How come this redpilled kino made so much money off of evangelicals even though evangelicals are the biggest cücks to...

How come this redpilled kino made so much money off of evangelicals even though evangelicals are the biggest cücks to Israel and the Jewish lobby?

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because evangelicals think Jesus likes the jews

use more buzzwords in your post

This, its bizarre how they worship the Jews

Jesus had a lot of tough words for the Jews, check Revelations and Gospel. Apostles did to. Not all are silly goyim.
>t. from evangelical

>Jesus tells them their father is the devil and their native tongue is lies and murder
>Jesus tells them they are a brood of snakes and vipers
>Jesus kicks them out of the temple and whips them with his belt

Have Evangelicals not actually read the New Testament or what?

Because no matter who comes against it--fundies, Evangelicals, Muslims, Jews, Orthodox--the Catholic Church IS the one true Church of Jesus Christ, and everyone else, one way or the other, bends the knee.

the sequel thats being produced better being as redpilled as this too....

Vatican II is illegitimate. Antipope or Orthodoxy.

Even if he wasn't the son of god, it's a pretty brutal way to die, feel bad for him regardless.
This is how I imagine all our futures, when were all rounded up and put into fema camps.

Reminder that God browses Sup Forums.

>Jews father is Satan
>Jews father is actually God
>God is Satan
>God is Jesus' father
>Jesus is the son of Satan

Talk about a rebellious child.

Good shit. Thanks God.
Forgetting OP's faggoty post, godamn Passion's a fucking great movie. The way Gibson shot the thing is incredible, it goes from brutal, stomach-wrenching torture and suffering and then, in a second, suddenly confronts you with a fully realized piece of classic religious imagery, seemingly out of nowhere. In its best moments it resembles a Christian renaissance painting only with motion. It's a really good piece of film-making.

>His blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children!

What did Mel mean by this?

Evangelical here. We hate American/Western/"Globalist" Jews

We only are only cucks for Zionist Jews like Netanyahu

There were jews that did not wanted to kill Jesus, the movie is not really that antisemitic
The bit where the Roman soldier pierces Jesus's side and he starts bleeding holy water by the gallon is awesome.

Only evangelicals who have been sucked into "dispensationalism", a fraudulent doctrine invented by Scofield, are cucks to Jews..

this. I cried like a bitch watching this.

This, Catholicism is the one true Christianity, everything else see nothing but sects and shitty cults.

wrong. the church that brought the sword to the infidel is the other church to be followed.

Because Christians are retards.

The devil screaming scared the shit out of me as a kid

All the stuff with the demon children chasing after Judas did it for me.

Post more essential Christkino, I'll start:

see Scofield Bible

turned Christian Morals into Judeo Christian Morals

>Jews father is actually god

[Citation needed]

>that fake ass corpse being poked

Oh my god...I've seen that done better in straight-to-tv films of the crucifixion.