>Actor/ess breaks the 4th wall in the middle of a movie.
What are some kinos that do that?
>Actor/ess breaks the 4th wall in the middle of a movie.
What are some kinos that do that?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every Woody Allen "movie"
How about my lips breaking the wall on that skirt to suck on her fat pusy and ass
you will get parasites
>using ky jelly to jack off
wtf I have a facesitting fetish now
The Big Short.
Her ass broke the fourth wall
well she's a big girl
White girls should not have an ass like this
I'd let her break my dick by ejaculating inside her ass
i want to literally piss in her asshole
It's disgusting and only niggers like big asses.
please seek professional help
>you will never choke your waifu with a chain until her eyes go red
Why live
aging like milk
based belushi in animal house obv
literally a gremlin
it's perfectly normal, natural, and healthy for a man to want to pee in a big butt, dummy
delete this
I'm assuming this is a meme, but I don't get the joke.
yeah like oat milk
Note: Oat milk lasts much longer than regular milk
Why teh fuck do americans need lube to jerk. Ive only used like something once and it was shit ,i dont get the hype. Is it because they got mutilated at birth or why do they have to do this
For typing random whacky shit anonymously on a board? It's not like he's going around doing it to unsuspecting women, relax.
based movie
>ASR thread
>its the same shit thats been posted for the last 5 years
i would if i could
piss in pusy, ass and mouth
Because if you jerk off as much as most people on Sup Forums you’re going to lose some skin
it's literally because they are circumcised
dat hidden hitler mustache
Yah but you can't so no one cares.
Well except that guy.
more like werewolf tier
>this same old shit
>in every ASR thread
can confirm. I currently have scabs on my dick. Uncircumcised btw
ugh why even give eurofags keyboards if they're just going to fuck it up every time?
based lubeposter
......that's a lot of ass
For you
Watched this last night. Great character, mediocre film
can vouch for this
>those child-bearing hips
need 2 breed
I like the bit in Death Proof after Kurt picks up the drunk bimbo chick, flicks his cig and smirks at the camera before he murders her.
Anyone would have an ass that big in heels that high dont get excited
based oatmilker. She's still really cute desu
heh, you can see them panty lines
You can hire people to help you do that?
Why would she want to breed with you? Does your level of masculinity meet her level of femininity?
I hope eJ is alive
I've probably jacked off over ten thousand times, jack off four times today. Literally haven't used lotion since I was like 12
i dry dick too it makes me last super long
Why on earth would you hope that?
How do you even jerk off while circumcised? If you're uncut the foreskin goes up and over the head, but if you're circumcised then is there any movement there? Are you just moving the skin on the shaft up and down?
moving the hand up and down the shaft without gripping too hardso your hand is moving up and down and the penis skin is in the same position
I wonder how many times you've posted about circumcision on this site.
BDH always ends up breaking the 4th wall with her butt.
Hahahaha holy shit.
Is this really how Americans masturbate?
>how do you even jerk off while circumcised?
By wrapping your hand around it and stroking up and down? Is this concept that difficult to understand?
You obviously don't understand since you have had part of your penis chopped off by heathens.
If you are uncircumcised, the foreskin lubricates and runs over the top of the head of the penis. Touching the head directly is INCREDIBLY sensitive. The idea of moving your hand up and down your penis sounds horrible to me, get friction burn or some shit.
Having the skin move over the head of the penis is natural. Americans are fucked up.
Magnolia (the ending)
i wanna kiss her lady bits
where is this from?
>dark moustache now
Absolutely dropped, at least before it was just some fuzzy white hair.
>he unironically thinks you could get a friction burn from jacking off while circumcised
Says a lot desu.
You're literally rubbing dead skin back and forth, not up and down. It can't slide because it scarred a long time ago. Just think about it, while you waste years of your life complaining abour trans people you'll be kissing mom and dad in the cheek for mutilating you.
I have no idea why you're so upset right now.
She carries any weight she puts on on her thighs hips and ass and its glorious
I want to fuck that ass so bad it hurts
I wonder how many american babies have been circumcised for no reason at all
I wonder how many parents don't give a shit about avoiding their newborns suffering
we're obsessed with not getting mutilated by kikes, americuck
I want to stick my tongue so far up her ass that I'll taste her feces
I don't like that hairstyle, I don't like jean jackets, that skirt is beyond tasteless, the outfit as a whole is terrible, and I have a sensitivity to the stench of newspaper to the point that I won't even touch them with bare hands and find it repulsive to see anyone else do it especially if they don't wash their hands five times with soap afterward. So this is like an anti-boner for me.
Is this making a comeback?
hehe... meme....
Look how smug MEW is after winning that belt from ASR
forever a womanlet.
>that awkwardly small hand
>the arm placement being too high
Kek, it's like a Tim and Eric poster.
I wanna see MEW toss around ASR in a wrestling ring and stinkface her
>wtf I have a facesitting fetish now
Welcome to the patrician side, friend.
u wot?