie was basically unintentionally mind-tricking her into falling for him. Jedi date rape would be a helluva time

>write Padme to have a crush on Obi-wan >after getting rejected, play/settle with Anakin
>later tell him she never loved him in the first place
Women's logic

She looks like she fucks black guys

So basically the plot of the Auralnauts Star Wars Prequel Parody Trilogy?
Here they are for reference:
You really only need to watch/skim 2 and 3 to get my point, but I included the whole trilogy for context.

So if a woman wrote, there's gonna be just a pointless romance rather than pointless romance and action?

She resents men because she's unfuckable.

This make sense. Anakin even tells her not to worry, that Jedi mind tricks only work on weak minds. Padme is reassured by this, in her arrogance not realizing that she is actually a dumb cunt and getting Force roofied

We get it. She self-inserts as Padme and wants to fuck Ewan.

Ironically enough if George wrote that she would complain about Padme being to blame for Anakin pulling an Elliot Roger

it unironically makes way more sense than Anakin becoming evil because he had some dream

>oh you made a popular but divisive movie that most people don't enjoy watching? Well I don't like it either, here, let me wring some of my birth control from my glands onto it... there, perfection!

He was "the chosen one".

the funny thing about diversity is it kind of eliminates the possibility of having companies or even groups within companies of fewer than a dozen people.
Maybe that's the key to understanding what corporations are doing with it.

>your crush refuses to fuck you because of his religion so you marry and make children with your obsessed autistic orbiter
When has this ever happened?
I like this explanation, though. Not sure why.

>doesn't appeal to my sensibilities therefore it shouldn't be in a film, so I can pretend it's impossible.
george lucas always showed relationships with weird circumstances and ages differences in his films. why'd you even bother seeing it if you dislike that so much.